Pedos are the scum of the earth, they don't deserve to exist...

Pedos are the scum of the earth, they don't deserve to exist. I call for an international fund to make all governments prosecute them and give them the death penalty.

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do you guys agree?

We'd get much better bang for our buck doing that to people who shitpost on Sup Forums.

i bet youre a pedo faggot

you seem to be confusing pedos with rapists again

just like people like you used to confuse homos with rapists

pedos are always rapists

You sound like a much bigger danger to humanity than any pedo.

Pedos don't kill little girls, they rape them. But you, you would take another human being's life to satisfy your righteous indignation. You're the real danger here.



have you even been to a hospital?

do you even know the correct term for childrens doctors?

its because of fucking idiots like you that good people like them are being killed by mistake and there is a world wide shortage of them

I think that the punishment should be getting burnt alive for even having a pedo thought

How do we define pedo? Under 18?

under 27, the brain isn't fully developed until then, there should be written consent, a signed document for every sex act with a woman, and if it isn't signed, the guy should be executed

Makes perfect sense.

What about my friends mom, whom I had sex with with I was 14-15? Is she a pedo?

thats pretty hot.

So then rape laws would not be necessary?

Think of the SJW backlash, womyn having "less protection"

We hooked up the summer I turned 15. It only happened 5 times. She felt guilty and wanted to stop.

welp you better burn every single human being on earth then

because its in your nature faggot

No, I think that women should rule. I think that if a woman doesn't like a man than he should be boiled alive.
This is coming from a man that obeys women

and then?

fuckin australia is the epicenter of shitstain pedo scum and should be nuked

stop trying to defend your perverted existence. Of course at times they kill them to avoid being caught. They should all be put to the sword when caught to improve the quality of the human race

wow your dumb

dont think about a pink elephant

too bad, you get burned alive

