Ok seriously, I see this shit posted all the time but no one ever gives me an answer. Who is this and is she retarded?

Ok seriously, I see this shit posted all the time but no one ever gives me an answer. Who is this and is she retarded?

Why does it matter? It's just some random ugly slut.

He's probably wondering if she's like one of those retards who barely have actual brains. Like those three kids that one crazy bitch parades around the internet.

she probably looks great IRL but that's what your head probably looks like with an erect dick in it

>she probably looks great IRL
What could possibly make you think this based on the above pic?

He probably wants her smh.

I too want to know if she's actually retarded. Is it legal to fuck retards?

okay, overstated. girl probably looks normal otherwise. that is definitely not a flattering camera angle or anatomical configuration

Talking to yourself never gets old for you does it?

I have no idea. I'd assume age of consent is reasonable, but then there's the question of whether they even could consent.

>that is definitely not a flattering camera angle or anatomical configuration
Yeah, even the hottest chicks would look ugly at this angle.

Mama June?

who's that?

It's aunt jimemia, and she's going to squirt fucking syrup all over your face. Cunt

No, it's that one fucking family that has three kids and they're practically vegetables. Can't find the weird fuckers but the mother is legitimately insane.

Are you talking about the Hartley Hooligans?

Fuck yes I kept thinking "critters" for some reason.

Idk, what's the morality of shoving your dick in something like that?

Well I think they're both underage so it would be illegal but I think the older one will be 18 soon. I wonder if a vegetable can give consent.

I think the oldest one actually did turn 18.

I personally wonder if a vegetable would even need to give consent. They're alive in the way cloned organs are alive.

I don't think it is legal to fuck tards.

I'm pretty sure I've heard of people with Down's getting married and shit. Is there some scale of tardness to determine if they can give consent?

Depends on the state and how retarded they are.

If you were in Kentucky, you would get arrested for tard fucking. Apparently there was issue enough with that that it became law.

Yeah, do they have to take a test or something? Not everybody with downs is actually retarded, so that may have been a factor with some of those marriages.

Down syndrome peeps can be highly functioning. So. I'm sure something like that would be up to the courts. In some states its just straight up illegal, in others its not though.

If you're old enough to fight crime...


I feel like she might actually be cute if she was normal.

Are you at least gonna dump op?
That girl looks like a less attractive version of my wife and i need more if her pics.

Not retarded, just Asian.

How can you tell she's asian?


She's a cock hungry slut, she is as retarded as the rest of the cock hungry slots

Does anybody have fucking source or more?

I had the source for a ton of pictures.

What i gather from threads about her here and there is that its probably some anons girl. Its been years so maybe they are either still together or user gathered a ton of pictures of her. And wont tell who she is or anything in fear of being recognized like a giant faggot that he is.

Threads of her get deleted a lot because mods think she might be underage. Weather she is or not is unsure.

And if you actually care about weather or not she is underage because "ohh noess think about the children ;_; you sick monster " then you need to get off Sup Forums grab the nearest sharp object and promptly stab yourself in the dick until you die.

I just wanna know if she was legit mentally handicapped.

I've seen the OP "exposed" pic or whatever you want to call it.
She's just a normal girl. Not even hot.
And she looks like a goddamn fish.

Probably not. Not from the pictures ive seen. And ive seen like 40 or 50 of them.

Share pic tho please.

And if that nigga just shared sauce he wouldn't of been exposed. Its only because he was being s faggot about it.

Thank you, I can actually leave the thread now.

i just reported this, have fun in the pokey, faggot

The only pic I've ever saved is the one op posted but with a fish body drawn around the head. It was in a YLYL thread. And j deleted it because it's nothing special. Am I missing something here? I don't understand what the big deal is.

Sorry I can't be of any help. You're really not missing out on anything though.

This guy's right That's a very fucked angle
>See pic related, beautiful girl at that angle looks like an avocado

I'll add to what this user said. The OP originally posted maybe 50-60 pics about 2 years ago. The pics included both nudes and regular candid pics. I don't think the nudes included any pics were you could really see her face, I can't remember for sure though. I know the candids did include her face.

A couple days after he posted them some other user started reposting a few of the pics and even made some collage type pics of the candids and nude pics together. This moron only saved the thumbnails for some of the pics though so they are super low res. I see him repost them in "pics you shouldn't share" threads every now and then. This scared the original OP off, I know this because I emailed with him a few times.

Now some autistic user, I suspect the same one that made the collage pics with the low res thumbnails, incessantly spams Sup Forums with the original anons pics. I haven't seen them posted in a while, up until this week, so I think he comes and goes.

I don't think this is the original OP posting these threads for 2 reasons:

1. he seemed freaked out since some autist was constantly spamming his pics
2. he had many more pics, lots better than these, and yet these threads only get spammed with a small handful of pics.

She definitely is not. She's just a normal chick. Even the most attractive woman would look funny at this angle with a dick going in her mouth.

She looked kinda hot to me. Not super hot but just cute and had a pretty nice body.

He did share in the original thread and then someone else started being a neckbeard about it reposting everywhere.

>beautiful girl

Its hot because she is a normal girl.

Thanks user, she looks like an unattractive version of my wife. And that shit turns me on. She is still attractive jusy not as attractive as my wifu so i want more pics.
Is that all you know? Im trying to find everything about her. Its like an obsession now. What about that Facebook page with 2 pictures of her?

Okay yeah, that's a bit of a hyperbole but!
My point still stands
she's an 8/10

That's all I can remember. I don't know anything about a FB page. I'm pretty sure he mentioned they don't have any social media pages when I talked with him. It's been over 1.5-2 years since I lasted emailed the user. There's only a few pics that still get reposted here every now and then and he first dropped these pics over 2 years ago so I wouldn't get your hopes up. I'm pretty sure he got legitimately freaked out by the user who kept reposting his stuff like crazy.

All I remember was the girl was Vietnamese and really small, like 4'10"-11" or something.

Your very safe James


Damm. Mind sharing his email? I would trade pics of my wife with him, they do look bery similar. And im sure he wouldn't mind seeing a hotter version of his girl.

Tbh it was so long ago I'm not sure I still have it. I don't even remember for sure what account I was emailing him from and seeing how I'm kinda drunk I don't feel like searching thru my computer. If you have a throwaway email leave it here and if I find it I'll email you.

Btw here's the only two pics I have that I see reposted of her often.

Second pic.

Too soon

This looks like so much plastic.

Okay yes. I used the word "beautiful" wrong, i would edit that if I could. But I used it to prove my point which still stands

I'm just messing with ya. I know what you meant. Anyone can look bad from that angle.

Aww man u pranked me browski!

That puss looks positively tiny.

I don't understand what she's attempting to do here.


Her parents should be killed.

Bloge princess