"Jack White went and did a song for Coca-Cola. End of. He ceases to be in the club...

"Jack White went and did a song for Coca-Cola. End of. He ceases to be in the club. And he looks like Zorro after eating one too many donuts. He's supposed to be the poster boy for the alternative way of thinking. I'm not having that. That's fucking wrong. Particularly Coca-Cola. That's like doing a gig for fucking McDonalds."

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Noel is usually bantz but I'm not having him question other artists integrity when he helped get tony fucking blair elected

Wait, how the fuck can Oasis be alternative when they were playing 100,000 capacity football stadiums in the 90s and were on the front page of newspapers and being interviewed on TV and the radio every other fucking day?

It's just banter, Noel's only talent.

Oh the fucking Irony


He's turning into a grumpy old man now anyway, says that music was better in the Thatcher years and people used to work harder and weren't as degenerate back then.

>unironically liking Oasis or anything the cunt brothers have to say

he didnt write that song to promote a corporation though

Go Let It Out is a p. sick tune though.

he tries so hard to be his generation's "john lennon when he was strung out on heroin 24/7"

Stop the Clocks [Sony/BMG, 2006]

One of the many things I never got about this band was where the Beatles were. Where was the ebullience, the wit, the harmonies, God just the singing, and, uh, the songwriting? Cotton Mather made me understand that when Oasis say they love the Beatles they really mean they love the post-Help!, pre-Sgt. Pepper Beatles. Since that span encompasses Rubber Soul and Revolver, many would say tally ho, but (a) not me 'cause I love the Beatles start to finish and (b) only if you're writing songs as good as, uh, "We Can Work It Out." Instead Oasis, meaning loudmouth bro Noel Gallagher, write songs that resemble "We Can Work It Out" in thickened texture and momentum but not depth or charm, then add arena size in the swagger of the drums and the bigged-up vocals themselves. This band-selected best-of--two discs lasting 87 minutes, like an old-fashioned double-LP except it's only 18 tracks--capture their sonic moment as fully as any freelance music historian needs. A 2010 package repeats 11 of these songs and adds 16 others--too many, I say. Also, it omits the opening "Rock 'n' Roll Star." If ever there were guys whose message to the world is summed up by an opener called "Rock 'n' Roll Star," it's these bigheads. B+


1. In the 1990s if you were a 10 year old British girl
9001. Any other time

embarrassing post desu

100% insecure manlet

>In the 1990s if you were a 10 year old British girl

I don't get where this meme comes from. Oasis fans were more like football hooligans/lads.

stop bullying jack white and his always fluctuating weight


Sounds like a red-pilled man. Based

He's gradually sounding more conservative as he gets older, just like they all do.

Go to 12 minutes
Also earlier on in the interview he says "Go and listen to The White Album if you wanna know about music"
Noel Gallagher confirmed for pleb

Damn, Christgau should love this guy.

>Particularly Coca-Cola. That's like doing a gig for fucking McDonalds.

says the man that "wrote" shakermaker.


No they were always a literal manufactured boy band playing acoustic pop for 10 year olds

>he didnt write that song to promote a corporation though

That's right. He didnt' write it at all. He stole it because he's no more talented than a few sessionists and a coca-cola focus group. Good job Noel. You won't do business with Coke but you'll nick their tunes and hope no will notice. Pathetic.

noel is not redpilled at all, commie cunt

I like the Coke version better

he's not saying Oasis ss alternative