ITT: Artists nearly everyone in your circle of friends dislikes except you

ITT: Artists nearly everyone in your circle of friends dislikes except you

Other urls found in this thread:

Bruce Springsteen
Dinosaur Jr.

the velvet underground
i didn't even know they had this opinion until recently

anything with zach hill
melt banana


>circle of friends
If only

Fucking this
And solely because of his voice
Love those guys but what a pleb opinion

Elliott Smith
Tom Waits

This. The only friends I have, have no strong opinions on music

>Tom Waits

Tried so hard to get friends into him, but the experimental noise stuff is too much

Most of the /bleep/s and /bloop/s I listen to with the exception of Eno, Kraftwerk, Aphex Twin, and Radiohead on Kid A. Most of my friends are pretty damn rockist, otherwise they are into hip hop/funk/RnB

He's not a very good lyricist either.

Game soundtracks

Do you even It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)

Please leave Sup Forums and never come back

No one listen to the artist I like in my circle.

happy mondays

i said bummed was loveless without reverb

and now i don't have a circle of friends...


>implying you would show anything except rain dogs
i showed it to a guy who doesnt give a fuck about music and he liked it

Rain Dogs has some weird shit on it too, but yeah I agree it's probably his most accessible album

i don't dislike bob dylan, but it really is so far different than any rock-based music that i enjoy that i can't say i'm a fan. he's original af and was important for the growth of the genre, but i think he became a symptom of rock rather than something timelessly referential. he ruined folk rock for everyone else

Holy shit why are you friends with these people?

everything I like really. my friends are either into buttrock (not even the good kind, I'm talking nickelback) or are ironically into grime

Captain Beefheart, Tom Waits. Fucking plebs

how are you friends with people who like nickelback? how people like that still exist?

tfw my two friends don't care at all for music so I come here to discuss music but all Sup Forums cares about is memes

they just don't care about music. it's not like they're passionate about nickelback it's just what was on the radio when they were 16

and I guess I never grew out of being friends with them. but they're good people and share a sense of humour with me so who cares

My friends like Lil Yachty. Oh wait, I have no friends. Everybody is such plebs!!!!!!!

this. the people with shit taste in music aren't actually putting any effort in. the thing that's worse than normies is the "that guy" who only plays jam band music or tool because they think they have better taste. compared to that unironically liking nickelback is a breath of fresh air

yeah, I mean the people I know irl who'd actually claim to be "into" music are just really elitist about liking radiohead. it's insufferable in comparison

You have shitty friends.


Implying anybody in my circle of friends has even heard of any of the artists I listen to.

It's lonely at the top.

Don't actually know about U2 and R.E.M because haven't listened to them but holy fucking shit my boys at dino, bobby and bruce are god-tier.

i've heard of a winged victory for the sullen, user

how can you honestly hate R.E.M.?

U2 I get since people dislike Bono and Springsteen is a bit cheesy.

i hate REM

Why though


Same. It sucks

Miles Davis. And all jazz in general.

For what reason?

>And all jazz in general.
What the FUCK.

Robbie Williams

I will never be able to talk about:

Leonard Cohen
Bruce Springsteen
Lou Reed
Neil Young
Bonnie Prince Billy
Even Simon & Garfunkel, or Elliott Smith

Because none of my friends has an inkling of affinity toward "man and his guitar" music, whereas it's what I listen to 75% of the time. It's kind of lonely, not being able to talk about music that I feel is so personal and integral to me.


it's like a boring whiney smiths for mallcore teens

I know that feel user

i have a friend that talks about that stuff all the time. i don't necessarily have a deep connection to it, but i get it. i just don't really like heavily lyrical music.

Serge Gainsbourg

I love his stuff. In fact I love everything about French pop culture in the sixties. But people look at me compassionately when I show it to them, as if I'm some kind of retard.

Well I like me

See, that's a similar response I get if I ever venture to talk about it with them.

"they're all really poetic, i like the lyricism"

Very oddly enough, I simply think the singer songwriters I mentioned are better at writing beautiful, ear-worm and hum-able melodies than most other artists. Lyrics are secondary for me. But no one sings like singer-songwriters sing, they don't ever come close.

All of my friends who claim to be into hip-hop somehow manage to hate MF DOOM.

i agree with that about Nebraska by springsteen and Blue by Joni Mitchell, and On the Beach by Neil Young. But I can't agree with that statement in general.

Is your friend by any chance Mike Love?

Because all of that shit is boring as fuck and really somber, none of that music has a pulse.


I'm gonna go and say you haven't listened to more than two songs by any of them at best cause they're much more varied than that

Animal Collective
Death Grips (though they incessantly quote Get Got and Guillotine as a joke)
Aphex Twin

most of my friends are indiefags and i'm the sole guy who appreciates metal

fortunately, there's more to life than music

im almost exactly this
one friend is more focused in hip hop but is actually more open minded than most of Sup Forums but lives out of state, while the other basically just listens to j rock and pop punk. And of course Sup Forums just loves Sup Forumscore and shit that fits their fashion taste

>put on a Kanye West song
>'Ughhh I'll listen to this but I HATE Kanye West'
>'Really, why?'
>'What do you mean why?!? You know what he did to Rihanna?!?!'

Fucking normies are dumb as shit

>'What do you mean why?!? You know what he did to Rihanna?!?!'
wtf are they referring to? this post confused me

confusing kanye with chris brown, who beat rihanna into a pulp.

She thought he was Chris Brown.

My friends hate Funkadelic and music that's focused on rhythm.

Nope, but luckily they hate Mike Love as much as any Beach Boys fan would.

worst thread on Sup Forums

You must have some pretty shit taste. I'd hate to see what you think is good.


The Who!

it's a cool thread but they kinda ruined it with the ">friends" meme

i know it's my own fault but i fucking despise my friends. these are almost all from separate people who are constantly around, especially at parties:

>horrible, unfunny bob dylan impressions whenever dylan comes on
>except for when it's early dylan and they can't tell it's him
>"i don't listen to rock music because i feel it is important to branch out and experience other cultures"
>absolutely never play something that is strange or inaccessible because i know better
>still get "uhh... this music is weird"
>one kid will only listen to hurdy gurdy man and nothing else (just the song, not the album)
>"dude... you've played nothing but classic rock tonight. that's kind of weird"
>i actually haven't played anything that could be called classic rock. it was all 90s music
>"DUDE I DON'T LITERALLY MEAN CLASSIC ROCK. i mean it's of that general genre"
>it's not a genre, it's just a radio f-
>"as someone who loves playing the guitar i would say that thriller has the best guitar solo of all time. that's pretty hard to argue with actually"
>a few of them talk about how dsotm and sgt. peppers are objectively the greatest albums of all time

>Made the mistake of trying to joke about Death Grips with my friends who like Yachty and shit
>They thought I was serious
>I try to play a song and they're like 'is this death grips?'
>Ask my friend if he knows any good trap hop to listen to
>He asks me what trap is
>Yachty is literally his favorite artist
>Try to play a Vince Staples track
>He admits it's good
>They just listen to Blase over and over again
>Gets annoyed when I try to play something not hip hop
>He has this shitty soundcloud indie folk garbage he listens to and seems to think is really good
>Don't know what to do anymore because he gets really insecure about the fact that I listen to a lot of music and gets mad when I try to talk about anything that isn't top 40 trap hop

Those people could gift me half their monthly pay and I'd still hate them. I know that music isn't everything in friendships but god damn

I literally listened to Yung Lean to see if there was like common ground we could establish or something. I found a few tracks I liked and they were like 'this is weird' and I'm like 'its a fucking fat cunt with an annoying voice under droves of autotune how are you not in love with it' and then we're both dicking around on garageband and he goes into turntables and just mashes every button and makes this clusterfuck beat and I'm sitting there making shit track by track without loops and he's like 'EY THIS IS LIT YO' and I just sorta grit my teeth and didn't say anything but I asked him what he thought of 808 hi hats and he's like 'what's an 808 I don't know anything about music man' and I got really pissed. Fuck. I tried to tell him about Lil Peep and he seemed interested so hopefully I can slowly get him into shit that isn't awful slowly.

Props to you for trying. I couldn't cope with such idiocy around me.

because friendship is about more than musical taste, dumbass


melt banana is the funnest noise rock i can think of

How the hell can someone dislike Dino Jr?!

i dont have any friends anymore (long story), but when i had, it was pic related.

They only casually like his music and that's it.
I can only find the stans such as myself on twitter or online forums

My friends only listen to
>Top 40 Pop (normie friends)
>anime openings (non-normie friends)


I think I'm in your circle of friends


loooollll if you like the Smiths like me then yes you are well hated

Dylan's rock isn't really folk-rock. Listen to any other act that was being called by the description and then listen to his folk-rock albums, they have almost nothing in common sonically. He's blues rock more than anything.

he is folk rock revival if anything

Most of my friends along with my entire family hate Dylan. Also in a reverse case, some of my friends enjoy 21 Jihadists, one of them will even defend them to the end of time.

I genuinelly don't have anybody to talk about any music except the board.

Death Grips
David Bowie
Johnny Cash
If Akira is browsing I will fucking melt you man

>folk rock revival

He didn't revive it though, he helped create it.

lil peep is awful tho

the biggest complaint was that it was too noisy
that and the lyrics

>Johnny Cash

just how

he's gotta be one of the most universally loved musicians ever

>not solely relying on a select group of patricians to discuss Musiquáe for communication with people in the physical world

I lived in the Midwest during my teenage years and for some reason a lot of the really country kids I knew all vehemently despised Dylan.

I heard the following from an adjacent table at McDonalds one time (small town, kids mostly hung out at McD's or Walmart):
>"I fucking hate Bob Dylan. It's such pussy music."
>"I hate that hipster shit."
>"He even looks like a cunt. Why does he have an afro?"
I didn't see a point in trying to tell them that Bob Dylan could technically be considered a country artist--because of the albums like Nashville Skyline--or that their man-crush Johnny Cash thought he was one of the best songwriters of his generation. It was better just to laugh at their ignorance.
Besides, they liked shitty music anyway, like Eric Church and Zac Brown Band.

>tfw anons friends have infinitely better taste than him

waits is too cool for his own good