No rekt thread?

No rekt thread?

Go fuck yourself. Rekt thread.


Is she retarded or was that the first time she was firing a gun?




cant it be both?

Neither. It's because she's a woman


retarded+first time firing gun=woman

Not true mang, I know this little girl and she can fire a gun no problems.





nice jpg m8

>no hearing protection
Shit hurts. Sure you can ignore it but why?

Shes a friend of mine, she actually was rying over emotions, she made this for a tv report, she got emotional firing a weapo cause shes very peacfull and shit like that.

so shes just a faggot

Is that why she covers her ear on the ejection side and moves her jaw like she's popping her ear?

Hard to believe

those idiots deserved that

her dedushki grandpas died in the great war so she was talking about that on the report and also about the army, and she got to fire one and got emotional, she didnt hurt her ears, maybe it hurted a little bit but it wasnt the reason why she cried.
