Is it even possible for a woman to love a man?

Is it even possible for a woman to love a man?

Or do they just love what the man gives them?
>Sexual gratification
>Security either physically, emotionally, financially
>Social status, either by being with an influential man or using what he has to elevate themselves

As much as the media portrays women in this light that they can and will love a man despite his faults women don't love him really, and are just a stones throw from abandoning him at any point, whether it be from some character fault of the man or a man who provides more of what you do simply by being around.

So, can women actually love men?

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Not as strong as a man loves a woman, or the way a woman loves her children.

Nope. Women have no problem dumping a man if he isn't her perfect fit. We live in a princess culture where women are good enough for just have a vagina and men have to provide the world while still being "equals".
>Ex-white knight speaking from experience
Just be an asshole and they'll wanna suck the color off ur dick

Man has a woman, woman has a child, child has a dog.

The woman loves man similar to how child loves his mother or dog loves the child.

>Women have no problem dumping a man if he isn't her perfect fit.
Even if the man is a perfect fit for her, women will often betray him for a less man with some pretty words or a but of extra money.

8/10 women have cheated on their partners in some way.

Be it making out with, sending nudes, oral sex, or full blown intercourse. A lot of women think blowing a guy isn't cheating at all. Even "happy" relationships where the man never finds out.

No, they just don't really appreciate more things than money or attention, stop wasting your time searching.

I have to give it to you user, it's a lot more like that than I imagined.

Do you want to free the slaves in Hawaii?
Sign the petition, enforce the 13th Amendment!
>AP story on the slaves

go spam somewhere else.


Its possible but a woman will never love a man in the same way or as much as a man can love a woman.

>[Citation Needed]

Woman is like "I need to be with him". Man is like "I want to fuck her vagina".

The lying and back handed nature of women is source enough.

Nuh-uh, more like
Men are like "She is perfection and everything I want".
Women are like "I need some asshole to pay for my shit and worship me and my glorious vagina for simply existing".

Butthurt virgin alert

you think men would spend effort, money, time and everything just for a fuck? they can get it cheap without any trouble or risks paying for a whore.

it's more than that.

If you want unconditional love, go back to your mothers. That's all I have to say about that.

same could be said about vice versa. what's your point?

typical retaliation for a gold diggin whore getting busted

yeah, generalization sucks.

Honestly i can't even see a virgin saying this, clearly has some sort of insight
>coming from someone with only 2+ years of experience but enh.

but i cant smoke cones then cuddle naked while listening to music with my mom

or at least i dont want to

>"I need some asshole to pay for my shit and worship me and my glorious vagina for simply existing".

corrected. They need an asshole to knock them up, then a nice beta to pay for the rest

>Nice try :)

>Sexual gratification
>Emotional security (sometimes financial)
>Social status
>Children (rarely)

Are also reasons that men get together with women. Most of the posts you're going to see here will be anecdotal evidence or hearsay given by people who have been hurt and are looking for validation while being full to the brim with confirmation bias.

But on topic: Yes, they can. Do they? I'm sure plenty do and plenty don't. Until you meet every woman and somehow look inside their brains, you cannot say for sure.

>We live in a princess culture...
You know that not all women are raised full mainstream culture, right? And not all women will respond the same way to said culture.

>>Ex-white knight speaking from experience
You are one measly data point. Your experience is worth as much as the next data point, which could have had a completely different experience.

tl;dr You niggers lack evidence for what you're saying and just want a hugbox.

You what? That's what love is.

Love is the feeling of happiness (gain) you get from being around someone and their virtues. Can they sexually satisfy you? Can they make you feel secure? Is he a powerful man? If these things are positive attributes to you, and they make you happy, then that's what love is.

walk like a god and you will find your goddess

you cannot truly love until you have learned to love yourself


lmao get a load of this faggot. Either you're a woman yourself or you're just in denial

>waa waa they're not all like that
maybe, but good luck making the distinction tho

>sexual gratification

women don't care about sex
I'm guessing I'll get
but in all honestly they could not give a shit

what they do admire is power and confidence, and they are happy to put up with the sex a man needs for the first couple of years into a relationship.

after that, its very rare that couples, particularly married ones, partake in sex anymore. you get get some randy women but its rare, and more often than not they talk about it to make others jealous or attract someone

I feel you severely undervalue a dog's love.

>comparing people to gods

and this is why people end up with their expectations shattered.

>More platitudes with no fucking evidence

Look guys, the personal experiences of one person or even a large group of people is insufficient when making a claim about roughly half of humanity. You're gonna need more quite a bit of evidence to support a claim that large.

weird, all the virgins i know seem to hold women in high regard, how else are they gonna get laid you dumb shit. hahaha

Samefag detected

its pretty glorious to be surrounded by that love constantly tbh.

romance and sex would be good but im not sure how i should approach her

>how else are they NOT getting laid haha

I genuinely believe peope are single because of high standards, but I'd say it's retarded to have said standards in the first place. Just look around and smell the ashes. There never was a perfect system for love anyway, it only lasts 3-4yrs top so why even try to stretch it


>you think men would spend effort, money, time and everything just for a fuck?

Yes, since that was the path to sex in western cultures for hundreds of years. Granted, these days with tinder, less cultural shaming about sex before marriage, and other shit, there is much less money and time that needs to be spent if a fuck is all that is desired.

" Women have no problem dumping a man if he isn't her perfect fit." If that were true I'd be with my BF's wife right now. I was the perfect fit. Dude couldn't even make her orgasm from intercourse. But she liked something else intangle about him. And, ya know, she already had married him by the time I was fucking her.

love != attraction, sexual or otherwise.

it does play a role in it though.

Seems very accurate from what I have seen.

In many way, a good mongrel dog is like a woman. You get to know it, and often you get to love it. It is of no particular use, but you keep it around because you think it loves you.
If you're lucky, user, you never have to find out any different.

i thought the same thing.

so much bullshit in one shitpost you are a true master

>women don't care about sex
Yes they do user, and for them sex is usually a bigger deal than it is for men.
They want to feel a closeness and the emotional connection and ofcourse, the actual good feeling of sex.

lel, I'd rather be the asshole fucking someone's wife than be the beta whose wife is getting fucked

Don't get me started on ex gf's who proudly brag about how they got their current provider beta all nice and whipped. Sure it's funny but dayum I'm just flabbergasted at the lack of respect

so whats the story op. this is some pretty salty shit.

youre preaching to the choir buddy.

have you tried telling that to a virgin?

protip: theyll take your advice but wont follow through.

they libido is as high, they just know better to control it. That's why if you tell a girl you're just a fuckboyy who won't fall in love with her and follow her around like a puppy, she'll be much more likely to fuck you the same night. Confess your undying love however, and she will use sex as a tool and deny it until she has to reward you

I need to stop browsing this site..

It's a polarity issue

Your dick goes into a hole so you're supposed to GIVE attention and respect too you fuckin beta faggot

I tried in the past, I barely still do these days. Now when someone close to me breaks up I just tell them "she was never yours to keep, it was only your turn". People tend to agree

My heart bleeds for the friends who want to get married tho. Like this one friend whose gf is going to college and has all these "male friends". And he thinks they're still going to get married one day. I hope he doesn't kill himself once he finds out the truth.

user, if that were the case why is it that men buy viagra?

Fuck off white knight faggot.

And even if she won't cheat, then she will get bored and become sabotaging the relationship either on purpose or unconsciously. There is not point investing your time and energy into a a rotting apple that is the modern feminist woman who wants equality and special treatment at the same time where it fits her.

So you mock my post, but admit my points were valid? Thanks, I guess.

>Either you're a woman yourself or you're just in denial

I'm neither, just someone who knows generalizations and absolutes are almost always doomed to be false. I'll grant you that making the distinction is difficult and most of the time it is a roll of the dice, but women as a whole aren't homogeneous; they're just as varied as men.

it's not easy to fuck a fat woman who isn't attractive in the slightest.

I'm sure there are some good girls out there. I'm just asking you to make an estimate of their numbers. 50%? 10%? 1%?

Stop trying bud.

It takes two to tango.

A man is supposed to give just as much as a woman.

You're best to get close with him now before he tries man, the kinda guys who want to get married don't take too kindly to finding that shit out.

all aspects of romance are always one sided (effort of the male to impress the female) why would you want something that consists (for the guy - you) purely of self humiliation and degrading to be a major part of your relationship

I don't know about a man, but I certainly love boys.

no user
the answer is that contrary to what you might think a man not putting out in a marriage actually happens a lot more often than a woman not putting out, its just woman are too ashamed to admit it publicly that their husband doesn't want to have sex anymore.

>lmao get a load of this faggot. Either you're a woman yourself or you're just in denial
>>waa waa they're not all like that
>maybe, but good luck making the distinction tho
That's a fucking girl dude

He knows my stances. it's just that he's been this moralfag all his life and expects other people to be as virtuous. He's genuinely a good guy but that's his biggest flaw too. The other day we hung out while he said "yeah my gf is hanging out with a male friend now.", implying that it's ok because he's so progressive and open minded. He's going to get burned to bad, just a matter of time. That's what you get for trying to be moral in an amoral world.

try telling somebody delusional that they're delusional.
not that he is entirely at fault, if its his first, it's understandable and expect she will be callous and without mercy. if you care enough you can soften the blow and make it less traumatizing on his reentry into earths atmosphere. but apart from that theres no magical pill thats gonna make that situation turn out well for him, unfourtunatly.

Don't confuse the narcissistic female self-intersest with human emotions. Female emotions are limited to getting angered and threatening when her needs don't come first in any and all situations, and being "nice"(manipulative) when you put them above you.

well men are wired to be aroused visually. Maybe said women should pay more attention to their looks even after marriage and kids. Not cutting their hair short would be a good start.

You dumbass of course it's possible. Also. How high are you?

Of course. You have 3 years to love a girl and be loved by this girl. These 3 years passed love becomes complicated, artificial maybe and eventually if you're still with her you'll just be used to her presence but you'll love something else, another woman or your children maybe.

the only pill that's going to work is reality. I'm just putting seeds in his mind, so that when the time comes and reality slaps him in the face, he'll be able to put it in the context of my past words

in theory

yeah, i'm in his boat, but thankfully not getting cucked.

because sex is awesome?

Sounds like "i need to be feminist"

Also cheked
Dubs not always say the truth.

They dindu nuffin

maybe not yet. What's your story tho

Pussyhurt girl or triggered white night detected


I could add that, today people being couple because they love each other. In the past, ancients got married and then love (might) come.

>women demand being worshiped and praised for sex because they have nothing else to offer
>women accuse you of using them "just for sex"

It's a trap and proves the point that they have no emotions and are incapable of caring about us

Yep :/

There is no way to make such an estimate; anybody who tries is pulling shit out of their ass based on their own experience or the experiences of people who agree with them. To come up with something like that would require a study so massive that it would be infeasible.

Simply put, there is no way to know. I don't want to bring more anecdotal evidence into this cesspool, but I think some of the problems may result from people staying in relationships where they're clearly not compatible, but stay together because of the sunk cost fallacy. I think if you want to find someone who you can truly love that loves you back, you may need to go through a lot of people (and be ready to leave or work hard), or get extremely fucking lucky

This is beyond of expected.


Jewish brainwashing has ruined white women, made it near impossible for a white man to have a normal white family.

don't forget mistresses and infidelity were the norm. Read some medieval books where they said back then "true love" was reserved for said mistresses. The real wives were just there for procreation and the establishment of a Domus, or an economical enterprise comparable to farms

hahaha i got caught by that trap. sex was like this 'holy-grail-stepping-stone-hurdle' to pass in the relationship. after it was a success it was literally the problem, haahahahahaha

we get you're autistic, but since you claim to be logical follow this logic: a group doesn't get a stereotype for no reason. Characteristics can be applied to any group, even the entire human race, because whether they like it or not they are naturally going to follow certain characteristics. Women happen to be heartless

We all keep telling ourselves that user...yet here we are again

MOST women

fix it before you go back to arguing in circles

>Sounds like "i need to be feminist"

Fucking how? Did you just have a stroke or something, how the fuck did you come to that conclusion?

>Also cheked
>Dubs not always say the truth.
>They dindu nuffin

Whatever helps you sleep at night, kid.

you a faggot

they're not heartless. It's just that they canalise their love in different ways than their husbands.

men love women, women love kids, kids love puppies etc etc. Either way hubby's position on the social ladder is last.

I cringe when I see old couples passing me on the street. The wives with short hair and resting bitch face syndrome, having more testosterone than their whipped husbands who follow them around like beaten puppies. Sickening.

Ah so your just a little bitch with your mistress watching, waiting to peg you when you type the wrong thing. News flash buddy she's going to peg you anyway


You Need more "0" on the left of your percents

no you're a faggot for even reading that post and giving it attention

Less than 10% and blame the media for fucking what love is in front of the generations