Cool thread op

Cool thread op

Last listened
>Master of Puppets

Skeleton Tree

>All Time fav
Jane Doe

>Want to listen too
God Luck and Good Speed

Other urls found in this thread:

I like this idea
Not familiar with anything posted so far, sorry


yeah i like this idea

>AOTY 2016
Street Sects - End Position
>All time fave
Wire - Chairs Missing
>Last listened
Hookworms - The Hum
>Want to listen to
Moor Mother - Fetish Bones

>Moor Mother - Fetish Bones
Great album. Get on it, sir

cool thread

>last album listened to
fire on fire - the orchard
>AOTY 2016
japanese breakfast - psychopomp
>favourite album of all time
tim buckley - starsailor
>album you haven't listened to but want to
dj yo-yo dieting - dormant mirrors/drum


Were you really feeling G O R E? I like deftones a lot, but that was a let down I must say.

What'd you think of 13 Songs?

Done in the exact order OP said. Red Krayola's been a big influence on a lot of stuff I enjoy, but at the same time the idea of the album only alternating between standard psych pop and free improv bits kinda sounds gimmicky and not that cohesive.

You would be glad to know that unlike a lot of old as shit records that are shitty ass recordings, that Cotten record sounds fantastic compared to some of her peers; I think her surprising technical proficiency on the guitar really helps with that. So yeah, it's a good and pretty easy record to go through.

That Weedeater record is a lot of fun grooves with a bit of the occasional banjo thingy or piano coming in. So like a more heavier, groovier, riffier southern style version of Black Sabbath's Paranoid in a way. Fun listen throughout.

The second track's speaking samples are kinda annoying, but the first track on the GYBE EP is a fun easy to go through romp. Go for that at least!

Not gonna lie, Giles Corey can feel hard to get through sometimes if you aren't prepared for its slower depressing feel. Maybe start off with the tracks "Nobody's Ever Going To Want Me" and "Buried Above Ground" as they are the catchiest and most upbeat tracks on the whole record.

>You would be glad to know that unlike a lot of old as shit records that are shitty ass recordings, that Cotten record sounds fantastic compared to some of her peers; I think her surprising technical proficiency on the guitar really helps with that. So yeah, it's a good and pretty easy record to go through.
I don't actually mind the recording quality of a lot of traditional folk records, mostly because I just love the music too much to let it bother me but also because I hardly have a rig to bring out the best in it anyway. I find too much fidelity can be cold and alienating.

You're happy you found a new favorite since nothing has grabbed you recently. Whats the album with the teeth?
People have bad first impressions of you

It's pretty damn good. I think it's a great place to start if you're looking to get into post-hardcore.

>Favorite Track: Burning Too

Neither do I, but I do personally dislike production that muffles up/obscures some of the sound. It's about keeping it raw, ya know? Not shit.

I don't think I've listened to many albums that were that bad. I think the subtleties come through for the most part.


There's always stuff like Blind Willie Johnson's voice overpowering his guitar parts

I can't say I ever noticed it, to be honest.


Hookworms - The Hum


The thing is I'm not even meming, this is actually for real.

4 months ago this would have been much more varied, but this fucking album man, it's rocked my world, I can't stop listening to it. I just keep coming back to it over and over again. I've been traveling a lot lately, so it's given me a lot of time to listen to albums, but I just keep on coming back to this one, I can't help myself, and it hits me harder every time.

It's not like I don't listen to anything else, but it technically qualifies on the three. It came out in 2016, over the past 3 months has toppled Lincoln, as my previous long standing favorite album, and I was listening to it again on the plane a few hours ago. I'm fucking in love.

Haven't heard of this album before, I might check it out thanks. Can't find any info on it tho, could you describe it a little bit so I have an idea of what I'm going into?


Alt rock, sort of indie, sort of influenced by 90s alt rock, very blues influenced, a bit punk-ish at times. Very melancholy, occasionally angsty. A lot of childhood, ocean, and halloween-y imagry.

The band's pretty small time, I only heard them by chance when they were doing a live song on the radio. For most of 2016 I'd been working my way through MF Doom's stuff and some late 60s/70s rock, but ever since I heard this it just wormed it's way under my skin and hasn't left.



>Rain Dogs
What's taking you so long, dawg?

>last album listened to
Kill Bill - DROP SEASON [Singles Collection]
>AOTY 2016
Frank Ocean - Blonde
>favourite album of all time
Kanye West - Late Registration
>album you haven't listened to but want to
Danny Brown - XXX
(His voice annoyed me the first time I heard him, but after enjoying his most recent album, I want to get around to giving XXX a try)


>last album listened to
J Dilla- Donuts
>AOTY 2016
The Avalanches- Wildflower
>favorite album of all time
Swans- Soundtracks for the Blind
>album you haven't listened to but want to
The Cure- Disintegration
been meaning to listen to this all the way through but I keep getting distracted

I have to agree, I love the closer track but other than that gore was disappointing, especially after how much I loved koi no yokan

Bump and grind