Last video game you played

Last video game you played

money wars for the vic20 via emulator. got really hard so i patched it for unlimited energy and lives. also cosmic cruncher for the vic.

samesies... retro pie super world


Darkest hour







Was farming these fuckers this morning.



Looking for more of these chill and cozy games
So tired of all these competetive games that's been blowing up lately
Any suggestions? Something with building and stuff


Video games are for autistic children. Grow up.


Operation flashpoint. Interesting how fast you get killed compared to later area series.

Everquest 16 years and still going strong, also fuck WoW

Arma, my bad.

Killer instinct.

>Last video game you played

What console? Also cs go for me


>So tired of all these competetive games that's been blowing up lately

Same I've been playing minecraft a lot recently( never thought I'd like it so much) but it gets kinda boring after a while. Waiting for planet coaster to come out looks amazing.


get any slabs brah?

mah nigga

battletoads in battlemaniacs
interesting game really

Sims 3



Max Payne 3. The shooting mechanics are so satisfying to me.

>So tired of all these competetive games that's been blowing up lately
Tell me about it. Shit gets me so livid.


Last? Only game I play...

no man's sky might just be for you

Holy fuck this game was the shit back in the day




cancer build

Explain satan?


>Black box
please leave and never come back




fucking serious sam

don't play dumb, I can just see your kind hiding in the rafters of Nucleus


I love it

I'm sorry I suck dick so much dick god I love cocks mmmmmmmmmm

"come closer, closer...NOT THAT CLOSE!"


Anybody like Dishonored?

Bitch, if you were not so noob, you would know that's a death screencap. I use a skinned stock launcher.

I just shat on my nostalgia throne



All time favorite game, can't wait for the sequel.

>damage control

What's this. Looks cool?

Actually, yes. That's me. (Both in the rafters and an old loadout in the pic)

I bought it 3 years ago for PC, still, haven't been able to enjoy it. Any tips for getting into it?






yeah it is serious sam 2, the worst one :/

Heh, I didn't know there were lego models of this.

Fuck off Tom


I'm starting to develop feelings for a character in-game.

you mean SS3. One and 2 had the same monsters.

This. Love it.


almsot forgot about that game

Fuck, for only two words, you couldn't have made that any more grammatically incorrect

played the same on my phone today
shitty controls on a phone emulator tho smh


i'm trying to play as we speak except the servers are FUCKED



Monster Hunter Generations. Just about to uncap my HR

what game?

Same thing happened to me, except I was eleven.

I'm 27.

I haven't played in a while. Just not as much fun as MH4U.



Awesome game except the Wholecar on the moving trane...



I'm on my way to get the platinum right now



It would be cool a remake, or a more open world - gta like - version.