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i just vomited my lunch thanks

every twiceboy pic is worth saving


there's a lot in that tiny package...


lewdest lewda now pls

not true in the slightest, but by all memes continue

>kpg is fast again



you know what you're right, carry on...


More like Afriend amirite?

>ywn stop at a red light and look over in the car next to you to see taeyeon modestly jamming out to her tunes
our girls

taeyeon face

imagine being so desperate you actually find suIIi attractive

Who the fuck cares uggoshitter

luda needs to show off her butt in a tiny g-string!!!

is melting

I love when she's mean


post our soobs



they're the most hated group here

i want to be eunha's reserved seat!



nah thats bp

forgot your nayuggo

nice babysoul tho

that's not gvomit though

i would gently crash into her so i could interact with her and probably get her to yell at me

only the plebs hate them


word but give me long haired twceigrill pls

>says user while posting twice

i mean
you don't?

that's not twice

it's funny that he saves bbsoul pictures
truly obsessed

twice is the next snsd

>"I only save reaction images of kpops !!!"

what is this autist's story?

wtf i love lovelyz now


et tu mome

solar's fat fucking donk on my face

speaking of autists

based cuckman

>ywn have to awkwardly hide your boner as taeyeon loudly berates you in korean and demands your insurance information

disgusting it looks like she's pooping in the air

he's tsundere for babysoul

I thought that was chungah at first

forgot your gaypop

it's only a couple of edgy contrarians that hate mememoo because reddit loves them

every image is a reaction image if you use it right

please stop, i have no more vomit left to give

my dream

twice will be bigger than snsd

it's you kek which makes it even more bizarre

post jisoo

>Error: Your image contains an embedded file.
What is this?

twice already is bigger than snsd and more talented too

thats not it at all, doesn't reddit love red velvet too? and we love red velvet

wheres thje ugly one

stop hating sulli, yezi
it's not her fault f(x) died

fun fact: more people like nayeon than mamapoo

i did something to this picture

I JUST ate, cmon...

this is what uggoshitters look like btw

stop saving pngs of photos, that file format is meant for graphics


this is what bpshitters look like btw

did you photoshop it to make her look ugly

i've just been briefed, twice is indeed bigger than snsd.

here she is

Yoo Jiae POV...


sulli is very attractive

no i jacked off

that's the guy who posts "lisa 2bh" at the beginning of every thread

that pic is pretty sad

>tfw that could be me one day

>tfw you will never have a twiceboy gf

post em

sunny is NOT ugly retardo


that is the most comfy and smug babysoul I have ever seen. based

imagine being this desperate for a thai ladyboy

No i just knew you fags would say exactlly this if I posted it
The mental capabilities of Uglyzshitters is depressin

based, my first waifu was sunny too

2bh? not lisa

once > sone


someone people just don't know any better :\


Everyone loves bp though, including you.

oh... s-sorry...

>only 2 kpops


reddit likes every group desu
so do we though

wtf i love wjsn now

Sorry to ruin everything, but that's Dawon, not Luda.


who is bestboy, kpg?

twiceboy, exidboy, or snsdboy?