This is the scariest motherfucker in rap right now. i would legit be scared to hold a conversation with this dude...

this is the scariest motherfucker in rap right now. i would legit be scared to hold a conversation with this dude. discuss

Kinda like a cloud I was up way up in the sky

this is the scariest motherfucker in rap right now. i would legit be scared to hold a conversation with this dude. discuss

I mean, I personally don't find David Schwimmer that scary, but I get it.


Lol, why do Trent/NIN threads always bump so much?

Trent Reznor himself shills on here

Because Trent is pretty awesome

>you'll never fuck young trent

Didn't he ever say that he wanted to suck a dick?

did you happen to catch
or did it happen too fast
what you thought would always last
has passed you by/

Trent samefags the threads

ME: Tell me five words you associate with sex.

TRENT: (very long pause) The first things that pop into my head would be "taste," "sweat," "lick," "come," "bite."

ME: In your songs sex always seems very carnal and violent. And watching your videos one might guess that you have a personal interest in masochism.

TRENT: I do, to a degree. I'm not a hard-core practitioner.

ME: So do you like pain during sex?

TRENT: Sometimes. Just the psychology behind it. I'm somewhat uncomfortable talking about this too much…

ME: Have you ever kissed a man?

TRENT: Yes, I've kissed a man.

ME: In the fullest sense?

TRENT: Almost. A veil of drunkenness. It was kind of a mutual thing. It was weird. I was half joking around. It was bristly. And later - in the old Nine Inch Nails - if we wanted to get rid of people, the guitar player and I would start making out. It was a trick. I mean, I really love women. I don't dislike men and there's many time I've thought about it. You get into certain scenes and I realize I should experiment down that path and I just haven't done it yet. I've been in situations where there's men involved, but not directly interacting.

ME: So are there a lot of orgies around the Reznor household?

TRENT: No, no, it's not a common situation. When I'm in a relationship that overpowers the desire to…these usually arise from casual situations, usually intoxicated situations. You wake up and think, "Okay, we just stepped through another portal…" (pause) I think about giving head though. I don't know why I'm saying this, but I think about that. I'd be good at giving head, because I know what… (laughs)…I mean, no one knows how to jack yourself off better than yourself, you know?

ME: Which kiss will you remember forever?

TRENT: (extremely long pause) I don't know.

ME: Are no kisses coming to mind, or various kisses?

TRENT: A variety of ones that are pretty high up there. It's the combination of the right environment and the right set of lips.

ME: So it's a ranking problem rather than a memory problem?

TRENT: Yeah. (a lengthy pause) From my dog, Maise, licking me in the mouth after I had passed out drinking. I was sleeping with my mouth open and Maise never does that normally. (he nearly always speaks of her in the present tense)

ME: Did you kiss back?

TRENT: A little kiss back. I prefer to kiss her on the side of the mouth rather than getting right in. It's kind of incestuous, you understand, because she's part of the family.

ME: What should a woman never do on a date with you?

TRENT: It's all good. (pause) But usually fart lighting is not one of my favorites.

The next day, Trent offers a postmortem: "I woke up in a cold sweat this morning fearing I've revealed too much. I started getting that uneasy feeling." I am not sure what he means, and he doesn't elaborate. About half an hour later he sighs, under his breath, "The big headline: I COULD SUCK A MAN'S COCK…"

My career was skyrocketing, but the scaffolding that was holding me up as a person was starting to collapse. I wasn't fully aware of how bad it was getting, but I knew, in my heart, that I was on an unsustainable, reckless, self-destructive path.

When I met David, he had been through that. And he was content. He was at peace with himself, with an incredible wife, clearly in love. There were a number of times where the two of us were alone, and he said some things that weren't scolding, but pieces of wisdom that stuck with me: "You know, there is a better way here, and it doesn't have to end in despair or in death, in the bottom."

A full year later, I hit bottom. Once I got clean, I felt a tremendous amount of shame, of my actions and missed opportunities and the damage that I've caused in the past. And I thought back to the time when we were together a lot, and I wonder what that could have been like if I was at 100 percent. I'm Afraid of Americans falls into that category of me at my worst — out of my mind and ashamed of who I was at that time. So when I see that, I have mixed feelings. Grateful to be involved, and flattered to be a part of it, but disgusted at myself, at who I was at that time, and wishing I had been 100 percent me. And it nagged me.

A few years later, Bowie came through L.A. I'd been sober for a fair amount of time. I wanted to thank him in the way that he helped me. And I reluctantly went backstage, feeling weird and ashamed, like, "Hey, I'm the guy that puked on the rug." And again, I was met with warmth, and grace, and love. And I started to say, "Hey listen, I've been clean for ..." I don't even think I finished the sentence; I got a big hug. And he said, "I knew. I knew you'd do that. I knew you'd come out of that." I have goosebumps right now just thinking about it. It was another very important moment in my life.

DILF Trent is hotter anyway.

Holy kek

Can't say I'm surprised


Is everything speeding up!?!?
Or am I slowing down
I'm just spinning around
And I don't know why
