How to convert a 6 Mb mp4 into a 3 Mb WebM ?

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What operating System are you on ?

anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

I run Win 7

>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

ffmpeg, resize to its 66% width/height and there u go

>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

Lexi Ellis from the Gold Coast

She doesn't look like that anymore tho

>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

thank you

>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

see this ^^^

>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.



Winff is a nice free GUI program for dealing with webm and other files. I haven't used the Windows version much but I use the Linux one all the time.
You can save custom presets so you don't have to type anything out every time you want to convert something and you can easily screw around with resizing, cropping and bitrate to get good results.


>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.


looks really nice

Uh, wut? Maybe you didn't understand the question. Read carefully:

>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

this user is wise

>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

Nobody has this shit
God dammit

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>Implying you know what EVERY SINGLE user ON Sup Forums has on his hard drive.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

Go back to tumblr

no u

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

Your quivering butthole makes you look weak.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

Nothing against Lynda, I guess, but the thumbnail looks like Brucette.

>New TEEN--SEX sites board-


>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.

If not, then shut up, nigger.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>anyone have more of the girl in op? Saw her picture years ago, never found any more.