Are there people who actually listen to Death Grips unironically?

Are there people who actually listen to Death Grips unironically?

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I do. I like their music a lot

unfortunately yes

t. underage

Yeah I like their music. It's energetic and fun.

this, nothing more really
never understood why they got so hyped on here, they're okay at best

yeah i like it a lot

Yeah I love them


Jenny Death is a 10/10. I'm serious.

Are there any people on Sup Forums who don't decide to shit on something because its widely enjoyed

>tfw sharing the board with people like these

Yes, I don't listen to them as much as I used to but it's great workout music

death grips more like pleb grips haha or meme grips lmao

I still love them but I'd never go to one of their shows ever again because sharing a room with that many underage meme loving fucks for 2 hours before they even came out just to get a good spot was horrible.

I like the instrumentals
If i could find something similar...

Get got, Hacker, Hustle Bones, and Artificial Death in the West are the only songs I've ever enjoyed, personally. But I haven't heard every single thing they've ever done, though

oh I forgot this was a meme thread

>DAE underage B&




What's the point of listening to music ironically?

I used to, before Sup Forums jumped on the Fantano bandwagon with TMS and ruined everything ever since. NLDW was the point where most of their music kinda became self-parody. Nowadays, you can't even discuss them without rightfully calling them a meme, because that's what they are in the eyes of the average Sup Forumstant and the media at large. It's to the point where I couldn't take them seriously if I tried and it doesn't help that they're kind of a one trick pony.

Bottomless Pit was good though, better than Government Plates and Tha Power That B.

my favorite band

Yeah they're pretty good. not the best, but they've had a few good albums

Listening to Death Grips is like loving your family. Do I really love these people or am I genetically programmed to do so?

lol twice in one day i got the devil trips
so peace sells is the best thrash album of 86
suck it
tfw the saw is too complete


What's the point of doing anything unironically?

yeah I do it. I'm not personally a big hip hop fan, I'm more into punk rock so that might explain why I enjoy a bit of Death Grips.

My favourites are On GP (sick guitar) and Spread Eagle Cross the Block

oh shit u right

I can throw a few songs into a playlist and enjoy them but I can't honestly say I enjoy one album start to finish.

this is the most disgusting thread of the year so far
you people should go to 9gag


do people seriously listen to them ironically? cause that would be even more fucking gay.

>listening to memerap unironically

meme rap? seriously? are you 12?

>are you 12?
you're not the one to ask this question considering that you like death grips

>loving meme grips unironically
are you 10?

The people who are outwardly butt-blasted by their music are the real meme-lords


This shit is the fucking worst. Why are you people unable to separate anything from its online presence

I only like it when it's used in mashups
Otherwise it's just screamy garbage

Haha good one bro we're so different from the sheeple haha

>are you 10?
are you 8

You don't understand Death Grips if your evaluation ends at "It's fun to listen to"

This music worms its way into your skull and unearths your most primal fears as a human being. It's basically a monument to the fact that music can be dark with a purpose and not just rely on being loud and angry as its only notable quality

You're not only overthinking their music, but you are overthinking a lot about life.


Or you're just assuming everyone's as boring as you.

Some people appreciate music as an artform beyond whining about slight discontent with relationships

They're not that bad

I'm a big fan of their ridiculously hard tracks

and what feel is that user? being an overly smug prick?

Here's a transcript of our conversation: (rough transcript I was anxious af talking to him) Me: hey man, my name is Bailey. Just wanted to say that I really liked your looking at your work tonight. Stefan: cool, thanks Me: How long have you been painting for? Stefan: a long time man Me: I getcha, been something you've just been in to since you were a kid? Stefan: yeah, it's something I've always really enjoyed. Me: that's awesome man, I've done a little bit of painting myself. But not quite this quality. Stefan: *nods his head and slight smile/laugh Me: I really liked how you used just 2 colors for these painting. I feel like it really puts the focus on the subjects. color can be distracting sometimes. I've used black and white a lot in my photography. +

Stefan: yeahh man. *smiles a bit nodding his head again Me: and I noticed that one over there [I point to the painting of the jar/vase] the black is super strong, Felt to me as if the darkness was overtaking the image, and brought a more somber and dark mood to the piece. Stefan: *nods again /small little smile again Me: I really liked the painting you did of the snake charmer, I saw it online when you first posted it on your site, and I really loved it. I was really struck by the clarity of the snake and how out of focus the person in the back is, a really interesting contrast there. Stefan: thank you *smiles Me: hey it was nice talking to man, and again, I really enjoy your work. Keep that good stuff coming! Stefan: thanks Bailey. (I go for a fist bump and he looks at me in the face awkwardly and taps my hand with his beer) He was a little uncomfortable until I talked about the colors he used. And then was kinda smiling and not too annoyed haha

Name my band Sup Forums

Mr Bungle

I like no Love Deep Web unironically. the beat is just so fuckin hype.

there's no such thing as listening to them unironically

some like memes but they wouldn't put that much time into an artist they don't like

though, I know the psychology of this thread is to tarnish death grips

>are you 8
Are you 7

Death Grips EP is their best release by a significant margin.
Face Melter top track.

their music is not even that dark

How did you meet Stefan? Also this could use some better formatting.

Nevermind, I saw he had a show at an art gallery recently.

Yeah, Three Bedrooms in a Good Neighborhood and Takyon are fucking bangers

Sup Forums becomes too hipster for Death Grips: the thread


h e l l a