Post communist music

Post communist music.

Hard mode: No punk music.

Other urls found in this thread:

Henry Cow

good because I can't name any communist punk anyways

Les Rallizes Denudes

Here you go OP


Roda Kapellet?

The United States of America
Robert Wyatt

Orchid, dummy

Whew, good thing I dont like any of those albums. Fuck communism


>mfw I see a communist

>the clash
Were they really?


Communism is a meme that should've died almost a century ago.

This is now a classical liberal thread

Strictly speaking, They were left leaning. I don't think they were communist, They just memed about communism.

They were socialist. The chart is leftist in general.

Disturbing lack of woody on this chart

Immortal Technique

Who's that guy?

it's a lefty=Sup Forums chart, not a Communist chart

Punk music communist WEW LAD

This is now a paleoconservative thread

*lefty-Sup Forums

>he hasn't heard of The Dicks

It lacks Area and Stormy Six.

Same but capitalism.

the entirety of the rock in opposition genre. also stereolab

>pink flag, deceit, consumer revolt, Entertainment
Not bad, lefty/pol/

>inarguably the most successful economic system the world has ever seen
>meme that should have died
Nice try.

If you measure success as numbers of life ruined, then yes, capitalism is very successful.

There's Dust Bowl Ballads in the fifth row.

Cornelius Cardew

don't you have some sort of LGBT hormone therapy support group to get to?

weak b8

Yes, but instead of LGBT hormones it is how to plan to kill the rich.

Then get off your obviously fat ass and kill some rich people or grow up and get a job you absolute leech faggot

Tim Gane's band before Stereolab.

not an argument

Yes, I agree. I will murder the rich and then get a job in which wages are redistributed based upon true merit and not given to the do-nothing parasite class that is the bourgeoisie.

Where would someone who wants facism via education and science be on this chart? I want an authoritarian government run by the academic elite.

Are you still a fat ugly faggot in your fantasy world?

Yugoslavian Communist music:

Capitalism BTFO. Few get rich, many get fucked over.

Neither was yours. Look at all of the top countries on earth in terms of quality of life. All capitalist. Communism has killed more people than just about any other ideology in history.
>inb4 no true scotsman

Probably high up on the Y axis but about two squares to the right, around where National Socialism/Nazism/Fascism traditionally is.

see my chart for reference fashy brother

I think the Transatlantic Slave Trade killed more people than communism ever did, and that's just one incident caused by capitalist greed.

it's really actually scary to think about the fantasy world that these people live in

I'd love to stomp each and every one of your edgy fuck's heads in. If only you knew how communism plays out.

This. Listening to communists talk is like being in a middle school history class.

Notice any running themes here?
Get a job you lazy fuck. You don't deserve the same lifestyle as a doctor.

In contrast to communism where everyone is equalled fucked over

Huh, weird, i think nazism is retarded, and any ideology based upon non objective criteria and psuedo science is bullshit (aka far right movements). I always end up on the green square, because i feel like outside of the governments domain, there should be freedom, especially in the arts. Is it possible to be a left leaning facist?

Communists don't make good music

Don't forget the time the British Empire starved about 10 million Indians they ruled because they wanted to get the Chinese addicted to opium so they made them replace all their crops with poppy plants. Or the time that Belgian king about the same amount of people in the Congo slaughtered because "MUH RUBBER"

Third Position, you fuckers.

>wages distributed based on merit
Pro tip: a completely free market would do this

Corporate welfare is a product of the policies of the state


I'm not sure what you think "seize the means of production" means. Ask yourself: did the USSR sit with their thumbs up their ass after killing the Tsar?

All ideologies have the possibility to kill a lot of people.

The main problem with all the communist states so far is they devolve into cults of personality that are closer to fascism than communist. Mao was essentially a dictator, same with Stalin, same with all the other naughty "communist" guys.

I mean the British starved millions of people to death in India in the 18th and 19th centuries, even as late as 1943. They were a democracy by then, and yet still millions got killed.

>Is it possible to be a left leaning facist?
No. But "traditional" Italian Fascism sounds more your speed.

but den who wuld build da roads??

>people dont matter
capitalist scum detected, shouldn't you be out giving blowjobs to your bosses to get a promotion?

King of commie folk music here.

notice how you didn't provide a counter argument.

t. Completely useless individual.

>all these meme answers
let me help you plebs in the right direction

Every so-called "free market" appears to have resulted in uneven wages. Is there some sort of threshold where if you go full Libertarian the rich will finally give you your fair share of the surplus profit instead of keeping it?

Don't sign your own posts.

For an actual answer, Billy Bragg

also sam roberts band has openly advocated for socialism

any working class person that supports capitalism is a cuck

No, they just decayed over the span of a century because they believed in a flawed system and ran their government with the selfsame brutality as the fascist dictators they decried.

Yes, they went state capitalist instead of full communist. A shame.

After the Tsar was killed there was a full blown Russian Civil War, with the reds fighting the whites.

Reds won primarily because they were united, controlled the railways and had a single competent leader.
The whites were fractured factions, with different leaders often competing with each other, and they were so ruthless that local populations tended to side with the reds.

When the reds finally wiped the whites out, the country was absolutely ruined, its a wonder they pulled through at all. Lenin and Trotsky really were the prime reasons things were held together, both very competent leaders.

Yeah, it's astounding to think about how delusional liberals can be to think that communism has killed more people than capitalism, right?

Communism is actually pretty cool it's just a shame like 99% of millennial "communists" are just middle class white kids who complain about capitalism on Tumblr more than they actually ya know, do something about it.

>a left leaning facist?
What exactly appeals to you about fascism?

Capitalism has killed significantly more people than communism, you idiot.

[citation needed]

t-thats what he said tho, isn't it?

People only really "do something" when life is so bad that everyone is pissed. At that stage they dont care what system is coming up, as long as its not the current one.

These days most people have a pretty good life, and the few that are disgruntled don't quite have the numbers for a full blown revolution.

Formation of the USSR wasn't really public choice, it was political maneuvering that eliminated any opponents to the party. The people just wanted to be fed.

Single state authoritarian government. My ideal form would be a benevolent emperorship, but having a literal singular person as your leader is very inconsistent.

This. Same deal with anarchism. It's been inextricably linked to edgy 16-year-olds who've never even heard of Kropotkin or Bakunin and would give you a funny look if you asked them what they thought of mutual aid.


Sounds like Marxism-Leninism-Maoism would be up your alley.

But i think communism is retarded.

Yeah, and he's describing state capitalism, not communism.

>Victor Jara

My nigge

communism has a huuuuugeee fucking death toll to it's name, like way bigger than capitalism or any major religion

>inb4 no true communism fallacy

the left needs more people like this desu

Still no source.

Feels good to be in the master race.

there's a lot of punk on that list

pic related

anarchism = garbage.

Thanks for losing spain for us nerds

>implying it wasn't Stalinist sectarians who made Spain crumble
Read Homage to Catalonia, nerd.

>6 replies in a slow as fuck thread

nothing of value was lost

some leftist Finnish music from the late 60's and 70's

even maoists fall into the green on this garbage chart.