Can some of you Americans explain how it feels to live in the world's dumbest country?

Can some of you Americans explain how it feels to live in the world's dumbest country?


Americans think they are so free because they have loose gun laws, smh they less free than Syria

>freedom of speech
>freedom of press
>freedom of religion
>right to bear arms

4 things you don't find together outside USA

Awful, but we do have some things going for us.

Canada has all that and more, like free health care

Any more questions?

>Can some of you Americans explain how it feels to live in the world's dumbest country?

But I've never been to Wales

Feels good to be the world economic superpower.

Yeah. Why is 73.76% of your population mentally challenged in some way or another?

Have fun dying in the waiting room, eh.

>bear arms

How are you guys an economic super power when you are trillions in debt and could be wiped out by Russia, China, Japan, or North Korea in 5 seconds flat?

Happy 11/9 Canada's Pants

Probably better than you since your country sucks our dumbest country cock.

I've never spent more than 45 minutes in a waiting room. Also anyone in Canada can get a Firearm easily, kinda like the majority of countries. Haha weird, you have no freedoms in USA n0obs

>mfw china owns most of your debt and can call it in at anytime and cause another gfc

because those countries are too coward to pull the trigger

sounds like all the dumb things people say come from indians

Deeply disappointing. The powers that be seem to love it though, since it makes the people so much more tractable and easier to control.

Says the asshole posting on an American made site. Fuck off with this b8.

American here, and this country fucking sucks cock. I wish the rest of you retards would put memes aside and acknowledge that this place is a hellish shithole.

Haha you literally live in the cock area of North America. Makes sense, you all little cum queens in Murica

yeah well thats what you fag supporters get. Now we have people who just pick a gender and people going into whatever bathroom they feel like.

>lost the civil war
>lost ww1
>lost ww2
>lost vietnam
>lost war on drugs
>lost war on terror
>lost in Afghanistan and iraq
>country run by niggers and sjw's
Wew lad im jellyfish

Canada doesn't have freedom of speech mate. Remember that guy that was banned from computer use for saying mean things to a canadian feminist? In like the last 4 months it was overturned, but still, it happened.

Economically, maybe, but military wise we would wipe the fucking floor with japan and korea, Russia and china as well, but at the same time probably not.

Man I love when I call brits welsh. Pisses them off to no end.

Not even 20%, most of our debt is to american companies.

Dont forget
>lost in somalia to 9 year olds with 50 year old guns

but it's america that's stupid

Who gives a fuck who made a website. Have you ever used a 56k modem? Canadian made, you filthy swine

That's not why it sucks, asshole. I don't care what faggots and trannies do and neither should you.

Canadians do not have the right to bear arms. It is a privilege for them (one that is unnecessarily restricted in many ways).

Freedom of speech? Are you implying that you have 100% freedom of speech with no consequences? If so, go tell a cop that you are going to slit his throat, and then tell me how your freedom of speech went.

>implying health insurance is a human right

If we could just get of all the niggers and cousin fucking rednecks, America would be less shitty.

no u

Troll post but I'll bite.

>Lost Civil war
So you're saying the south should have won, wouldn't have been 'Merica then.
>Lost ww1
>Lost ww2
>Lost Vietnam
Look up "war weariness." We could have easily won if the feel hards didn't hamstring the army.
>Lost war on drugs
Political things aren't losses mate, next.
>Lost war on terror
I"m going to have to agree with this one. Terrorism wins when it causes changes to happen to the affected party. We became a massive police state. To have won the war on terror, all you do is build the towers back up, go back to business as normal in the US while not affecting the state of being in the country.
>Lost in Afghanistan and Iraq
All objectives were met. Occupations and their rejection are not considered wartime activities while objectives have all been met. Next.
>Country run by niggers and sjw's
There's a strong push back right now, that gets hampered by feelings still, which I assume if succeeds will continue to restrengthen the US. Otherwise we'll turn into the EU and won't realize we killed ourselves off until its too late.

>American economy collapses
>China goes under
>oil market implodes
>Euro plummets
>African mineral industry falls apart
yes, we're the fragile ones, not the 6.7 billion people who based their economy on our dumb asses.

Don't forget about the war you lost to Canada in 1812

Plenty of oil in Canada

>war of 1812 was against canada
>US lost the war of 1812
Why yes, I shiggy diggy doo, too.

have fun not being able to sell it.

The fact that you hillbillies consider gun ownership a fundamental human right and not healthcare is absolutely fucking hilarious. I mean personally I think they both are but if I had to pick one, I'd pick the one that heals sick and injured people.

>have fun trying to sell it
We are currently selling it fine right now

At least we know now that war with Canada would result in them apologizing for that previous war and surrendering because killing your enemies isn't the progressive thing to do in the current year.

Bill Nye is American you twat

While relying on US naval power to safeguard overseas transport.

you're missing the point. people had the right to purchase health insurance already, our gun rights and healthcare rights were the same. We have the right to BE ABLE TO own a gun. If the government passed a law that said everyone had to own a gun and fined people for not getting one, that wouldn't be protecting the second amendment. Now do you see why "owning health insurance" cannot be a human right?

does the term "petrodollar" mean anything to you? I'd assume not.

Nigger confirmed

So is this trio of seaman demons

You have to be a yuropoor to answer that question.

You do realise that he's not a real scientist? He's even less of a scientist than that black hack de Grasse Tyson or something.

Yes, thank you for your shit tier electronics innovations. We owe you one.

I've very slowly come to realize that I might actually be the only intelligent person alive.

I mean, 9/11 was obviously an inside job, the moon landing was fake, but then when you think people who believe those two things are fact, then they start banging on about chemtrails and evil vaccines.

In Canada we can own guns as well. What's your point? Sure, we can't own fully automatic guns but we can own everything else. Only a bitch needs guns anyway. Pussy Americans.

Does the term sneedoodler have any meaning to you? I'd assume not, fucking pleb.


Everyone has the right to healthcare, we do. The main difference is how its paid for. Right now in the US we rely on insurance companies to pay for healthcare needs. This is stupid. Insurance in its natural state is a person betting against the possibility of them getting sick/injured/etc. The US and many places around the world have changed to to be the sole source of paying for healthcare.

The reason why healthcare is so expensive is the government mandates that insurance companies every 2-5 years (depends on where but it's mostly 5 years) list out what they're willing to pay for specific care and services. The hospitals see this, and top dollar everything knowing the insurance companies will pay it.

What to blame someone for the high cost of healthcare? Blame hospital administration. Normal everyday healthcare should and in some places is very affordable cash wise. Its when you got idiots running off to the ER for having a stomach ache that requires an X-Ray does it get pricey.

The difference here is that not everyone wants/needs a gun. I do, and I'm guessing you do, but some people want nothing to do with them. Everyone objectively needs access to medical care. Healthcare should be placed on the highest level of universally guaranteed rights. The fact that it isn't is a sign of a really sick and dysfunctional society.

I'm guessing you either know very little about guns or are a fudd.

He's an engineer. Which sadly these days lots of people think of as "scientists." Engineers make things work, they design and build them. Their jobs are not to determine how things work, or why they work. Take a turbine for an example. We know it produces electricity if you run iron against copper. An engineer doesn't need to know why it produces electricity, his only job it to get it to produce electricity with the best output possible.

Course everyone knows why it does since it's basic earth science 101. Just saying, an engineer's job it to make things work. Not research and test as to why it works.

Nah, America gay as fuck, you have no free health care. You're all weak cause you know if you get hurt or injured you gotta pay big bucks. I could break my arm right now, go to the hospital, get a cast cone back home in under an hour and on top of that, I'll get free money cause I won't be able to work. U-S-GAY U-S-GAY

I know it's Saturday night and you don't have school in the morning timmy, but maybe you should cool down on the carbonated beverages, eh?

It would help if you actually worked in healthcare and understood why it costs so much instead of just spewing out retarded theories. If society wasn't so litigous, healthcare wouldn't cost so much. But when you have millions of scumbags wanting to get paid because they weren't 100% satisfied because not everyone kissed their ass in the hsopital and made them feel special, coupled with worthless fucking Obamacare cutting reimbursement, then you'd understand that it's the public's fault healthcare costs so much.

That is one part of the problem my friend. I'm just saying another part. Relax buddy, I'm on your side. Just really wasn't going down the litigation part of it.

Quick question. What is your line of work?

Quite possibly the dumbest post ITT, and there are a ton of dumb posts. Good work, user.

You have to pay for it one way or another, moron. I'm glad your shit country is okay financing your dumb ass, we'll keep what we have.

You paid for your country to fly planes into your own buildings... Pretty sure having our taxes go towards our health care makes a lot more sense.

Like we had a choice. Fuck off with that bullishit.

Dubs confirm. What country are you from and can I come?

How much does aluminum foil cost by you?

nice subject change, friend. couldn't refute what I said, just slip in a 9/11 joke! brilliant.

Oh? Then help me improve it. What did I say that was dumb? Perhaps you can give me some pointers, or maybe you'll just continue to call me an idiot?

Oh but you did! That's the point of your right to bare arms. So that if your government got corrupt, which it always has been, you have fire power to rise up and take back control. But you clearly failed cause you're all dumber dan fuuk

>Freedom of speech
Now in designated free-speech zones!
>Freedom of press
Now in designated free-press pens!
>Freedom of religion
As long as it's not a scary one!
>Right to bear arms
If you live in the right places!

World's greatest country. In the words of your dumb southerners "common over, love ta have ya'll

Sometimes i feel like im surrounded by complete fucking idiots... sometimes i try and vent to smarter people i know but it hurts to repeat the stupid stories... im pretty sure it actually reduces my intelligence

Send help

Fuck you, commie. Take your bullshit elsewhere or I will fucking exact revenge like you can't even imagine. I learned a thing or 2 about pain in my 8 years as an Army SEAL, so don't fuck with me OR the US.


You tell em bro U-S-GAY U-S-GAY U-S-GAY

Yeah but I least it makes it so I feel safe in the streets because I know I'm not gonna get shot any second. Yeah I'll take that over right to bear arms thanks lmao

i completely agree with this, user you are very right

confirmed Faux News viewer.

Socialized healthcare has been repeatedly shown to DECREASE wait time for all but the very rich.

When I went to the ER for a hernia I was there from 11:00am-12:30am. I had two half-hour tests, a 15 minute nurse visit, and 10 minutes with a Doctor in that 13 hour stretch.

>America is terrible!
>Because of queers!
Grow up Jethro. And go tell Jim-Bob the squirrels done cooking

Health insurance isnt a right you lil cuck, healthcare is. Forcing people to buy health insurance to have that right is slavery

On here. Honestly all jokes aside, I really do like your country and I'm very fond of it. I hope to visit it someday soon. I work with a lot of Americans (seeing how I work for a company based in Massachusetts). I really do find USA very interesting. Loves yahs and I give grievance for 9/11.

PROTIP - spelling errors on protest signs are often faked by people trying to discredit that political group.

Why don't you suck our fucking cocks while you're at it, faggot?

But no seriously I don't know where you're from but if Murrica is actually better than your country, then you have my sincerest condolences.

We think "well we're not Africa. And the Asians are pretty smart. We fucked their shit up pretty easily. So I mean...ya know. Shut up

>not buying Reynold's Wrap
Step up your game, faggot
Also, quit shopping at our American based stores if you hate America so much, hoser.

I am from Canada and I'd have to say USA honestly does do greater in a lot more things than us. (except the winter Olympics :p) but I truly to do respect the majority of Murica

Yes, because Americans only fought Canadians in the War of 1812, and not the biggest imperialist nation in the century next to Napoleonic France.

You ignorant C(an)uck.

>decimal to the hundredths
Now you know that's GOT to be a legit statistic

You responded to the wrong guy, you autist.

Haha alright, you got me, is this better?

Now I just want to know what those 2 downloads you have had sitting in your notifications bar are

america is like wjen youre riche but youre mom keeps slappeing you with the fish. you sit in a nice chair and have nice things and clothes in a big good nice ppace but youre mother kewps slapping you with a different nice fish wvery few minutes on the clock.

other countreies you have non't so much hust regular clodes and rwfular moms and houses but she treats you and respects with nicely :-)

Considering Russian navy is a cluster fuck, China has no air force to worry about, we TRAINED THE JAPANESE DEFENSE FORCE AND HAVE SOMEWHERE IN THE AREA OF 10,000 TROOPS WITH IN 45 MINUTES OF THE CAPITAL, and North Korea has its head up its own ass, I think we're fine.

I haven't seen a patriotic woman that gorgeous since France shipped that copper bitch over.