What's your honest opinion of him?

What's your honest opinion of him?

Hi Anthony.


He hasn't reviewed Ween yet so I like him.

Seems like a nice guy. Don't agree with everything he says but has pretty good taste.

He likes deadgribs a lot. I donno

Hes cool.

I like him.

He's got the right amount of swagger

Hes a funny guy

Anybody that makes a living off of critiqueing the hard work of others is a notch below lawyers and maggots.

Filth that needs to be erased

What they said.

However the way he gets paid is pretty retarded. We probably all block ads here or most of us anyway, but to think that his money comes from allowing companies to shove pissy ads down people's eyes and ears is pretty sickening.

he's a cool dude, interesting to watch.
knows nothing about hip hop though, shouldn't even review it.

Hi!!!!!! XDdddddDD x FUCKING D!!! I'm Anthony [Insert variation of the name "Fantano" here, because I think that's somehow funny because I'm a retarded autist Redditor who earns his money from making shitty fucking Youtube videos and not by a job like regular people. Haha I'm so hilarious :P:P:pppp xD] "the inernets busiest music [Insert weird ""quirky"" voice and video edit because im a fucking nu-male redditor] nerd! [Retarded catchprase that he uses to attract his shitty ass Reddit fanbase and 15 year old "OMG im so nerdy xDD haha hes a nerd too bcuz he says so xDd i like that dude i also use reddit btw :P [no youre not a fucking nerd bitch. Real nerds are people who spend 12 hours all day just in front of their computer for all their life, not some shitty fucking retards who think their music taste is "special"]] and today we review ANOTHER SHITTY FUCKING "HIP" MUSIC MADE BY SOME SJW FAGGOTS LIKE ANTHONY WHO HAS A SHEBOON AS A FUCKING WIFE!!!! 10/10 IT PROMOTES RACEMIXING - SOME LIBERAL SHITTY MUSIC WEBSITE XDDD IM SO QUIRKY HAHA MY NAME IS ANTHONY XDDD AND IM A FUCK KEK

He reviews shit that I probably wouldn't even know about otherwise. Sometimes I listen to it and find some good shit.

"...sharp guitars and a textured bass that creates waves of emotion..."

Content is free, ads keep it that way brody.

He's good at what he does. He's got this whole "vegan/straight-edge/hXc/new internet/post irony/lol the alt right is just jokes" thing going on that I really don't like.

But he's obviously good at what he does.

wtf he doesn't drink? I actually like him now

this is the only correct answer

I used to like him circa 2011-2013 but something changed with him. He's so aggressively political now, and I feel like he's angrier and more of a bully to artists. And he has always had garbage taste.

Fantano likes to hear himself talk
my favorite person who likes to hear himself talk is Marc Maron

Fantano is alright I mean I'm ultimately glad he exists cause he perpetuates good things I think ultimately and I guess if I'm looking at critical stuff at all I respect his opinion the most. I don't agree with him a lot. He has a taste and I'm not exactly into the same stuff. I also think he sort of 'doesn't get it' sometimes, I know that sounds pretentious but yeah I dont think he's always spot on in describing something when it's good even when I also think it's good but maybe that's just my perspective.
