Find a flaw with my gf Pro Tip: You Can't

Find a flaw with my gf Pro Tip: You Can't

Weak chin

Her taste in men

That picture says all.


That fucking god awful nosering. There done, that was easy.

Not white

weak chin, fish face, too skinny, mediocre eye color

2/10 would not bang.

Gots some nigger blood in her

The Curiosity rover could get lost on her forehead

She's perfect

skinny neck
small ears
brown eyes
looks like a whore who tasted 10,000 cocks

need I go on...?


This. Also, apple cheeked. Looks like she's already storing nuts for the winter and I'm not talking almonds nigga

She's not naked.
Anyone can cover their flaws with clothing and makeup. You gf is probably mediocre at best.

She looks like a dirty filthy stinky fucking coon

tainted with black blood

OP, we already know youre a faggot. You dont have to cover up like this. Just go milk some men, youre just hungry

she has a face built to be fat. Her chin and cheeks are weirdly formed as well

Nose ring. And I'm sure that greasy old cum depot has a tattoo or two.

Youre right dude !!! She is an easy

At least 5 black cock in that already/10

its a sandnig



Dundruf on her shirt

Her gorrila nose

She's ugly. Is that good enough?

This. I bet I could knock this bitch put with 10% of my strength.

Her face is like is you had a pretty girl face baloon and inflated it just a little bit too much.

Show me a pic that she isnt puckering her lips, ill judge

That nose ring. It's not 2005 anymore lol.

but, she's not sucking my dick, OP. therfore, flaw/10



Show us nudes or she is fake

Pro Tip: Proactive

Stupid permanent bitch face


hair looks like snakes

I'll keep fucking my goat....... Isis

People this woman needs:

Dermatologist, beautician, plastic surgeon, new boyfriend.

Pretty qt.

Is she a quadroon or an octo? Looks like a quad.

My girl is flawless

You mean other than the fact that she looks basic as fuck? I'm sure I could hold a better conversation with a magic 8 ball.

This is perfection fuck you all you tards

bitch is all mouth and neck.

Find a flaw with my gf

>pro tip: you cant


Dafuq? Bitch only has one ear!

Could land a plane on that forehead

You are the problem, faggot.

her face is all swollen. did she get stung by a bee? or is your penis just the size of a bee stinger and caused the same result?
