Sup Sup Forums

Sup Sup Forums
I'm a drinker, always have been. Kinda drunk right now. Been drinking much more than normal lately. What's Sup Forumss take on alcoholism? What do you consider an alcoholic? Define that shit. Yes, I'm drinking some shitty beer someone left at my place...this count? Drinking cause it's there? Let me know.

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I don't really care, it's your life and your money, you can waste them if you want. Just seems a bit sad.

do you live alone op?
if you get drunk more than 4 times a week id say thats pretty close to alcoholism

Do you drink specifically to get drunk? More than 3-4 times a week? Do you balance out your money so you'll have some aside to purchase alcohol with? Have you noticed your tolerance going up? Do you drink alone and when you're in a bad mood? Do you use alcohol to cope?

If you can't make it to work due to your consumption of intoxicants then I would say you have alcoholism. If you drink yourself until you pass out nightly and still maintain your work ethic to fund your habits then I would say you have high functioning alcoholism. If neither of the above apply to your current situation I'd have to say you're just fine champ.

Have a roommate. Sometimes get drunk to Sup Forums drunk but mostly to have fun. Sometimes to forget or change a bad day

Yes, sometimes on all accounts. Except setting money aside for booze, who the fuck sets aside money for liquor? Anyway, yes to cope or forget, yes just to get drunk.

alcohol is so overrated

Alcoholics set money aside for liquor. High functioning ones do, anyways. They make sure everything is paid, then figure out what is left and what they can afford to spend on booze. Two friends of mine, their fathers did that.

Anyway, I'd say you're probably a high functioning alcoholic, or getting close to becoming one. The fact that you're already concerned about your possible alcoholism says a lot.

If, when you drink, you find that you have little to no control over how much you drink you may be an alcoholic. Even if you only drink every so often or if you drink daily.

Been sober a little over 2 years. It hasnt been an easy road, especially the last 3-4 years of my drinking.

Good luck buddy. Maybe one day ill see you in the rooms. We'll save a seat for you.

Never miss a day of work or a social function because of booze, maybe three sick days in the last three years. Made a fool of myself plenty though but who hasn't. Tolerance goes up and down over the years, nigga I'm 40. Yes, drinking alone right now, yes drink cause I'm in a bad mood.

is alcohol seriously the best you can do? fucking lame...

My friend's an alcoholic and everyone he knows are slowly leaving him and he hasn't even fucking noticed yet. It's disgusting to watch, partially because he doesn't care about his drinking and partially because he has no understanding of the ways it's pushing people away.
>always showing-up late
>passing-out drunk at dinner, at movies, while camping, on the couch, etc
>not reliable for anything
>turns into ab absolute demon during blackout mode and remembers none of it the next day
>is still a really nice guy at heart but just doesn't fucking get it
it's horrible. way worse than i'm making it sound too. horrible.

OP, if you aren't gonna stop just please do me a favor and pay very, very close attention. people aren't stupid.

Control is one area I am concerned. A beer or two and I'm fine...4-6 and where did that 12pack go, I better hit the store. Been to the meeting, not by choice, I see their point but can't buy in to a lot of it. There has to be better options than AA

Find a local AA club and buy a big book from them. Leave it for him somewhere but dont make a big deal about giving it to him.

Good luck.

My dads an alcoholic he drinks a bottle of pussy shit fireball a day it sucks cause when he's not drunk he's mad as shit and acts like he hates his life but when he drinks he's happier but always gets too aggressive and mad

I get it, booze is not the best but it's socially acceptable and readily available...what's a nigger gonna do.

The world seems dark when im wearing sunglasses. A lot of things are a matter of perspective.

See you when youre ready homeboy. Its going to get A LOT worse before it gets better.

I didn't start worrying until I was drinking when I woke up to get going.

Thanks man. It's been a lot worse than it is now, ups and downs you know. Maybe I'll give meetings and shit another shot. AA looses me on the whole higher power, I have no control and complete abstaining thing. If I can concor the addiction I should be able to have a glass of wine with dinner.

>My definition of an alcoholic
But I'm that lies my problem. My friends get concerned how often I drink because they aren't heavy drinkers so I just respond with "Pssssh I know people who practically live at a bar. No way am I an alcoholic." So i just keep telling others that since there are much worse out there I dont have a problem.

nigger is right

Never needed to drink to get going. Drank in the morning for other reasons but not to just get up.

Just got a DUI last night
>mfw i got lit up

Learned a while ago that comparing myself to others is not a good bench mark. Specially when it's the "best" or the "worst". There is always someone better or worse.

>If I can concor the addiction

Let me know how that works out for you.

None of us wanted to admit we were down for the count, tho must of us knew it was likely the case. Good luck fighting, damn was i once a fighter, too. im glad i finally gave up. Only took a couple withdrawl seizures, homelessness, and a police chase to finally break me down.

Roll on brother, sounds like your stone isnt ready to rest.

Maybe should have said accept the addiction.

I think you probably drink a bit much, maybe drinking less will improve your COD skills?

Wait for number 2 or 3. You'll get lit up alright...All The Way Up!

I hope you know alcohol is a carcinogen

think about that the next time you decide its a good time to drown your sorrows

A lot of people are stuck on this idea that somehow, someway, they will beat the game. Weve already tried it all. Drinking only on the weekends, not drinking liquor, not drinking before an important day, not drinking before 6pm.

If you are truly alcoholic the day will come where these limits and exceptions you have on your drinking will fail. And you will, once again, find yourself hopelessly lost and confused.

Its not a fun ride, but like mr bones wild ride, its hard to get off and a lot of people die trying. Good luck, youre going to need it.

Yeah that's very true, I'm starting to realise that myself. I just don't know how to explain to people that I dont feel like I have a problem when thats the only way I can get my point across. On the other hand though, I suppose i should probably start considering my actions since more than one person has asked me about it.

>What do you consider an alcoholic?
When you can't go a week without booze.

Try to go a week without a drop of alcohol. If you can't, yep your an alcoholic.

Coffee causes cancer nigga!

Pussy ass faggot wannabe alcy detected. You set aside money for the $5 pint of vod each day.

When you have a real alcohol problem you will know it, Sup Forumsro. It will take over your life like a jail sentence.

Don't be so dramatic.

Everybody's tells me that I'm an alcoholic, probably true but it's whatever really. I drink just about every day, usually to the point of passing out for hours wherever I'm sitting, even a few times standing and woke up on the floor.

It doesn't really negatively effect any aspect of my life, other than my wallet. I can stay up cocked til 5am, then get up and go to work at 7:30. Can't say I'm at peak performance levels, but I always keep my work up and have very rarely had any complaints about how I'm doing. But my boss bitches at the other guys for their pace and everything else, and they don't drink. He's just a nazi that wants everything done faster than humanly possible.

>functioning alcoholic

Not really trying to win. I accept your points a good ones, being true and from someone who has experience. We all need to find our way...right to front of mr. bones wild ride, fucking mr. bones. Ha!

Idc that you think you're some kind of cult hero or rock star because you drink. fucking impressive

You're asking a bunch of kids in highschool (not even the cool ones who get invited to drink at parties) if you're an alcoholic. You're not one, just a loser dude. This is why I frequent this dead site still, for the autist.