ITT: Albums that made you cry

ITT: Albums that made you cry

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i have an inability to cry

reminder if you don't cry to this, you're a monstrosity among humankind

I was fucking around in my kitchen listening to this once and when Something came on I just started crying. Was weird.

Turn on the Bright Lights by Interpol

Buyers Market just makes me feel numb, it doesn't make me cry


Pic related, The Glow Pt. 2, and Can't Maintain are the only albums that hold that honor.

>When you listen to every Beatles album in chronological order and "The End" comes on.

>I pretend to cry
>Even if I cried alone

>I remember the day that I walked away from this empty flight
>Cause the demons are really the ones when there's nothing on
>Words slip by when I'm silent I have to let so many people down
>But the bell from the ice cream man comes to save the day

this. daydreaming, glass eyes and true love waits are absolute tear-jerkers. even the songs that aren't even particularly sad make me cry. it may not be the best radiohead album, but it's probably the most emotional by a long shot.

This desu

Blonde, only because of Nights and Siegfried

All of Fleetwood Mac's albums fronted by Peter Green. All of Elliott Smith's albums.

I love Siegfried so much I wish he would make an EP off that, it instantly makes me FEEL

this an r plus seven

Pic related and ITAOTS

I love how nostalgic and wistful the last track is. It's like looking back on life before dying or something

What Does Your Soul Look Like Pt. 1 has made me cry

midnight in a perfect world is the main one that makes me cry, but all of the tracks can elicit tears in the right mood

This is the only album I've ever cried to.


>tfw never cried to an album
it's not like I haven't wanted to either
I just can't

I never considered myself to be a spiritual person until listening to Coltrane.


Either/Or, Pink Moon, Jackson C. Frank, and The Glow Pt. 2. Sad folk music is 10/10 for crying

i wish there were straight girls like this

forgot link to song

Thanks for posting this OP I started listening and its fucking tearing me apart good shit man

bruh siegfried and skyline to make me want to burst into tears, but i just cant ;w;

Siegfried is a true underrated GOAT

Slow Riot for New Zero Kanada

>dont't have a pic of it I'm sorry

>Karma Christmas
>Silver & Gold
>Christmas Unicorn, with it's amazing use of Love Will Tear Us Apart


so real makes me cry

>Dreaming a thought that could dream about a thought
>That could think of the dreamer that thought
>That could think of dreaming and getting a glimmer of God
>I be dreaming of dreaming a thought
>That could dream about a thought
>That could think of dreaming a dream
>Where I cannot, where I cannot

>true love waits

fuck that song, still haven't made it through it without tearing up.

>this is not my life
>it's just a fond farewell to a friend
>it's just a fond farewell to a friend

this part literally hits me so hard, what the shit im not even sure how i relate to this

>I'd do anything for you
>In the dark

fuck... idk how he managed to make the comfiest yet saddest song ever.


Fucking Plebs sware ta god.

Only one piece of music has ever made me cry. The fucking ending man. So beautiful.

seriously i listened to this while flaking on my unreasonable dick appointment around 4am and it really killed me, i want frank to explore more soft emotions in his next LP

same desu
only cried like twice in the past 4 years at least


I don't love fucked me up the first few times I listened to it. No other song has ever made me feel like it.

No matter what I can't listen through all of it. So fucking awful.

>Outside the window, awful weather
>The storm will slowly close in on me
>When it's time to leave

specifically the last four songs, when i was fourteen and extremely depressed for some reason

freaks me out now cause i don't think i've ever been that low since (now 22)

This, almost: But my best choice is pic related. Though I don't cry really, just a couple of tears and that's it, and I was already feeling awful that day... but yeah, it is kinda depressing.


mutual slump always gives me some nostalgic feels

The Death of Music and Things Beyond Things (and Night, kinda) are sad stuff, indeed. Though I don't feel the same way with Bastard or Funeral...

this desu
>cried 3 times about the same girl in the last 4 years
>last time i cried non-related to the girls was at least at age 10

I loved Glass Eyes but True Love Waits is overrated as hell.

I cri evrytiem

In a good way I guess. It was just such a beautiful day out when I heard the violin in Exiles.

Def not Funeral, I'm kinda drunk and now realizing that it's a "happy song" lol

For that name, well, yeah, is quite a happy song.


Check out Karma by Pharaoh Sanders if you haven't already. It's very spiritual but a lot more experimental than A Love Supreme.



Giles Corey is the only album I've cried to, but LYSF has made my eyes feel like they're about to well up

Ed Sheeran

So much emotion in her voice and such beautiful music. I cry just from pure emotion not necesarily from sadness.

Coltranes music literally changed my life. There's a live recording of Crescent from 1966 that you should check out. It gets me every single time.

>You are over
>You are over
>You are over
>You are well done
>You are over
>You are over
>You are over
>You are

sister and woman did it for me but also intern


>insert acoustic indie guitar playing females album here
im a sucker for female vocals

the last song gets me everytime

is this about steak?

Check out the acoustic version, friend.

Also nice dubs

This as well as rollercoaster

Not a lot of songs are quite as crushing.


Alt j's first album me and my two best friends listened to it all the time on acid now every time I hear it I wanna cry because I miss the way things used to be. Simple. Just doing drugs working stupid jobs going to high school smoking weed playing music and listening to this album along with most Sup Forumscore before we even knew what mu was. Fuck take me back for just a little while.

For me it's Oh Comely. That song fucks me up every time.

lmao gay

be the thing
that lives
in the dream
when it's gone.


Here She Comes > Souvlaki Space Station > When The Sun Hits

i cri evrytime

Pygmalion is pretty depressing too

wut, these make me happy if anything

This album gives me a very specific feel of love. I remember listening to I'll Forget About You Throwing That Rock for the first time last summer and just bawling for some reason.

Guess it just reminds me of a love that I'll never have. Still makes me sad. Only other albums that made me cry like a baby were Apokalypsis and Songs About Leaving.


top tracks are White Ferrari and Futura Free imo Skiyline to is good, Nights is ok, Solo and Self Control are nice

That album is emotional as fuck. Solo, white ferrari, and the last minute of self control did it for me

this album is sooooo good for times in hopeless thoughts and dreams

miranda and alison makes you feel happy?

I cried because it's so beautiful



I don't think an album has ever made me cry. I cry watching movies sometimes though.

(in response to Glow Pt. 2)


Same. Cried when my grandfather passed away last year. That was the first time I cried in 9 years.