Tattoo rate thread, post em if you got em

Tattoo rate thread, post em if you got em

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Its a 10

OP likes the cock.


I hope you didn't pay for that low quality piece of work...


I'm a simple man, i see a swastika, i hail

Hail hydra!

idk how you keep a job with that fucking thing

if i found out you had that i'd fire your ass, that's fucking disgusting. don't cut yourself on the edge retard




Got it for my 19th birthday

>Fire his ass
>Gotta be the boss first u twat

Swastikas are beat the shit out of u material though. Watch ur back nazi fag.



the only decent one, except for the pentagram int he middle, why combine sacred hindu geometry with pentagrams?


jesus christ how retarded can you be

even full fledged neo nazis would tell you that you are retarded

Here's my sick tattoo. Rate me.


what the shit


I'm a full fledged neo nazi and can confirm this.

Tattoos sind absolut degeneriert.

I took Sanskrit as a language in school but forgot it long ago. What does it say in Sanskrit and what is the translation?

>inbreeding detected

that one says "eating ass" according to google.

It says. "Durka durka. Muhammad Jihad. Bak durka durka la."


Look, I fucking hate nazis, but even if I didn't, you can't even enter germany with that on your arm. It's retarded.

No. It says aum namah shivaya.

>six toes
fake and gay



What is that? A skull, with batwings? A skullbat?




>straight edge cringelord from World Soap Opera Entertainment

Come on. His tattoos are terrible.


You can enter Germany, but the tattoo has to be covered up. That's why most people here rather have 88, Totenkopf or SS tattoos.

He purchased the "I wish I was a nigger" starter pack

hahahaha, wtf, hope this is bait

Props on the commitment but I know you don't wear that shit out in public. I know people of all races that'll fuck you up quick for that one


Camera is kind of shitty but here's my nerdy white kid tattoo


Holy shit thats the worst tattoo I've ever seen.
Why is the face like that?

Stupid desi with a dumb religious tattoo. Cringe for life!


pretty sick! Avenged Sevenfold?



It means "I eat ass" in Japanese.


Hey check out this thing I'll regret in a couple years.

Youre tattoo artist fucked up son, he didnt put the whole tat on the same hand.

Lol u mad

Looks nice

Are those lines so jagged on purpose?

Tattoos are for faggots.

Mad? Why would I be mad at your stupidity and ignorance?

Don't have any tattoos, my relationship with my father is good and my fiancee doesn't have hepatitis.

Holy shit.
Who's the tattoo artist? I've been wanting to get sunflowers on my back but couldn't find anyone decent. These other fags went to some really shitty places, but yours is amazing... props to the artist.

Please continue... :)

I still think that they will be profiled though. But that might be obvious.

fair enough.

I'm waiting for that fucker to respond.

>I r8 14/88


photo-realistic as fuck, who's your tattoo artist?

Mommy wouldn't let you get one?


Both necessarily unfounded accusations - u don't no me bro

"You're black!" - user, the kettle

How does it feel to be so dumb and brain wasted to have a tatto of a swastika, a symble hitler stole from indians. The culter that is best to described the compleate opiset of what Hitler stood for.
Oh my god my sides.
-1/10 tat lol







jesus fucking christ
please be bait


For anonymity's sake I can't say, but Alberta area.




What the fuck? Can you please stop talking in desi and use Engrish.

HAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHAA Why didn't you just tattoo "I'm a massive faggot" on your forehead.

: D

>Tattoo is kind of shitty

lol excellent riposte bhai

Its sad how most tattoos look shitty because of the poor tattoing skills, aside from the bad concept/idea for the tattoo

12 year olds aren't allowed here.




Very nice/10
Yin Yang is also gonna be my first tattoo

It feels so reich

>a symble hitler stole from indians
>I don't have a clue the post
The oldest swastikas found are 10,000 years old and have been found in Europe and Asia.
It originated from Indo-Germanic and Indo-Aryan tribes. But they also have been used by the Roman-Empire and in Byzantine areas.

Oh the irony :^)

That's why Hitler was so fascinated about it.

Fuckin sick dude. What shop?


He fucked up the bottom jaw a little bit tho. It looks like his bottom teeth are facing toward you, but the rest of him is angled.

I can confirm you can enter, I live in Germany.
Went to the beach last weekend, guy had the exact same tattoo on his biceps (except better made) the middle part where the swastike is was wightened out. Not like people don't know whats under it. Think he just put some patch on it.