Was it autism?

Was it autism?

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baby don't hurt me

>The Breakfast Club
You are what is wrong with this generation. Keep listening to your trap and mindless hip hop, you brainlet.


>he's right but I have no response so I'm going to post a meme
Good job, buddy. Metal is shit too, mate.

>he listens to rock

>rapper isn't rapping to me in a dry conservative new york delivery about metaphysical multisyllabic miracles so i'll call him mindless because i'm a braindead rockist

I mean of course I listen to rock, who doesn't? That's a pretty vague term. Although, I assume you're trying to do some sort of dadrock or rockist meme. No, I don't listen to Beefheart or whatever you're thinking.

Looks like just normal negroism.

>rapper isn't rapping to me in a dry conservative new york delivery about metaphysical multisyllabic miracles so i'll call him mindless
No, I'll call him mindless because the lyrical content is a heaping pile of dogshit. They only rap about the most generically degenerate things with Twitter-tier verses.

>i'm a braindead rockist
You couldn't be farther from the truth.

lmao dude jesus get out of your prude mum's basement if that's what you truly think

whats good lyricism to you any examples?

>le no life meme
Your insecurity is showing. Not everyone is a basement-dwelling Amerifat. I'm Swiss, faggot. Hiking and skiing is in my blood.

In rap or in general?

so i'm sitting here while some anemic rich daddy swiss guy boils a life of strife and making it beyond that down to 'degenerate twitter tier verses'?

>some anemic rich daddy swiss guy
Not anemic or a daddy. I'm 31 so I am getting there soon though.

>boils a life of strife and making it beyond that down to 'degenerate twitter tier verses'?
I'm sorry, but it is. I just watched the interview and they were talking about his dick Twitter beefs and jail sentence. They are brainlets who worship the mindless lyrics of other brainlets.

in general
all lyricism in rap is garbage tbqh

I like Kodak and I think he's a legitimately talented rappers but yeah, he acts autistic as fuck when he isn't rapping. I've never seen an interview with him where he appeared to be level headed.

I mean that's incredibly difficult. I guess I would say something like Songs from a Room or The Drift.


>The Drift
My impression was always that that album was blatantly absurdist and non-representative, especially lyrically. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, but is there actually some narrative to it?

Oh wait, I was thinking of Tilt, but maybe it stands for the Drift too

Oh yes, it is. Nothing Scott has made I can say has been "absurdist and non-representative" except for certain parts of Bish Bosch, which themselves form a larger meaning. Specific to The Drift, it is more of a nightmarish smattering of history and ghastly subjects paired with equally unsettling yet powerfully constructed lyricism. I personally find the music and lyrics to be inseparable although I can definitely see how it can come off as purposely nonsensical.

I mean they're very similar albums. The Drift's instrumentation is just more violent than forlorn, as it is in Tilt. Yes, the lyrics can seem very esoteric and impenetrable but I wouldn't say they actually are.

Also, I think a good example of what I would say actually fits as "blatantly absurdist and non-representative" is many of Of Montreal's songs. The frontman basically regurgitates a thesaurus. It's not actually lyrically meaningful; and that which could be considered to have meaning is not very interesting.

>31 and still using words like "brainlet"

Maybe it's just social anxiety. I talk like he did quite often and I would probably be even worse in an interview with one of the biggest radio shows on the planet. I would wear a balaclava too, I don't want them to see me sweat/my mouth start jerking around

>calling things autism
That's worse, regardless of your age.

I don't care it was legit one of the funniest things I have seen since the year started


My sides are in orbit

i fuck with kodak but i think he might genuinely be retarded

or he did this intentionally so people would talk about it (it worked)

maybe both

He acted so weird man. I guess he was wearing the stupid mask for attention, but he answered the question in such a weird way. And the hosts we already making fun of him for it but he was just laughing as if he was completely out of his mind. I'm guessing he was high as fuck and had no idea what's going on but even then...

He's just N O I D E D

>lyrics matter

This man's a genius. I just scrolled through a page of his lyrics and this one in particular left me feeling transcendental.

"I be yelling out
Bros over hoes (bros over hoes)
This ain't what I'm about
Money over hoes (money over bitches)
3 way nigga
I got niggas throwing 4s (3 way 4 way)
I got problems
I got niggas dead and gone (zoo life)
I got young niggas
Running with the pole (all my niggas)
Stick and move
You know I'm sticking to the code (finesse)
No more knick knock
We kicking down your door (we finesse)
No not baseball
But I run up in your home"


autism speaks (on live air)

>born in le wrong generation


You don't listen to much rap then.

>50% of a song doesn't matter

>Implying one instrument (The voice) is of equal value to every other instrument and sound combined.


>posting on Sup Forums
>posting on Sup Forums unironically using terms like "brainlet"

hoooly shit

i've been listening to rap since i was 8 ( 22 now)