The best anco release

The best anco release

>inb4 le hive mind person pitch meme
>>inb4 no one is hive mind because of this post

you couldn't be more wrong, op

>*make moderately interesting electronic loop*
>*put it on repeat for five minutes*
>*hum something over it while sounding stoned*
>*repeat ten times*

>so, yeah, we basically finished our new album ...

the only acceptable answer

Literally most of their discography is 10/10

Trips of truth >:D

Not even the best AnCo solo release


Person Pitch>>>>>>>>>>>>>(extreme power gap)>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Young Prayer>Tomboy=PBVSGR=pretty good I own it on vinyl (haven't listened to his first album)

bad BAD album

You're bad. PBMGR is great.

this is how I feel but I'm biased, they are my favorite band


Came to post this

>Top tier
Person Pitch=MPP=STGSTV

>Sometimes top tier depending on mood

>Garbage tier
Everything else

>lmao who the fuck would make a long boring shitty track like Visiting Friends? this is fucking awful. what were they thinking? tier
Sung Tongs

>the entire album is Visiting Friends tier boringness tier
Campfire Songs

>Shouldn't even exist/affront to humanity tier
Danse Manatee=Painting With


Was getting caught shitposting part of your plan?

>likes MPP, HTCI
>Somehow doesnt like the other things
Did you put any thought into this?

Why does no one talk about Pandas debut :/ it's next to spirit imo

>visiting friends
>not on of the best AnCo songs

unironically kys

very underrated album Tbh

Nah, but it's damn good

They're the best band of all time. Everything they've ever released has been good. Not always great, but always good.