100 IQ should be the cutoff point for college students...

100 IQ should be the cutoff point for college students, and children who don't quite cut it should be trained in manual labor instead of school. I'm dead tired of freshly-hired dumbasses screwing up redox reactions and costing my business money because they cheated in their bachelor degree. 100 is actually pretty generous too, but supply and demand would get fucked if we set it at 120.

I actually approve of this board, because it seems that there is a theme of unintelligent people who don't attempt to get jobs above their intelligence level. I can admire that, at least you're self-aware.

kill yourself

IQ is a very bad measure of intelligence. It is a nice statistic but not useful for weeding out dumb asses.


Then what do you propose we use instead?

completely agree. and depending on which test you take, it can give you a way different result. iq tests are bs

Looking for a job here. What sort of company do you run? Pharma? Biotech?

I well-exceed the 100 and I have a MSc

148 iq here dropped out twice ccant handle it

>implying higher IQ teaches kids redox reactions
Realise that a below average IQ hard working faggot will always be more resourceful than higher IQ lazy fuck.

how about a multi tiered system of personal grading?
Starting with basic training in thinking and then the top 1/5th maybe can move on to higher and specialized training with a number rating of how well they did. If they complete that then they can be hired by companies and put into a training or 'interim' program to see how well they actually preform in a real world work setting before being hired on full time.

would a system like that work? sure would be nice if that's exactly what we fucking do already.

How about you pay more then you entitled old fuck.

To test them before giving them the job?

I mean, come the fuck on, couldn't you figure that out yourself?

If they need to know chemistry or any other bullcrap like that ask them bullshit questions and test their response. For example, ask for inert gasses valence or to name 3 heavy metals... all pun intended.

All the jobs I got was because I could answer straight away what I was being asked. The problem with my "Peers" today is they are complete dumbassess, but not because of IQ, but because of Google.

Sloth is not the same as being an idiot and stop complaining about other people not thinking when you yourself are an asshole.

If you want higher quality workers, compensate at a higher level.

Thats so fucking basic in life that even you should be able to grasp that fact.

This too. If you are a manager you should know by now that getting stupid fucks that know what's to be done working is the way to go.

Also, the more money dependency the better. If they have debts they will work long hours for you either way.

You are a fucking moron if you think that OP runs a company. He's a 12 year old idiot just like you and that's that. If you hire people based on resume only then you get what you deserve. If you can't hire good people then it's on you... not them. If there's a company filled with shit employees and 1 boss bitching about it, then guess where the real problem is.

Doesn't that shit already exists? Many mechanics and other manual industrial laborers are graded and weeded out that way as far as I care to know.

>doesn't understand how inflation works
>baiting this hard

IQ doesn't prove anything and you're a terrible judge of person if those people are getting hired at your company (assuming you own it)

They are supposed to know these things.
It works out cheaper for me to hire fresh chemists, and even my insurance premiums combined with their salary and a few court settlements works out cheaper than hiring someone with experience in the field. But I wouldn't even have premiums in the first place if everyone were above average intelligence. That would mean no court cases, either.

So much this.

Don't get it wrong though. You should always check the resume so you can check some little psychological trends.

For example, if you see an elaborate page it's either because they need the job badly or they are flamboyantly arrogant.

There is this amazing thing called "Interviews" where you ask the people in front of you questiosn and you make out the people more likely to be useful from those that will fuck up.

confusing the forest for the trees this hard
>inflation may be an issue, mostly caused by the interest rates of the federal reserve and money lending and dollar supply; but I better pay my workers less than they are worth and call them lazy just to be safe.

don't ask those questions like "why do you want to work for this company"

ask them real questions about the job

>Doesn't understand bussiness
>Doesn't understand profit margins
>Doesn't understand mass production
>Doesn't understand motivation
>Doesn't understand motivated percentile profit making
>Not using bait pic

Who's the bait here?

If people know they will get any margin at all from the excess of production they will be motivated to work harder because they will earn harder.

Do you even bussiness?

>WAAAA I dont wanna!!!
>muh profits
>why can't everyone just be smarter so I dont have to train them to do my job my way myself
if you dont pay at a rate that is competitive at their skill levels, then you will get poorer quality workers.
Is that really that hard to understand, you cheap old fuck?

there are many more factors that make someone a competent worker in a high-skill job. I.Q. is a terrible quantifier for job aptitude.

and i'm sorry i took you so long to realize there are a million young adults with college degrees who are absolutely useless in the work force.

half of degree holders are barely fit to work in the service industry, and could not cut it doing a manual labor job.

so, let the real men do real work, and you go babysit the lame asses and shit your mouth smart guy.

That's under the assumption that production employees even earn based on profit margins.

Iq of 90 here, fuck off faggot you're on Sup Forums just like the rest of us.

Well I'm still voting republican, so...

Most of the ones I see, do it. There are always lazy stupid fucks that do enough to not be fired but are skillful enough to work faster than wind.

If you offer minimun wage it's very unlikely that anyone will work beyont the minimun effort... I can't stress this out enough. It's not because they are lazy but because, we humans, are based on emotions and the best emotion for a worker is motivation.

>100 IQ should be the cutoff point for college students,

Oh come now if the cut off was 100 where would we find MBA, psychology and feminist studies majors?

ITT: dumbasses rage when someone suggests people should be competent at their job


Fucking asshole, you own me new sides.

Either way, this seems to include OP.

Again, the vast majority of production or service employees (baring those who may receive tips) don't gain increased incomes with increased employer profits thereby removing the motivation to work harder or more efficiently.


>Be competitive
>Be skillful
>Get paid shit

I'm professional. Not some neckbeard freshly graduated stupid fuck on wellfare like many here.

People get the idea that the manager, the capitalist and the creative force are more important than the workforce. As far I am able to understand, they are all equally important but they are paid differently out of tradition and risk-taking.

Yeah, the capital owner is risking the money, but he can't and won't work his ass off everyday to fill his own damn pockets.

Is it really that complex?

>implying those degrees wouldn't just disappear if there were an iq requirement

me too probably, but let me make this crystal fucking clear: the people who graduate knowing these things, the high achievers, are not going to work for you and your 15$/hr bullshit chemlab job.
People who are smart and work hard demand to be compensated accordingly. You pay shit, everyone in town knows that your company is a avoid/back-up/deadbeat type job.
either pay nothing, or accept crappy workers. You can't have your cake and eat it too old man. Thats literally insane.

Agreed, so... You are being redundant or sarcastic?

Minimun wage is shit either way and I personally don't get why assholes get mad when people don't are motivated to be skillful.

>get hired at job I'm not qualified for
>fake it til you make it, nigga
>30 days gone by so fast, now they can't fire my ass
>if they do I get paid unemployment
>when that runs out we try again

Must be someone else, retards giving me shit for pointing out that a large portion of workers aren't motivated to improve their performance on the job.

>mplying those degrees wouldn't just disappear if there were an iq requirement

Implying I wan to go to college where the only women is the Indian chick with unibrow and the horse faced Vietnamese girl.

By myself, I have seen people get the cake and eat it. Very few though.

It's very hard though, I'll give you all that. Offering a margin of the net profit has it's risk if you say it too loud because when a worker gets too greedy and hide shit work, sooner o later, it will bite you back.

My recomendation is always to offer 5% of the net margins after taxes if it's under $5mil. Above that you should offer more... or something at the very least.

Now you're just pushing it buddy.

Not to burst the bubble, but most colleges are a bussiness scheme. They don't really give a fuck about the workforce or preparing professionals.

In the end is other professionals teaching and preparing aspiring profesionals and dumbfucks.

yo nigga you dox ppl for a living? you a hacker or some shit?

I agree. 20 years ago teens were encouraged to at least finish high school. Now all high school students are told they will never amount to anything without a College degree. It's ashame that College has become the new high school. It drives up tuition costs for everyone. It forces people who are not academically inclined to pursue a level of education they're not cut out for. It has diluted the value of a college degree. Degrees for the stupidest majors, like women's studies, are being issued en masse. People with Down syndrome are apparently entitled to college degrees now too. In reality, they would be way better off by being an apprentice in a skilled labor field, like being a plumber or electrician, then starting their own small business. Instead high school graduates are being told they must amass a mountain of crippling student loan debt, but end up working at Starbucks.

not quite, i look for people who have already been doxed, then dox them again for more info like card numbers and social security numbers, then i sell them to desperate indians so they can steal shit and make fake passports


Not an Amerifat, but it sounds to me like you just have to either achieve higher grades than all of the dumbasses, or complete a masters. Basically, you have to prove that you are cut out for the job.