So Sup Forums, what are your jobs?

So Sup Forums, what are your jobs?

I need to know if we can take over the world

Propane and propane accessories.

software engineer


federal contractor.
work in dc.
i know quite a lot of dirt on the government lol

Are you a real life version of Hank Hill?

Account manager for a chemical company

i think we've already got the dream team here
we build an army of intelligent drones that stab weak government employees and burn them with homemade napalm

on disability

PhD student, I get a stipend.

Sounds good to me.

you guys fund the operation
you can make sure our funding runs smoothly
and help with the homemade napalm

Grocery Floor GM.

scrum master

I found a job in tech where I don't write code, sit in meetings and get paid a crapload

Well yoi still cant help but not to love them

do you prefer that to writing code?
my time is split about 50 50 between coding and managing other engineers
i could lean more towards managing if i wanted but i still enjoy coding


Spit shining dicks.


I discovered after writing code or doing QA for 5 years that I really hate it. I'm much better helping and advocating for the development team than sitting behind my computer angry because I fucked up some JOINs and everything is fucked.

I could still do it if need be but I think I'm more suited to this. I'm really good to the devs knowing what they go through, most scrum masters are asshole former PMs who took a two day class to "update their skills" and they call themselves scrum master

Now you can sit behind your computer angry that somebody else fucked up some joins and everything is fucked :P

I clean windows

Nah, I'm judged by the velocity of the team over time (6month - year timeframe). My job is nearly impossible to fuck up or get mad over :^)

The World's greatest Entertainer (actor, rapper, comedian, dancer, writer, and Director) who never was...

Microbiologist. I work at a world renowned research institute.

Librarian. I lied about my qualifications, faked my transcripts and nobody seems to mind.

Pussy Destroyer

how are you at making designer pathogens?

I tell you hwat

Bacterial? Easy. I work with them everyday. We even make those pathogens that are quite literally resistant to every known antibiotic purely for the purpose of experimenting on them.

Viruses? Can't help you.

sounds good
let's package them up on our drones along with the knives and napalm

Sw Eng

environmental engineer

2nd yr fireproofer