My wife has came out as a lesbian and is threatening to leave me a take our kids unless I get a sex change...

My wife has came out as a lesbian and is threatening to leave me a take our kids unless I get a sex change. Think I'm going to go for it br/o/s. Anyone have experience with the change?

the fact that she's threatening that is probably grounds for her to lose the custody battle for your children

plus why have a fake pussy on a man when you can find a real one attached to a woman

Lol you will need papers by 2 councelers.
It will take a long time because no body lioes trans wemon and hey are look at as monsters and freaks so they never get help on time or anything

Hell no

Custody battle? I couldn't ever do that to her I love her.

Just say that you identify as a women and not get your dick cut off.

She has no right to police your gender expression. Just because you have a male body and wear men's clothes doesn't make you any less of a woman.

No go. We tried that for awhile but she says she hates seeing me nude. I enjoy being a male but will do anything to make her happy.

Go for it

she clearly doesn't love you if she'd leave you if you didn't get a pussy

but i mean if you're stupid enough to go through with the surgery you probably deserve to have her leave you after she realizes your mangled penis will never be a proper vagina

Fuck you, my wife loves me she just doesn't love my body.


You know you would hit it.


thanks for the laugh

You cucks just don't get true love

If she really loved you she wouldn't care about how you look and how you are
She'd love you no matter what you are

Ops a troll you newfag dipshit

Can you even triforce you cuck

dubs of truth


