So what you guys on tonight?

So what you guys on tonight?

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Depression and contemplating suicide


Don't kill yourself. Just do drugs, man.

Good shit bro.
What's up with your stank ass?

Fuck ive been looking for something lately. Adderal or percs... Can't find shit.

not actually high on life lmao you cant burn life like you can weed
sadly ;(

tobacco and caffeine

That's not a bad idea but I'll probably pass that

What he said

Same here, but my Ativan helps me pass out before I can tighten the noose

how to literally get high from life:

1. run alot
2. collect phenethylamine from yer head
3. mix with some shit and make mdma
4. profit

Went from shrooms to weed to n20 , then some 2cb for clubbing and now weed again to come down before sleep

every try 2c-e? any difference?

if you have some just "ok" weed. fart in the bag and seal it before you sell it. when they open it they'll smell your stank ass broccoli fart and buy

Sleeping pills and alcohol but the question is whether i will work up my courage

some upper mids bud, but really fiending for meth

courage to?

>dank weed smells like farts in a bag


did a 4812 - oxy 30 about 6 hrs ago...not rly feeling it anymore. kinda depressed & wishing I didnt just blow 2.5k in a week and half so i can go get more

40mg of perkosets, got a root canal yesterday and it doesn't hurt. Somebody's gotta use em.

nigga fuck you. you read it

To take the pills and alcohol
In case you didn't know people who take that combination in excess tend to die


2x addys and 2x perc. Three beers deep.

Warm milk and laxatives. Cherry flavored antacids

for me trippy boys:

Yeah you're just wrong. I was incredulous.

i would pop bars and drink all the time and go to the club and blow stacks and smoke dank weed with bitches and trap lord of the town

Trying to find some fuckin black but my main dude is dry til tomo morning. All I can find is fucking weed got damn Colorado bullshit

i dropped acid about 7 or so hours ago. I popped another like an hour later. im uh yeah basically

yeah ok bitch i can make up words to. fucksificus

Picked up an oz of kratom. Might just do the while thing tonight


Only done 2cb so far. Not that interested in the others yet. Im using 2cb mostly for clubbing. For proper psychedelic experiences i still have a lot to get out of the tryptamines first.

>My sides are fucking gone


bout 6 grams of shrooms, just coming off peaking


nothing because im not a fucking degenerate faggot i suggest all of you kill yourselves as a gift to humanity

this niggas on some xanax or something

can't. will you do it for me?

shut the fuck up pussy bitch. come at me and i'll fuck you off boiii. you ain't ready for me boiiii. fuck nigga

there's this hot new drug called "DuMbAsS" it's taking over the streets tbh familia


son of a bitch, trips get em!
yes master, i understand now. thank you sensei

Nothing. I don't do drugs at night. I like getting some sleep.

Amphetamine and alcohol

>mfw only faggots do uppers

I have some codeine, but codeine causes me to manual breath though. I don't want to fall asleep and go into respiratory arrest.

One percocet one hydrocodone. GJ op. Take your bitch ass back to 9gag.

I'm a grave shift guy and need to sleep at a normal hour for some daytime commitments I have tomorrow.

i od on codeine syrup before

Drank a beer. Im going hard.

Forgot I'm also on trilafon

Might take a 2nd Lunesta but, that's not suggested as per the bottle.


shut up bitch boii

Bongs, man

come at me bitch, you don;t wanna fuck with me my nigga

90 mg mdma

fite me irl faggit




Vodka nd weed. I have a bottle of tramadols I might indulge in later. Never tried em

My daily drivers 195 milligrams of methadone and 4 Xanax bars. Maintenance. With my tolerance getting high is a thing of the past

give me an address ill come beat your fucking ass bitch

Just Stoli
but Stoli is niiice...


i started on my second beer you faggit, get on my level.

im 6 beers, 4 xanax bars, 2 oxy's, 3 tequila shots, and 4 dabs deep bitch. you can not and will not fuck with me son. i am the boss. you ain't shit.

>smoke joint
>desire Panda Express because it is fucking amazing while high
>fulfill desire
>my opinion of Panda Express while high reaffirmed
>fortune cookie reads "Functioning superbly comes automatically to you"

The drugs don't help. Trust me. Ran out of drugs now I'm just drinking

pussy ass nigga can't even take 10 bars and smoke 3. nigga u dumb

Anyone in here ever do 2c-i?

I'm really high and really drunk. Is it weird that sunburns turn me on?

Just good'ol bud

Some heavy ass ibuprofen man, I might not make it through the night

a little, not too crazy though

No got more of that bitch thou?

bitch im just getting fucking started home boy. you ain't ready. i got 15 more bars, plenty beers and plenty weed. im taking it to the next level im about to smoke a jokint of shrooms. yeah bitch, fuck with me get on my level kid

an unhappy, unfulfilled sense of life.
i wish i was dead.

Wow I got dubs twice in a row haha

its people like you that make me feel better about my life. Pussy. Still working on second beer, np.

lol wut.
>psilocybin degrades at like 100 degrees homeboy. smoking them would just taste really bad. and do literally, not using the word literally figuratively, literally do absolutely nothing but waste your mushroom.
unless you're simply horrible at trolling, then carry on.

Which means you can do anything.
Rob a bank.
Fuck your crush whether she wants you to or not.
Shit in public, the world is your oyster once you have nothing else to lose!

I've taken 40 bars 10 xtc smoked dust drank hard and been on 600 mg of methadone and still wasn't twisted that's when I gave up and said fuck spending all my dough.... Oh and mdpv bathsalts too

how salty was you bath?

I would enjoy applying copious amounts of Solarcaine to her.

Salty doggg

this salty?

I don't, sadly.

dem some pale titties


That salty



never got why people mix uppers with downers, besides the obvious "the dope makes me sleepy but the speed makes me wake up and enjoy the high/be more active"