Today is the Day

Today is the Day.
And I'm here to accept your congratulations.


faggot, you don't deserve a happy birthday. Don't be proud of yourself being born on 11/9. And don't try and bait us into congratulating you, fucking dumb piece of human garbage

ayyy nc and a learner permit? youre just like me


happy birthday.

have a rare pepe as gift.

that's pretty rare

In the normal/non-arrogant parts of the world we use the DD/MM format.

>gets triggered


how rude
yeah, nc has a lot of retards here.
thank you

yeh I know, I'm an eurofag myself, but even I have enough brain to use 9/11 when referring to 9 fucking 11

I guess, that's all for today. It was fast.

I don't give a fuck if it's about 9/11 or not, I write it the way I want it. The bitch ass OP in this thread is fishing for congratulations like a fucking whore. it disgusts me, fucking /b has turned so soft



Nigga chill. I started the provoking and I'm not this triggered. lul

no you fucking didn't
I did

828 reporting in. where you fags at?



lol i went to charlotte catholic for high school, if you live in the 704 you've probably heard of it. it's a dumpster

mad cuz ur a europoor XDDDD