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Op, DO NOT do shrooms.

I was tripping with my friend and his bro and my friend Darwin. So my other friend and his brother were laughing in the corner while watching pewdiepie and that's when I realized Darwin wasn't anywhere nearby. Now, I should note when we started tripping he was acting weird. When I say weird, I mean he was panicking and saying we needed to be with him. Then he wandered off saying he had to shit so I believed him and figured he'd be fine. So here we are hours later when we hear a low moaning sound coming from my friend's bedroom. The other guys are still watching PewDiePie, clearly distracted and I'm concerned so I follow the moaning sound. Then all of a sudden, I see my friend Darwin laying on his back with his feet in the air, saying he was a sad little boy and that now it was his time to lay down in the grund. I asked him what he meant and then he started crying hysterically, then he started yelling at the top of his lungs and knocking things down off of my friend's dresser, started saying he was a sad baby and that he went boom boom he then smashed my friends TV and ran out of the room naked. I had to follow him, tackle him down and give him some food to calm him down. Eventually, he started talking about some other weird stuff like how was really a tree deep down or some weird shit. I told him he was acting weird and then he freaked out again...My other friends then came out of the other room from watching YouTube and asked wtf was happening. They were freaked and they tried to tell him to calmdown. Then he pissed on my friend's floor and started rubbing his butt on the carpet. I told him he had to stop and try and sleep. So we did. I played a little Kanye West before bed which felt nice and drifted off.
So yeah wtf, shrooms can make my friend act retarded and crazy? He's not usually like that. He was so weird...he did say he takes depression pills and downed a few beers too but idk if that would affect it.


Similar shit but more light used to happen to me.

Eventually you learn how to control yourself. Like, I might panic or get very depressed, or might even want to kill myself in the moment, but I keep it to myself and don't bother other people.

I have to admit though, I trip on safe places, if I was tripping in the roof of a building I might actually jump or some shit.

as someone who can only find weed dealers whats the deal on finding psychedelic dealers? only psych i've ever done was salvia and that one isn't something i really want to listen to music with

Sounds to me like you have never experienced or seen a person undergo an episode of hallucinogen-induced severe psychosis. It is a phenomenon that occurs once in every one thousand trips roughly. Characterized by manic and irrational behavior, extreme paranoia, animalistic tendencies, disrobing, and extreme paranoia that sometimes results in psychotic and violent behavior. I experienced a more extreme version of what you did on a heavy dose of acid that nearly ended in the death of my friend, but luckily we called in police and paramedics and she was hospitalized for 48 hours. Be careful and more considerate when tripping, and keep benzos or antipsychotics on hand in case this sort of thing happens. It could save somebody's life.

Only time I've ever done drugs other than weed was when I did shrooms and that was the worst experience of my life. Honestly, shrooms probably aren't that bad if you aren't an anxious person but when I got high it was horrendous
First I through them all up into a bucket and felt kinda chill for like 5 seconds until I realized I was high. Once I knew I was high I immediately panicked and it was all downhill from there. I literally questioned everything around me, I remember my friends playing GTA4 and I started freaking out because it was nighttime in game and didn't think that was possible.

My trip was basically a 3 hour nonstop panic attack and I'll never fuckin touch that shit again. I hope anyone who does them is fine but I seriously don't get how people who have similar experiences to mine go back and do them again.

Best album to listen too while tripping

Well, I have no prescription for benzos so had nothing for him. And well, how could I do better? It was scary never dealt with it before...and what did the girl you know do?

Damn dude. That's awful. How did your friends react?

this photo reminds me goatse.jpeg

Psychedelics are not for everyone. The current psychedelic movement likes to advertise them as a cure-all for various mental troubles and instabilities, but the truth of the matter is that any mental quarrel is generally exacerbated by psychedelic usage. Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder to a much, much greater extent. It's not uncommon for anxiety-ridden individuals to experience a greater amount of panic under the influence. Some people mitigate this with benzos or marijuana; the former of which will dull the trip on a pharmacological level, and the latter enhance it.

My buddies fucked with me the whole time, I don't really think they got the idea of how confused and anxious I was at the time even though I was obviously freaking out. Luckily my brother was their the whole time to comfort me, he was having a pretty similar experience.

Well I freaked out and went a bit insane (Stripped naked and shit onself infront of my friends and then started throwing plates on the ground and ended up running outside into the woods where I was found 1 day later) and i have anxiety, so you think it's likely just anxiety instead of skitzo shit (never diagnosed with that shit)


Damn dude sorry to hear that. That's shitty of them to act like that. I hate "friends" who fuck with their friends and make them have a bad trp or continue to mess with them when they're freaking out. It's not cool.

drugs own idiot

Ya I definitely agree with you too, it's pretty irresponsible for people to suggest everyone to do hallucinogens, regardless of their mental state or age. I just hope people do their research, I've got old friend who used to and probably still does drugs like that and half of his trips go terribly, it worries me to think people would do drugs in the wrong situations where they can hurt themselves.

Ive tripped a lot, the only time I had a freak out was when I was given research chemicals instead of acid. I ended up stripping naked at a concert, punched a security guard, then punched a cop, and woke up in a hospital handcuffed, then to jail soon after. The entire time during the trip I just remember having such vivid delusions. But, every other time was fine, never had a problem with boomers. I agree that they arent for everyone and that people with an MI will definitely will be at risk. In fact a friend of mine got psych hospitalized for 2 weeks after drug induced psychosis caused her to loose it. It was really shitty, but she recovered. I don't do it anymore unless im in a safe environment, or I know for a fact I can handle it at a show. I've definitely become much more conservative with my dosage amounts. But I still do it while taking ecstacy at the same time, because its more fun.

anyways, i listen to a lot of my morning jacket, phish, daft punk, eric prydz, jeff the brotherhood, delicate steve. I think the rule of thumb is play music you enjoy, because more often than not, you end up finding more you like about it than before. You also get more emotional at times. There are plenty of phish shows I will listen to when tripping and I get super happy during a bliss moment.

Damn. How did your friends react to you stripping naked and punching people? How did your parents act? What do you remember? Das crazy

Okay. I will spin a story for you, then in my next message describe what can be done to prevent this.
Circle back to Bicycle Day in 2016. April 19th. Anniversary of the day LSD was first tested by its creator, Albert Hoffman. We celebrated by splitting a 10-strip between four friends. One of us took one, and the rest of us took three. All was normal up until four hours into the trip, where our female friend (called K for convenience) started to act very strange even on acid. She acted extremely.. basic. Imagine your typical, run-of-the-mill white girl taken to an extreme extent. We decided to sit down and smoke and relax a bit. Mid-rotation, she vomited onto the bridge we sat on nearly seven times. She didn't even wipe her face or lips before hitting the bowl again and passing it to our friend. This behavior increased in intensity until I watched her laugh in my face, and as I stared into her eyes, I physically saw the exact moment at which her mind broke. I could tell that my friend was no longer there. She became ecstatic, manic, and extremely paranoid all at once. Began to release blood-curdling screams as she called for her mother and family, and believed we were holding her hostage. She started to run away from us deep into the woods in the middle of the night as we were forced to track her down so she wouldn't hurt herself. She accused each and every one of us, her closest friends, of trying to murder her and rape her. She though she took crack or heroin or meth - but it was pure LSD, tested many times from a trusted source.

After roughly an hour of us chasing her and trying to physically restrain her, she began to howl and sob with an existential pain I have never before witnessed. She began to actually and fully murder us because she believed it was in self-defense. She punched me in the face, and struck me with a fallen tree branch, and took my backpack which had a very sharp dagger inside and tried to utilize it against me. Luckily I had many years of martial arts training so I utilized it to disarm her before it turned into a murder investigation. Instead of trying to help, she perceived this as being in immediate danger, and ran into a near-by freezing river after disrobing and becoming completely naked. She thought she was being stalked by police cars and attempted to drown herself. Even tried to slit her wrists using the rocks found in the river. We eventually called her out saying her dog was here and she came bolting out of the river before hypothermia set in.

hmm thinking of consuming 150 grams of dried san pedro powder tonight. not sure of the potency though

At this point her pained screams were loud enough to alert the neighbors and forest rangers nearly two miles away. Until then, we didn't know this, so everyone else except for me ran off to find help before she killed herself or somebody else. I lost her in the woods for nearly an hour in the pitch black, myself on three hits of acid and not being able to see very well. I was petrified. Eventually I found her sobbing in the middle of an open field surrounded by dead trees. She screamed that her family and friends were all dead by her hand. I called out her name, and asked if she knew who was speaking to her. She said no. I told her my name, and we were love interests at the time so she came running, not knowing I was present almost this whole time. She rambled on in total word salad expressing her fear. Before I could say anything, she looked deepily into my eyes, and wailed the loudest she ever had up until this point. Her fear was so great, and this is fucked up, but she took her fingernails and began to scratch the skin off of her face manically right in front of me. My shirt still has bloodstains. At this point her ex-boyfriend showed up to help (who was sober) and nearly assaulted me because he didn't know what was going on. After I filled him in, she began to see both of us as murderers and started beating her ex within an inch of his life. I tackled her to stop the assault, and when we rose, she ran off once more.

About this time the police showed up. They cornered her to a bog in the woods and had to physically restrain her. She was so manic and difficult to control that she was able to be tasered and STILL able to fight off four officers before having a hunting net cling her against a tree. They eventually took her and me into custody as she went to the hospital, and I went in for questioning. Shortly after this, while still in the forest, her mother showed up and witnessed the end result. Her thrashing about, cold, muddy, and naked in the dirt fighting everything that moved, and me in the back of a police car. They told me that they weren't trying to take anybody to jail, but just wanted to know what she took so she could be properly treated. I told them it was LSD and that I knew for certain it was pure. They took her to the hospital and treated her. Sprayed her with water jets to clean her, and physically restrained her as they pumped her full of anti-psychotics. After she started to sober up, she had cuts and bruises all around her body, scarring on her face from her insane scratching, and a urinary tract infection from the river. No charges were filed. Nobody was pursued. It was miracle we got out how we did and to this day I still can't believe it.


Haha I love creepypastas!

I just noticed that I said her mother showed up after we were taken into custody, that was a typo because I'm typing drunk, but she showed up a couple minutes after they successfully restrained her.

I suppose it could be creepypasta worthy but I did just type that up. Notepad is a wonderful boon for long stories.

Anyway to answer your question on how to prevent such happenings:
Mindset and setting. Both should be optimal. No predispositions to any sort of mental disorder, and good, clean mindset not plagued by debilitating worries of everyday life.

Make sure the environment is a positive and safe one. I know nature is a favorited setting by psychedelic users, but in instances such as mine, it makes immediate medical help difficult to contact. It can also be hazardous under specific conditions.

And lastly, and the most important - keep benzos or antipsychotics on hand and make it known before tripping that you have them. It's hard to make somebody within the thralls of a psychotic break willingly take a pill for their own benefit, but letting people know you have them will make them more likely to take them when they notice they aren't handling themselevs well. Once they are already so far gone, the only thing you could be able to do is force-feed them or intravenously inject them, neither of which are very safe for an individual in that state of mind.

Wow...What ended up happening after? How was she treated by friends/family/school? Did she lose her mind?

you don't lose your mind from one bad trip.


tl'dr light weight takes 3 hits of cid and has a bad time

A few days ago I took about 4g of shrooms and listen to AIA: Alien Observer followed by Ruins (twice) by Grouper and it was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. She is one of my favorite living artists now and I strongly believe she's the greatest ambient artist alive.

I always go for a 3 mile run with some pushups right as I wake up in the morning before I trip. Puts me in a good runner's high which is always magnified. I get this exhilarating yet relaxed feeling on the come up, as if I'm relaxing on a cloud, but the cloud's soaring across the sky.

Ash Ra Tempel - Join Inn
Do you live in the sticks or on a mountain? How long do you stay out there? Do you run back while tripping?

Four Tet - There is Love in You

I cannot recommend this album enough for shrooms.

more like "best album to play before killing yourself"


Her family now regularly drug tests her. The tests don't detect LSD since it's a standard 5-panel, but she won't take it anyways for obvious reasons. She's actually doing really great now almost a year later. She seems to have embraced some more "basic" parts of her personality, and she seems more bipolar at times, but she seems to be quite in control of her own sanity despite past events. Although I will note that she was extemely depressed and embarrassed for a couple months following. A few people at her school knew about it but rumors were quickly hushed.

Actually I'd like to point out that me and this girl had quite a history of heavy psychedelic use. We personally took a lot of RC's and classic psych's in near-heroic doses. She just happened to take the wrong drug at the wrong time at the wrong place. Can happen to anyone, man.

No, I run in my basement and do decline pushups / pullups before tripping. I have yet to run while under the influence. If you get the chance however, you absolutely must trip while riding a bike. It's probably the most thrilling, pleasureful thing I've ever done on my life. Imagine yourself relaxing blissfully on a dreamy cloud, but the cloud is soaring across the sky, so at the same time you're relaxed you're also exhilarated. My friend and I hopped a fence to get into a forest preserve for our bike ride, and on the way out I couldn't make it across because I was melting on the fence from euphoria. We made it back to my house, and I lied down on my hammock and watched the clouds. Cloudwatching is another blissful thing -- it's like somebody got lazy while setting the texture for their sky and made it one big repeating cloud texture, but you still love it and get lost in the distant forms. I can't wait to start watching the towering clouds of early summer. I was laying their in my hammock in this really giddy energetically-relaxed mood, and I watched as my friend walked down the steps towards me -- tripping as much as I did -- and somehow the apple in his hand managed to slip out and fall into the dirt. I think that was the hardest I ever laughed, I was in hysteria for a good three minutes. A similar event was the first time I dropped with friends at Devil's Lake in Wisconsin. We were at the top of the bluff looking at the view, I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking at but I was sure as hell enjoying it, when my friend grabs an apple from my backpack and starts eating it, and when he was done he threw the core off the bluff and it landed on a rocky outcrop just in my view and exploded. Just how it destroyed the serenity established from a 10 minute admiration of the view was hilarious, and my group erupted in drug-fueled crazy laughter.

One time I went for my morning fitness and then dosed without eating breakfast (only til an hour later). My trip was more intense than normal and passed much more quickly. I only took 100 micrograms, yet 2 hours in and everything was morphing and flowing with geometry. 6 hours in and it was completely gone -- I felt completely normal, seemed completely normal to the people around me, and didn't have any closed eye visuals or whatever. But yeah I definitely feel that the endorphin high of some physical activity before tripping can eliminate the risk of stress or anxiety, and definitely improves the body high and mental state of the trip.

As for music, because this is a music board, I'm actually quite autistic when it comes to late 60s and early 70s psychedelic rock, which is what got me into the drug. I like the Grateful Dead, even though I don't smoke pot or subscribe to the culture of the following, but I thought they were underwhelming while high. The Moody Blues are definitely my favorite band to listen to while tripping, taking the drug made me appreciate them more than I used to.

Buffalo Springfield Again is an album I greatly appreciated while high, the multitudes of the album really drove my trip. During 'Bluebird' I was standing there with my pet bird on my finger, admiring her as I felt like all the love of my life was directed at her, but as he sang "soon she's going to fly away" my thoughts shifted to how she's approaching the end of her life, and eventually she'll be dead and I'll have to let her go, and just be happy that she was a part of my life. While 'Hung Upside Down' was playing I was lying on my couch, zonked out of my mind looking at the painting on my wall was morphing and flowing. 'Good Time Boy' was overwhelming with its marching saxophone as I couldn't keep up with the vocals; it sounded like he was rapping.

Can vouch for Devil's Lake, left Chicago suburbs for a camping trip there two years ago. Extravagant place, truly.

>2 hits of lsd and some weed
>Stumble across a remarkable coincidence

If I had done more than 2 hits I would have freaked out hard and wouldn't have bothered making a video.

How are the combining effects of cannabis and LSD?


It mostly depends where you are on your trip and how much lsd and weed you ingest or smoke

What about edibles and LSD?

Very intense, I think a lot of people underestimate just how much weed can potentiate a lot of psychedelics.

I would advise against it until after the peak on acid, for experiences I thoroughly described in four parts above

Would not recommend it. Edibles are almost always to weak or to strong and could really come on at a bad time during a trip.