What's your opinion of Please Please Me, Sup Forums?

What's your opinion of Please Please Me, Sup Forums?

Merseybeat's magnum opus


Their worst album.

it's pretty good, from ONE TWO THREE FAWR to john coughing at the end of twist and shout

it makes me happy desu


That would be "My Generation."


Honestly I think this is arguably the best early Beatles album. Everyone wants to say Hard Day's Night, and I get that for sure, but Please Please Me has this hominess that the others don't have and they're just a fucking great rock and roll band that is so stoked they get to be recorded. And the song Please Please Me is one of the best Beatles singles ever and I love when at the end John and Paul sing different words and mess up and John laughs subtly at it and the weird drum loop-y thing. John is really super beautiful I think especially in the early Beatles. Listening to this album feels really good and almost like quiet somehow like it's just you and the band, iunno that's how I feel. Other Beatle albums can feel like you and the band and the rest of the world too if that makes sense like the electric love of everybody you can get right off the record on like Hard Day's Night and songs like She Loves You and stuff. I love Anna and John sings with so much amazing emotion on these tracks. Paul is a better like rockin singer to me you know John was like a girl group singer in some ways you know.

That's hardbeat

bit of a nice style to be splitting hairs over don't you think

meant niche

Great tracks flanked on all sides by boring, underdeveloped ones. Merseybeat has been done much better, by The Beatles too, actually. With the Beatles craps all over this. Love Me Do and Anna Go To Him are inexcusable

Anna is the best song on the entire album. wtf

>Love Me Do and Anna Go To Him are inexcusable
But those are two of the best tracks?

its decent some nice songs

>not posting the superior version

It's an almost note for note cover of a substantially better song

Love Me Do's harmonica has aged like milk

How can harmonica age like milk?
Please you've got me curious now.

I Saw Her Standing There is one of my favorite intro tracks ever.

this is the purest post

In a song like this? It absolutely can. That tinny, shitty, poorly mixed harmonica screaming over an otherwise benign pop song? Probably seemed like a good idea at the time, but now that we're not rushing to plunder the American Folk Anthology and exhaust its every idea it just seems kind of odd in retrospect.

Turn your highs down, dude

I have listened to that song on over a dozen different systems. The problem persists. It just doesn't integrate into the song very well.

It is the second worst Beatles album, only better then "with the beatles"

>only better then "with the beatles"
Terrible opinion, terrible grammar. Leave

>with the beatles is their worst

It goes

Magical Mystery Tour
Sgt Peppers
Abbey Road
Let it be
Rubber soul
Beatles for sale
A hard days night
Please please me
With the beatles

White album at the top of course

Oh sorry, white album goes under Let it be and above rubber soul

If you haven't realized already, you may have homosexual tendencies. You're in love with a fucking pop band, grow up.

What bands are acceptable to be in love with?

Death Grips.

The Dave Clarke Five

When you're that invested in the lives of the musicians, you're not listening to music anymore. You're just worshiping a cult of personality.

>comparing homosexual tendencies to liking The Beatles
As a literal faggot, I'm offended

yeah i might and im not like scared/uncomfortable with that but i really love the female form and havent discovered enjoying anything up my butt yet and the male form/penis' dont really excite me but yeah man i still might be gay i gotta long life it was real popular in rome

i'll grow up when i feel like it

they knew exactly what they were doing when they put out that disney land pic

Great for a first release. (But then again I'm the wrong person to ask since I am a huge dyed in the wool Beatles fan who thinks 99.9% of everything they released is GOAT!)

Mersey Beat refers to a style of British rock music that came out of Liverpool exclusively. It was labeled that because The Mersey River runs through the town of Liverpool.

The Who are from London proper. They are from the West end of London from an area known as Shepard's Bush and therefore do not qualify as Mersey Beat. Nice try but you have to be from Liverpool proper to be considered Mersey Beat.

You say that like it's a B-A-A-A-D thing!
You know who else had homosexual tendencies and was in love with the Beatles? BRIAN EPSTEIN!