

So is this Sup Forumscore now?

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Nah man that album is perfect.

might wanna get your ears checked friend :^)

shit album

shit post


yours is even worse

Scaruffi proves you wrong.

I love Colors but "a black-metal outfit "

Who the fuck pays attention to reviews? I've seen btbam twice. Own all their albums. They're way ahead of all metal. Animals as Leaders aside

did someone rereview this?

it use to be

This album is the epitome of bad prog songwriting
Completely unmemorable, awkwardly stitching random parts together with zero consistency does not make for good music
Plus the metalcore vocals are fucking dreadful-tier
>Animals as Leaders aside
hahahahaha, progfags truly don't get it
You love the numbers but none of the feeling

Pawn Hearts has feeling

they're better than animals as leaders. they have good memorable songs instead of just technicality

in Sup Forums around 2008, it practically was. there were at least 5 threads about colors everyday that time IIRC

it's literally prog core and thats about it. prog heads love this shit but its even as far as the genre goes, it's not very interesting or experimental

>stitching random parts together with zero consistency does not make for good music
cuz you say so?

colors and sing to god by cardiacs are literal 0/10 albums

>caring about the feeling
if I wanted to care about feeling I'd listen to a different genre. I like prog wankery

you just cant handle the quirk senpai
pity ya


It has always been, you fucking newfag.

I probably would have loved them as a tasteless teen too

>not knowing what sub-Sup Forumscore is
you fucking newfag.

Mr. Bungle perfected the style of stitching togetehr randomness into a cohesive whole over two decades ago. All these modern -core bands are just swimming around in Patton's sweat puddle.