Itt post album art that makes you uncomfortable to the highest degree

>itt post album art that makes you uncomfortable to the highest degree

Other urls found in this thread:



any pornogrind album cover

wtf has that pic in the bottom right corner always been there? I've never noticed it

mods please delete this thread this was a mistake

im paranoid because one version of the album has a photo of the same girl topless and im thinking like "did sleazy touch that girl?" because that would be right fucked, man. and then decides to muck up the thread with that shit im not looking to get banned or vanned
>mods please delete

Congregation by The Afghan Whigs. Not going to post it, as it has a baby's vagina on it.

Name of the album?

>one version of the album has a photo of the same girl topless

it's already up there, "jesus christ"

Considering she's 11
Blind Faith's album "Blind Faith"

>Search jesus christ album on google
>Jesus christ superstar

C'mon give me the band name bruh

Are you fucking blind

smell and quim
it's easier to find on discogs
found it in a record store that was going out of business while looking through the industrial section and immediately ran to the bathroom to wash my hands

Smell and Quim, he put it in the post

This thread needs to be deleted.


fuck off


Shut the fuck up.

Hope you die in a car weck.

That bootleg album with Euronymous' dead body too to a small extent. Not that bad but I don't like looking at it for any extended period of time and usually scroll passed it whenever I can.

i can't fucking believe this is the first time i've noticed, holy shit. i feel so fucking blind.

You mean Dead? Are there any pictures of Euronymous even?

One of the songs us up on YouTube with the same image, please stop being a pussy

Ah, yeah, that. Wrong name.

>I don't like looking at it for any extended period of time and usually scroll passed it whenever I can.
because it makes you sad and cry?


are you fucking kidding me? these pics are actual covers. discogs shows the jesus christ one without any problem, in fact.

get out

Discogs has that version
French fetish records pressing 80s? I have it, but I don't have it nearby.
It's a hard blank and white look

did you get the reference, friendo

also I don't really have any music that makes me uncomfortable. something by Whitehouse, maybe. anyone rec anything

what dumbass would let their child near a bunch of weird artists and a closet pedophile?


Ah here we go

There's a color version of it and bigger as one of the images for the original release of the album. Just click on the album art and you'll see it.

man, i never noticed the little girl on the lower right. for me, it was just a girl next to some music equipment.

now i can't unsee

>did you get the reference, friendo
no what is it?


what the fug

why do any of these bands do this?

what's the story on this cover?

... @ 2:42

What was the deleted picture of?

religious ceremony

basically cp
thank you mods

an industrial record with a naked little girl on it. i mean, fucked up, but if discogs allows it it's not like fbi will go against you.

>basically cp
You're retarded

its actually up to a jury

im the op so im the judge and jury bithc

the only power you have as op is to delete the thread and its probably been too long by now anyway

How fucking new are you all to industrial lmao

it wont let me

The calendar insert from the original LP is even worse

Industrial music is all about that shock value

By far.

ok but does that explain the choice? Pretty sure there are countless other types of pictures that would be shocking.

They just want the shock value. My mind can't think of something more socking than that. Sex (just regular sex) is ok for a lot of people, extreme violence doesn't matter for a lot of people, but things like that are awful for everyone, even nowdays.

>just regular sex
I think you just answered your own question

but really, you're on Sup Forums and you can't think of anything else? That's shocking.

>but things like that are awful for everyone
but its literally not, and thats the problem.

i don't get the cover desu

and actually based on the dependable evidence presented by people in this thread a jury would literally be forced to convict.

The problem is not what it shows, but rather the implications.
And yeah, I know it's not "everyone", but for most of the people.
Oh yeah, and I'm trying to think about things that are socking but without showing too much.

>The problem is not what it shows, but rather the implications.
If it can be proven that the intent is to shock then by definition a jury is supposed to convict

It's not that bad, but the only reason why I posted is because I already listened to the album, and most of the time when I see a scary album cover the music isn't half as scary, so after that none of them work.
That album works the other way around, the cover becomes terrifying after you listen to the music.

Well... yeah, you're right.

unless of course there's some other rare example of an intent to shock for a reason other than sexually related that wouldnt still fall under an exploitation law, for example


Gonna need a sauce on this album. Google reverse search doesn't work on mobile.

>Google reverse search doesn't work on mobile

its the three dots next to anonymous

Dragged Into Sunlight

her last name is literally fuck

It just redirects to this page for every image.

Thanks, mate

even thinking about this album is horrible

>It just redirects to this page for every image.
oh ok weird



I actually got quite uncomfortable just reading that.

Sleazy was gay, I don't know about genesis though

wait until neo Sup Forums discovers whitehouse and power electronics




Well, now that's what I call disgusting.

>implying they haven't already
Even entry level hipsters listen to Whitehouse and TG cause obscure shit indie rock isn't enough anymore


What was the image?

I Am a Bird Now

Depicting one of the Warhol Superstars on their deathbed.

It's a solo album by the frontman for Dexys Midnight Runners.

that one album with the simple drawing of a guy being stabbed in the ribcage with a banana makes me cringe for some reason
like, think how painful it must be to be stabbed by a blunt weapon like that




The album art for Throbbing Gristle's D.O.A.

I have no idea why it was deleted, it's been posted on here a lot.

Early cg uncanny valley shit right here.

scorpions - virgin killer

All these anons were crying and asking for mods over a Throbbling Gristle album cover? It's completely SFW even. Why is Sup Forums so full of newfags who don't even know Throbbing Gristle?

spooky as hell


I always thought this is an unsettling album art, represents the actual music well.

that's what was in the OP, definitely unsettling

Lol moooods wahaaaahhh

Oh boy Halalnihil