Give inside info on a company/industry that you have worked for

Give inside info on a company/industry that you have worked for.

There's no privacy in operating rooms. Random people stroll in and out just based on asking nicely and being up to date of vaccines. You had a surgery on your genitals or breasts? Likely some comm major from a state school watched it while trying to sell the doc his brand of lens cleaner. I myself have seen things, that if seen outside an operating room, could land me in prison. I literally still have nightmares about seeing nurses insert a catheter into a 3 year old.

Bump for interest

one bump for my own interest

Have a bump and the only (useless) info I have to share.

Know those plastic casings that are used to pretty much package any sort of cheap electronics or tools in shops? Like pic related.

Those are packaged by minimum-wage jobbers who don't care about the product being complete and intact. Do check those carefully if it's something important.

>like pic related
fuck me

if you're using an app/program/website that wasn't made by a large company, chances are it's easy as fuck to hack, and your data is NOT safe. Fortunately if you're using those applications/sites, most hackers don't give a fuck about your $400 bank accounts.

You can walk into Walmart and literally steal anything. They will NOT do anything about it because employees are told to not do anything about it, they just have to tell a supervisor. I was taught to tell someone that I noticed stole something "Hey make sure you pay for that on your way out" had someone stuck something in their pocket. They do this to scare the person into putting the item back. Also, nobody is watching the cameras at night time. Loss prevention doesn't work during nighttime hours.

except be careful of that. especially if its the one in the town you live. personal experience those cameras are high fucking def.

Sugar is a horribly addictive substance, almost as much as cigarettes.

They won't call the cops. Chances are if you stroll back in the next week, during a different shift, nobody's going to recognize you. I was never told this by my supers but I've heard before that once you're out of the store, they can't do anything. If you at least make sure nobody notices you stealing something, cameras don't matter a bit. I've stolen alcohol when I was 18 from krogers so many times around 11pm-2am when there's a camera smack dab in the middle of the aisle. Never once was stopped or anything, even wearing a backpack. It's stupid easy to steal from stores.

Not based on my personal experience but my older brother who graduated CS/Physics and works for a large govt contractor. Says there is so much waste and overcharging govt for superficial shit that the $$ numbers are staggering and this bullshit is typical industry wide.

Can't say sources, and blow this off if you want.
But from people I was good friends with in college, I cant say that there is top level biochemical work being done on extraterrestrial bodies recovered in crashed ufo's, and they are eerily similar in chemical makeup to ourselves

I actually had a walmart employee get mad at me for doing heavy grocery shopping (superstore) at 4am. She was telling me to use self checkout. She eventually gave in and opened a checkstand for me, checkstand #29, which was 28 checkstands away. She said "You picked a bad time to shop", I said "Is this a 24 hour location or not? It doesn't say 24 hours but only shop heavily during daylight...."

Anyway that's how retarded they are at night. You could just take a few things to the self checkout lane and keep walking, you don't get paid minimum wage to shop so it shouldn't include doing their job for them.

>crashed UFOs
>on a planet with beings who have aircraft and spacecraft
>and top secret research facilities run by shady governments
>whats that unidentified object? must be aliens.

give me a fucking break

Thats not true, at least for europa. If you enter an operating room without permission, the hospital will fuck you over and the whole operation has to stop immediatly.

Always google the medication youre given by your doctors and double check it if its for the disease you are diagnosed and if the symptoms fit the diagnosis. We have so much shit to do all day long, its not really uncommon we prescribe you something wrong because we mix it up with another patient.

And never take anything we tell you for the truth. We would rather let you die than having to admit openly a mistake. Its even hospital policy. If we personally fuck it up, we have to tell you that something unexpectadly went wrong and have to clear up anything with our legal department befor telling you anything.

Debt collection - UK only edition.

If a firm of debt-collectors has the paperwork to enter your house and grab your shit, they'll do it regardless of whether you're there, so if they're talking to you AT ALL, it means they ain't got shit. Plenty of firms will send a troglodyte to knock on your door, and they'll send 50 letters a month until you agree to pay aomething, but they have not ONE legal right to actually do shit.

Tldr? If you're in debt of less than £5000, it costs more to get it off you than the original debt will to write off. Simple maths.

Those pop tarts you enjoy so much? Old rotting fruit purees go into making the filling. Whatever pungent off flavors it would produce gets masked with sugar in later addition process.

A lot of the times the raw fruit from the fields and in the fruit bins has bird shit. Like paintball wall splatters of bird shit.

most financial services companies are run by underqualified underpaid plebs under a heirarchial system.

These companies as a result tend to have no intuition for legal requirements and indicators of fraud.

As such commonly you have companies that get a mark of approval from the american/british crest and is infact an eastern european people trafficking oligarch/african warlord/mexican drug lord.

much easier to commit white collar crime if your willing to jump through some paperwork hoops without ever being 'arrestable' compared to common crime.

further delaware & BVI have the lowest statutory requirements. you could hide assets in shell companies without ever having to pay taxable income that is being made on these companies. Hong Kong banks have the lowest standards for KYC. These banks take on billions without asking questions where the money comes from or is going to go.

Used to work for a company that did charity work while I was a student.

Seemed like decent enough work.

Basically I was one of those fuckers who comes knocking on your door asking for you to sign up to donate regularly to a charity via a direct debit. Some people find that sort of work depressing cause you get turned away from almost every house and it never seems like you are making any progress sometimes. I've been sworn at threatened and shit like that just for knocking on doors. But it didn't bother me cause i was just there for the wages, wasn't expecting to change the world or anything. The way I saw it was you are getting paid above minimum wage to walk about and knock on doors, and I needed money for beer.

Anyways on top of the salary you would get paid a considerable bonus if you got more than five people to subscribe to a charity each week. i never got more than 1 or 2 a week. My team leader regularly got 7 or 8 a week and so had regular bonuses on top of the larger team leader salary. I watched how he did it.

He would target areas with large elderly populations and convince the grannies who answered the door that he was signing them up for a one time payment to the charity for 5 pounds when really he set them up for a direct debit for 5 pounds a month.

He was a proper scumcunt. He hadn't been at the company for much longer than me and this is how he had ridden up the ranks quickly.

I gradually learn that all the employees that were getting the high volumes of signups were getting them through underhand tactics. Either using the one that i just explained or some other dirt bag way. There were these 2 guys who would go to houses together knock on the door and then would not leave unless you slammed the door in their faces or signed over your details. As you can imagine this worked well on old people too. I quit.

Next time you get a chance ask your grandparents if they have donated to charity. cause some faggot might be eating away at their pension.

We throw mail at USPS.

A lot.

Rather far too.

Infact, the APBS parcel sorter relies on your packages falling out of an upside down container some 8 feet in the air onto a belt just to get the shit up to the machine.

So remember, your parcel is safe if you feel comfortable that your package's contents can survive a fall from head-height to a hardwood/concrete floor.

I have a nurse friend and almost was a nurse myself before I started seeing shit like this in training

We are absolute cattle to most medical staff and I couldn't handle living like that

I cannot look at people in that profession the same way,

Does this mean anything for chocolate/cinnamon pop tart master race?

9/11...inside job

butchers and that kind of thing here in the south/midwest need ant-hrax injections because that shit is everywhere
it kills animals super fast so it's not like you'll actually eat it or anything though because someone will fucking notice when the thing is rotting the next day, but I suspect that may change if the full-automation thing ever goes through
seriously any fag could start making that shit if they wanted, its really common in certain parts of certain states just sitting there in the fuckin soil like everywhere
why the weird dash? I don't want to be on a fuckin list fuck

Ditto. Went to school for it also. Total slave cucks, its so unfair. Not to mention, mostly everyone is mind numbingly stupid.

And people wonder why we want to keep our guns, apparently they're the only thing enforcing property rights at this point. In the US a debt collector cannot trespass and would never take the risk. Only bounty hunters can trespass here and probably only every 10th one has the balls for it.

Having worked in the food business to earn money for school I can say there is usually tons of healthide violations going on at anyplace you eat. I'm surprised people done get sick more often

oil and gas. man there are a shit load of oil spills that don't even make the news.

Your encryption methods are mind blowing.

well obviously a real dude looking at it would know but I'm worried about the servers that look for text or whatever

Many, many, MANY actors and actresses are either handed around/traded as fucktoys by influential figures, or finance their 'glamorous' lifestyles by doing escort work (discreet and extremely exclusive prostitution). Not even typically 'slutty' people either - think B grade actresses, sitcom stars etc

oh and by injections I mean immunizations obviously

I've been considering pursuing career in acting. Will that mean that the only way I can succeed is to be raped hard?

Walmart recently gave new employees a fairly big raise to start and then took of vacation time from long term employees and used the extra money to give middle management a raise to 47k a year.then spent millions on good PR to convince the general public they did good for everyone at the company if you been there 5 years or more and not in management you got completely fucked. New people make just as much as you and you can only get around 20 cents a year raise.

No they are not that are terrible if they want to record in hd they need market permission because they are cheap as fuck

The perfect crime is finding PC games without the alarm on them late at night, open them just enough to slide the code out, and taking a picture of it. That's how I got Warlords of Draenor.

I am not sure I follow, could you eplain

I bet Nick/Disney stars get the worst of it.

It makes a fun game lol. Don't agree with stealing off the little guy, but your big name companies lack any sort of moral boundaries anyway.

If you have your car detailed, we take any money we find that isn't in the cup holder or something.

If I find a 5 dollar bill under your seat (which I have), it's mine.

I don't steal items though, except a fitbit I found once in this bitch of a woman's car. Found both the watch and the charger jammed between her passenger seat and the center console, took it home and gave it to my girlfriend since it was better than hers.

A few of the other guys I've worked with will take anything they find, I like to leave most things I find in the cup holders because I have found a lot of lost items and it's cool when people get excited over me finding something they've been looking for for months. I've found everything from debit cards to expensive key fobs to drugs and paraphernalia .

Also, we look through your CDs and judge you accordingly.

Anyone who tells you their wax lasts 6 months or more is fucking liar. Maybe if you waxed the car and then parked it in a garage for 6 months, but with regular use and periodic washing even the best waxes struggle to last more than 90 days.

Like most services, if we don't think you're going to tip well or if you give us attitude before the job is even started, you're going to get half-assed results. We'll do a good enough job so that you can't complain and get it for free, but we won't do anything we don't have to. If you treat us well and have realistic expectations (AKA you didn't neglect your car for 15 years and then expect us to make it look brand new), we'll go the extra mile and do all kinds of shit we don't have to and don't get paid for just to make you extra happy.

But overall, the biggest inside info I have is that detailing a car is much harder than a lot of people think it is and you get what you pay for. Yes, I know the guys down the street clean cars for $50. I'll see you next week when you come to us to finish the job.

I can answer any questions, it's hard thinking of things on the spot.

>They will NOT do anything about it
Eh, not entirely true. My brother was arrested for shoplifting at a Walmart, but he only had to pay a fine and was banned from the store.

why do you think that?

don't you want this man to lick your feet?

The American Game show, 'Million Second Quiz' is heavily rigged. The only thing that is accurate is the timer.

Makita Corporation of America

The president and upper management do blow and fuck the accountants in restrooms. One even bought a chick an old camaro just for fucking her. The Japanese corporate guys come do an "inspection" = walk through the plant and then go out with the president to a strip club and blow about 20k. of company money. There's 3 jap interns/noobs literally being a slave at work 24 hours a day and sleep at their desk at night.
The regular employees get treated like slaves and get fired for most petty things ie. have to piss during shift, 1 minute late for work/break. The HR lady is an old bitch that is having an affair with her 21 year old assistant.

Perdue brand of chicken is infested with listeria and pay off USDA to keep shipping and making profit.

YRC stations have security that sleep on the job, so you keep just walk in the yard and steal whatever you want and get away with it.

i've worked at marinas and theres alot of older couples that have swinger orgies on their houseboats.

Behind any production with a railroad, you can steal anything from the cart and can get away with it easily.

You can steal anything you want and employees can't do shit. Also, just bring your own colored tags/stickers for the 50% deals
Also, if you get to Goodwill's donation drop off area before 6, you can usually score some decent shit that other people drop off.

Most wooden caskets have mayor defects and split shortly after leaving the factory. Also if you look under the lining, most have doodles inside them

>Tldr? If you're in debt of less than £5000, it costs more to get it off you than the original debt will to write off. Simple maths.
I really dont understand that line. What exactly are you saying?

during night shift we tell 50% of our customers we are closed
if we drop your food on the ground accidently, we still feed it to you
take as long as we want, don't care if you are waiting
raw meat on our hands? Not our problem

It's not really rape if you have a certain moral flexibility. Just think of it in terms of manual labor. Most of the time they get treated fairly well - they still need to be camera ready, so no abuse/violence

Some of the young males were pretty popular in the early 2000s, yeah

You are telling me this old coot has the time, nose and dick to do blow and fuck accountants?

not that guy, but If I understand correctly, it costs you more than 5k (with legal shit included) to get the money back from you ie. it's not worth it

Every single 'leaked' nude of a famous celebrity is a PR stunt.

Kellogg's cereal is known on the inside for regularly having lead (like Pb) scares, and is also commonly pissed in.
I don't know why the piss thing happens so often but it's funny to hear about every time.
Also the guy who founded it was a pedo.
Like, the bad kind of pedo. Nasty fucker.

I think he meant that paying debt collecting firms and observing legal procedure in order to collect debt is expensive so they will never really bother with it for small enough sums of money.

This is risky at best. Those cameras they have are insane and loss prevention IS very active during the day in a lot of stores. They WILL profile your ass and LP IS authorized to stop you, and if you leave they'll just call the cops and use one of the dozens of cameras on the outside of the building to watch you leave and maybe even snag your tag number, the cops will pull you over and find the shit you stole assuming you didn't ditch it, and then they'll take you back to the store and make you fill out paperwork banning you from walmart, then they'll decide if you're going to jail.

Source: Got caught shoplifting at walmart when I was 17 after doing it for months. Got too cocky one day and stole too much at once while dressed skeezy as fuck. LP stopped me at the door and asked me where the DVDs were (they were jammed in my pants with the tags ripped out), told them I didn't know what they were talking about. They told me to follow them and told me if I leave they're calling the cops. I follow them to the other side of the store where the LP office is, which is right next to another exit, just kept walking past the door out the exits while he yelled at me that he was calling the cops. Ditched the stuff under a car in the parking lot, took off. Got pulled over less than 2 miles down the road and searched, they can't find anything and are talking to the walmart trying to figure out what I took, the guy says he saw me on camera pulling Blu_Rays off the shelf and then walking towards the bathrooms and coming out without them. But they aren't in the car or on me and I'm not saying shit. But then they find a lighter in my pocket, brand new, completely forgot I stole it before I left, walmart confirms I took it, they take me back.

Managed to avoid jail thanks for a family connection to the sheriff but had to sign a ban waiver and pay restitution.

Haven't stole anything from walmart since and still get paranoid as fuck walking out the door.

that Goto guy looks like an asian Nigel Farage I bet he cokes and fucks on the daily

Can confirm this

I'm a bartender and whenever a nu male hipster faggot orders a gay drink I fucking hock a loogie right in his fucking cosmopolitan or sex on the beach. They get another one of they ask for a fruit slice or one of those tiny fucking umbrellas.
So do the other guys who work there. Cunts.
>mfw they till me I'm really good at making cocktails.

80% of engineering jobs are researching for other peoples shit in some document on some shitty inhouse version control program. 10% is actual creative autonomy and the rest is split between useless meetings and having to network with autistic co-workers. Depending on the degree and the field you get in, sometimes you need to just take the first job and that job may not actually use anything you learned in college, aka modeling.

they are all dead end. If you heard that 70% of the engineering force can retire at any moment, it means that they're all still doing the same thing for the last 30 years. Going up in a workforce ain't easy, but it's a lot easier to move around the company if you're actually hired direct and not a contractor.

Dude... WTF. Get a different job that doesn't involve customer service or integrity. Why are you so judgy?

Yep, third confirmation here. It's not 'leaked' if you stuck 30 images in a dropbox and asked us to choose 5 that looked the "most natural", honey.

companys basically overcharge on government contracts, happens everywhere

Don't buy a Tesla Model 3. Tesla is at the moment building their factory and ignoring almost all "best practice" advises ever. For example the car may leave the factory with untested brakes (perhaps they change their mind). Also Tesla has no experience in building high volume car series, enjoy your bugs in the first few thousand cars.

who gets to fuck them? and drop any names?

(2nd confirm here) I was paid to digitally alter certain 'leaks' by celebrities (well their agents)

Look at those smirks, they probably just did a fat gator tail off that desk.

that's fucked

But I love my job.
It gives me great satisfaction seeing these nu male cunts drinking up my fucking phloem like it's bigger cum from their wife's pussy.
Plus it makes pouring the gay cocktails more enjoyable, otherwise it's just annoying.
You're probably one of them.

i used to be a drug dealer
some of the shit the other guys would do was horrible
in some packages of cocaine they used to make 40% rat poison 20% flour and 40% cocaine tonnes of people died

>dead baby jokes

The day anyone convinces me that Bieber has anything but a below average five incher is the day pigs fly

No the fuck you dont. Spit floats and won't mix with pretty much any drink, it would be dead obvious there's a fucking loogie in your drink and then you'd get a throat punch.

God neckbeard fantasies are the worst.

as opposed to the good kind?

Models and even supermodels are just prostitutes. The have to fuck if the want to move up

>bigger cum
I meant nigger cum. My new phone hasn't adapted yet.

people do the flour cut here all the time but why poison? why kill your clients? nobody does that here except in the imagination of old people

>Deleting posts on an anonymous image board

What are you hiding from?

Jlaw must have just wanted to show off because she was already no. 1. I actually think she lost out on a payday to show her tits in some movie.

Drug dealer here too
Never saw that shit buy yeah... all scumbags. Never trust one.

it was extremely cheap to do because back in the 80s rat poison in the uk was cheaper than flour


You know how there's always a shitload of 'executive producers' on everything? Those guys. Basically independent players with ready cash who want to be pampered. Can't name a lot of current names for obvious reasons but Leah Remini was being passed around between people that were in with CoS back when she was hot. That's just one example

I can fucking guarantee you I do mate. I don't make the fucking drink and spit in afterwards obviously, I fucking mix it in you absolute retard.
And even if those retards did notice, I'm hardly going to get a throat punch from someone who orders a fucking Alabama slammer.
They'll probably just cry or blog about it.

Like it or not, some pedos treat kids really nicely, "make them feel special" and all that.
He was not one of them by a long shot.

The Fappening pics dont count.

that's fucked

Not that guy, but if I had to guess Dan "I've had tighter" Schneider.

i was nicknamed the cuban

Wait.... why would the things you've seen land YOU in jail?

Anytime you see a model on vacation somewhere - somebody is paying for it. That's where the hookups happen. My speculation.

You sound like the shittest bartender ever. Why even be a bartender if you dont like mixing drinks? Stupid

Already the highest paid actress two years running

Everyone knows that already

Don't worry, he doesn't. Just more fantasies from an angry neckbeard who spends too much time on Sup Forums.

Most likely for the whole "shit was so good these niggers died from it."
Herion dealers usually make a few cut with shit like that just to kill a few junkies every so often, the rest always flock to you just form the implication the shit is so good you'd die from it.

thats hot i read once that marilyn monroe used to fuck everyone, got fucked in the ass but some greasy jew

Nah... just thankful for assholes like you who perpetuate the low level, scummy, underachiever stereo-type of people in the hospitality industry... ironically a homophobe as well. Oh well Congratulations and keep up the fantastic job! Integrity...ha that's moral fiber that if you had it would seperate you from the hipsters and gay drinks you hate so much.

Or it has

not even him but
get out


Back in the 80s-90s, my dad was selling coke and after that crack. He said baby laxative was the biggest cutter they'd use since you can't taste it. I'd bet that's still used a lot.