Technical but terrible

What are some other bands like Dream Theater, Meshuggah, etc. that are really technical but objectively boring and awful?

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Brain Drill was the first that came to mind.

and I'd rather get punched in the stomach than listen to Animals as Leaders or any of that nonsense.

Rings of Saturn

Steven Wilson, but not really because of his actual songwriting. He's just kind of tasteless, like his musuc sounds like it came out 40 years ago. He just doesn't try to push any boundaries with the genre.


At least Rings of Saturn is unique, even if their music sounds like vomit.

Liquid Tension Experiment
Animals as Leaders

These and Opeth

Crack the Skye is a masterpiece though.


Are you stupid? Steven Wilson is one of the least technical modern prog artists even though he had Guthrie Govan, Marco Minnemann and Gavin Harrison play for him

>He's just kind of tasteless, like his musuc sounds like it came out 40 years ago. He just doesn't try to push any boundaries with the genre.
Oh so you're just parroting Fantano's reviews ok.

>Animals as Leaders

Animals as leaders is god tier though. Saw them live last year, it was great.

Animals as Leaders is elevator metal

Most accurate I've ever heard them described

I don't watch Fantano...That's just how the music sounds dude.

everything associated with Devin Townsend

I could listen to Dream Theater all day before touching any of his stuff

>thinking Wank Theater is better than based Devy

The only good thing he ever did was the skit at the start of zitloid the omniscient

Crack The Skye is boring proge

You're full of shit, lot of his music can be genuinely emotional

>boring and awful
Holy shit kill yourself. They came up with a original sound and sticked to it, always trying to improve it, not their fault a gazzillion 3rd rate metalcore kiddies started copying them.

>Crack The Skye is boring proge
Back to /metal/ shitposter

>Mooooommm someone talked bad about my shitty djent music on the philipino puppetshow forum

at least Dream Theater is like a more autistic Rush, Townsend is just shit

>steven wilson

Here I thought I was gonna come across people that know jack shit about music.

Yeah guys, Sound of Muzak, Fear of a Blank Planet and 4 Chords that Made a Million are super technical songs.

The first half of the Astonishing was good and then the second half nose dives into complete boring mush with some cheesey lyrics added in.

I liked what they were trying to do but they clearly just rushed the whole second half because the label wanted the record now.

They should have just Metroplis part 1 and ended it at A New Beginning.

I basically can't listen to any metal these days but Megadeth, its all just grating and same-y to me.

Hand Cannot Erase is pretty modern, with a lot of electronici and pop elements. I think yeah his other solo albums are him emulating 70s prog music, which is what he seems to be obsessed with so whatever.

Also, I would call PT the least technical band in progressive rock. Any amateur could play most of the songs.

>Steven Wilson
Ok you're just retarded

is this a good album?


Yeah this totally sounds like King Crimson dude

Objective truth.
>Animals As Leaders
>Not Djent
I think it is you who is the one who is retard

>talks shit about Roine Stolt and Neal Morse for recycling classic prog
>his solo project is just King Crimson and Pink Floyd tribute

a great one actually

Fuck sorry I think I quoted the wrong post

>Not terrible

>Opeth is bad
>Memespithe pic
I told you to go back to /metal/ shitposter

plini, intervals, tesseract, polyphia, etc

He criticizes Morse? post the link I'm curious.

Personally I listen to both frequently but would consider Morse better.

He also loves Mars Volta, tool and Radiohead

good, would be great without the retarded robot vocals
same can be said for Traced in air.

AAL isn't djent.

Every song sounds virtually the same. 10 minutes of shitty riffs recycled from the psychedelic movement and thrown into a minor key with shitty edgelord vocals and lyrics.
Also, their fan base is arguably worse than tools
>"He's amazing man, his voice is like an angel but then also a demon and hes so deep"
>"I'm not surprised you don't understand it, it's pretty intricate, not for the everyman"
Get fucked cunt they don't even use complex time signatures, how are they intricate.

Them moving away from djent for a song doesn't make them not a djent band.

>tfw listening to AAL

The Astonishing will be vindicated in time. The world is not ready.

>He doesn't like Meshuggah

lol wew lawd

>for a song
Even on the earlier releases you find a lot of songs that don't constitute as djent.


They are a gayass neckbeard band bruh

Steve Vai
Yngwie Malmsteen
The Reign of Kindo
Mahavishnu Orchestra


From the horse's mouth. They're a Djent band.
Just cause ride the lightning has a power ballad on it, doesn't mean it's not a thrash metal album.

shred != technical

Would you like to help me get them a Grammy for packaging next year? They missed the deadline this year by one week. Was this part of their master plan?

this simply is the truth though

shredding usually is the definition of technique over musicality

>buy 7/8 string guitars
>only use the bottom 3 strings
nigga just drop tune holy shit

>Djent is supposed to be
>supposed to be

>le bassman thinks he's a lead guitarist meme
>legitimately just copy+pasting metalcore riffs
I don't know why people like this shitty band.

>Dream Theater is like a more autistic Rush
Thank you, I take that as a compliment.

>Mahavishnu Orchestra

>It's essentially what they're calling what this new wave of bands are doing, what I'm doing
>what I'm doing
Go smoke weed and stare at stars or whatever you djent kids do.

all progressive rock, prog metal, "technical" metal and Chopin

it's called djent not stoner

You have no clue what this means.

Oh, and by the way, I'd like to inform you of some terrible musicians that played with John Mclaughlin - Al Di Meola, Chick Corea, Carlos Santana, Paco De Lucia, Jeff Beck and Miles Davis.

This, to be honest.

So it is Djent, then.
In any case, it's elevator metal, like the other user said.

First day here buddy, eh? Isn't it funny to shitpost and fit in? The almighty Sup Forums wants me to hate progressive rock - so, here I am.

Still irredeemable trash

>look at me go mom, me so fast at the guitar!

prog sucks dick

>Miles Davis
>Chick Corea

Polyphia is interesting to me though, something is funny and clever about top 40s inspired shred metal. It works pretty well too because the melodies get stuck in your head.

Obscura the band is pretty bad.
Obscura the album is incredible though.

The almighty Sup Forums welcomes you. You've successfully completed the first quest.

I'm talking about Mclaughlin, obviously. Not that I expected basic reading comprehension from a Mahavishnu Orchestra fan

Kanye is the best musician to ever grace this planet, aye?

sorry I insulted your favorite genre, queer :^)

Quest #2:
The almighty Sup Forums commands you to make a Kanye thread.

>The first half of the Astonishing was good and then the second half nose dives into complete boring mush with some cheesey lyrics added in.
Wut, I'm seriously suspicious you haven't heard it. The album might as well be labeled disc 1: peace; disc 2: war

And disc 1 is balls to the wall

take it easy, senpai
no need to get this salty over opinions

I'm not him.
But dude. Stop.

Do you honestly think I'm taking any of this seriously?

It doesn't matter if you're taking it seriously or not if I cringe any harder I might actually die.

Yes, everyone thinks you're taking it seriously, because you are.
>le kanye le le

Joe Satriani

If it made this horrible thread die, I'm all for it.

Anything by this guy

there's a lot of trip hop and electronica in his work

>Mom the big boys are being mean to my pet genre I hate them!

Pushing boundaries isn't necessary for music to be considered good.

Lol, no.

Such an amazing ending to L.P. no. 1 of 4

I hope the video game incorporates it.

It's necessary in prog
That's why the genre is called PROGRESSIVE rock

Then please explain why he would've said something like this.
And who do you think is currently pushing the boundaries of genres?

Is parlor grind a thing? If not The Astonishing comes damn close to inventing it. I think they actually miss it on a literal split second technicality.

Where did I claim that progressive rock was my favorite genre of music and that it's the only genre of music I listen to?

I hate his bare foot meme.

You basically announced that fairly clearly with the level of butthurt autism you've been posting.

Great response to Steven Wilson claiming that he's not interested in being a guitar god and extremely technically proficient on the instruments he plays.

Wow, he calls transatlantic pretentious while writing the most pretentious email of all time.

Alls Mars Volta and Tool are trash. Radiohead is barely progressive.