Who is actually thinking of buying this shit. smh

Who is actually thinking of buying this shit. smh

get fucked poorfag.

Go back to reddick faggot

Stupid little cunt go die in a hole fagit

And take your slut of a mother aswell bitch ass nigga


Because your are tryong to fill your empty life with buying new stuff

Wait when did anons start using IOS?

Bitch ass nigga square up

Everyone with a chicken shit sized brain only think of buying iphones

I am. Have the 6, and i get free upgrades. I just give them my phone and get the new phone. Why wouldn't I?
>you cant use headphones
I don't that often anyway and there is an adapter
>but you cant listen to music and charge at the same time!
I dont care

I would in a heart beat of they hadn't taken out the 3.5 port. Apple asshats

the most autisitc thing apple has done lately

You wouldnt catch me dead with a iphone

iPhones are for retard sheep.

The 8 is going to be the fucking 10th anniversary model and total tech showpiece flagship.

Even Tim Cook said they expected underwhelming sales of this one. Low component orders & all. Loooow expectations for this one and the S version.

8 will shoot sparks out its ass.

I couldnt agree more with you sir. Hats off too you

people who aren't fucking poor, you fucking degenerate

I AM, MOTHA' FUCKA'! I'm so hardcore Apple, I would dig Steve Jobs out of his grave and SUCK HIS DICK!

>implying we don't get the sweet iPhone hardware and install a custom kickass Android OS on it immediately.
>using the shitty OS your gay ass phone came with
>pleb tier faggotry

I love a jailbroken iphone. Otherwise I agree with you.

Yes waste 600 dollars for a product that takes 200 to make and the oscar goes to you dumbass


All the sheep that already have an iPhone that think it's an "upgrade"

lol your choice of... a telephone... is life and death to you huh

retarded children
fucking retarded children everywhere

The same people who think this works

$248 in parts, and a few billion in engineering.

Go ahead and make yourself one for $248.

im not poor so i dont give a fuck about $600. Literally every time i see an android i just assume that person is in the lower class

Go ahead and buy your shit phone thats the same every year


>iphones, galaxies, whatever fucking phone you have
They are all the same every year

Everything you buy has a markup from production cost. You want everyone at Apple to do their jobs for free?

Same, and I don't even have one. I can't afford a fucking iPhone, and assume either people are poor as a college freshman, or they shop at walmart and don't know why that's embarrassing.

I actually feel sorry for you guys knowing that your company doesnt give 6 shits for their community and just take your money

>poorfag detected

But i mean you apple shit heads wouldnt give a shit if they had you on your knee sucking. But just keep giving that money shit brain

All companies are in business to make money. They should pay their share of taxes and let the govt worry about "communities." Since when is that apples or any other companies' job?

Innovation every year bro

i have a samsung galaxy nexus note s3 pro jelly belly 9 pro. it's so fucking awesome, it was a totally worthy tradeoff to sacrifice the goals and vision of the space age for the fucking information age. Instead of living on space stations and flying around between celestial bodies, i can stare at a fucking screen all day and shitpost. YAYYYYYY

Samsung everyday bro

>fags detected

>rawwrrr maaaad
>u all spend money i don't spend on things i don't buy
>u fucking shitheads i hate you all

jesus christ grow up faggot, what are you 13?

Apple shit head go waste 600 dollars on a new screen faggot


they do a fuckload more than samsung ever did for "my community" what the fuck community is it you imagine I need to be a member of and a computer company needs to somehow support?

what fucking planet are you on?

You mad you jabba the hut lookalike fatass nigga

i will cuz i can afford it. enjoy your food stamps you fucking peasant

idgaf what you have. imbeciles who see their phones as anything more than a utilitarian pocket calculator are mentally defective.

Shut yo ugly demon ass up steve job dick sucken ass thot

Yep I'm getting one, a shiny black 128gb plus. And I'll get the series 2 watch too, been wanting gps on my watch so will be good for my swimming. I barely use headphones for music, have apple car play in car and my home theater amp has AirPlay, so I'm sorted.
I have never ever charged my phone whilst listening to music through the port. Don't know what the problem is.

Guys, guys wait. I fit in now because I have, guys wait, guys I have, guys wait, I have my pre paid android, my dad got me at Walmart.

Try again, and use english this time. I don't speak nigger.

Nigga ill buy yo whole house a destoy that shit without giving a fuck money aint no problem


only ironic progressives and sheeple but Apple.

Sheep brain detected

I'm not sheep cause I use android

AHAHAHHAHAHA like i said enjoy your fucking food stamps peasant. not my fault you are poor. life isnt fair.

you guys should wait for the iPhone 8, they'll put the headphone jack back and act like they invented wired sound

>"NEW batteryless ear buds. no charging required!"

Enjoy your life aswell sheep headed ass learn to live life your own way faggot


Haha that's never been


Me too. I7 will increase my monthly bill 28 cents. I've already ordered two.

sheep. Sjws. Liberals.

as a Samsung owner, I hate to say this, but you guys are literally more annoying than apple fag

The same people who built shrines outside Apple stores when Steve Jobs died.

Fucking soft targets.

You realize it takes less than 7 dollars to make, right?