ITT: artists that are approved by p4k, scaruffi, fandango, and christgau

ITT: artists that are approved by p4k, scaruffi, fandango, and christgau

Joanna Newsom

My Bloody Valentine
Also, what does Christgua think of Swans?

>what does Christgua think of Swans
He liked Filth

Hard to dislike a band that created the best album of all time

Also Fugazi

I'm pretty sure they all approve of The Velvet Underground but I don't follow pitchfork enough to know what they think.


If you count christgua's honorable mentions as approving I'd add animal collective to the list.

AnCo isn't really Scaruffi approved though. He gave them mostly 6s and 7s

he doesn't give 7s that often

I'd say a 7 is the minimum requirement for scaruffi approval but it's all just a matter of semantics at that point.

>listening to artists that need to be approved by reviewers

drink bleach immediately

that's clearly not what OP is about

thanks OP

>everyone who's talking about OP is OP
that's the 2nd excellent post from you
you seem to be a very smart guy

>artists that are approved by p4k, scaruffi, fandango, and christgau

why even make this thread? do you need justification from hack reviewers? no point here

that's just a thread about artists who belong to some category
sane with 'post artists who are probably alt-right' and shit like that

>do you need justification from hack reviewers?
>Sup Forumscore is basicall albums approved by those hacks
>being on Sup Forums
what are you doing here lol


>why even make this thread? do you need justification from hack reviewers? no point here

>that's just a thread about artists who belong to some category
>same with 'post artists who are probably alt-right' and shit like that

I'm just autistic and like categorizing things. I don't give a shit about the reviewers themselves. This thread could also be list artists hated by all those reviewers and I would be just as interested.


It's going to be a 'hip hop' album

Black dicks for all

Is he approved?

let's see for EN
7-8 from p4k, not sure if this is good for their standards
Zeichnungen got an 8 from Scruffy
I can't find anything from Fandango
Christgau seems to like them too

>Nothing from Fantano