How would you like to fuck her? Every answer gets more pics. Initials get her nude

How would you like to fuck her? Every answer gets more pics. Initials get her nude

With extreme prejudice.

with my PENIS

With grace, honor and dignity.

She looks like she could handle a rough ass fuck so I'd go with that.

Very noble of you

Calm down postal dude

In the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation

Using my penis.

Can't say if I'd fuck her until I've seen her feet




Tie her so that her ass is upwards and she can't move her arms or her legs. She would be my little anal fucktoy. She would constantly be in pain, crying with tears running down her cheeks red from me slapping her. I'd advertise her as a cum dumpster, 10 cents to fuck her asshole. And exconvicts get her for free as a get out of jail present. She'd be nothing more than a dirty whore experiencing anal pain 24/7.


I'd definitely smash


I'd eat her pussy and then have her finger mine


Well hot damn! I'd marry her and turn her into my little slut behind closed doors.


With a papertowel tube and a hamster.

Keep those pics coming, OP!




I'd have her spit on my cock and rub it till it was all sloppy and shinny and then I would push it onto her ass and fuck it while smacking it and fingering her mouth and tugging her hair. Turn her around have her suck my throbbing cock till I was almost there, throw her down, plunge my cock into her pussy and wildly thrust it in and out, without regard for her pleasure untill I spilleed so much cum it was gushing out of her pussy and down her thighs.



Nope. Thomas.



You said initials get nude pics of her. Gave you a scenario and initials.
Your cock, meh.

Lets see her spread ass already

Those are not her initials


Groan. You should say "her" initials.
She's hot but not worth this
Anyway, thanks for showing me how threads like this work.

I want to make sweet, sensual, romantic love to her... then pound the shit out of her