ITT: We guess each other's age and personality based off our favourite album

ITT: We guess each other's age and personality based off our favourite album.



23, lives alone, doesn't have many friends but the ones he does have are close and have similar taste.

Damn i fucking love this album.

Id say you are 23, 27 or maybe 30

Do you like Be'lakor btw?

Close but 21 years. Everything else is pretty much right.

Fortress was better






Stone's Reach is my shit.




I don't like doing favourites

25-30, found metal early on and is disappointed in how it has progressed.

22,badass motherfucker


>off by 1
almost 100% accurate; I'm 26 started listening through my mother vinyls but I can appreciate some things nowadays (even though few)

20 years old, same as

probably gonna get shit for this because of the tbc meme

my favorite




78, wants to be euthanised

16, normie edgy faggot.

Currents by Tame Impala.



either this or run the jewels

20+, and hates to be confused with the trendy kids
this album is legit good though


Doesn't know what he wants out of life.

Neither of you faggots know me. It is pretty easy. Make eye contact. Engage a conversation. Get him interested in anything. The eye iris in him shows a relaxation. Make the move first tilting the barrel to him. His hand breaks after his wrist twisted. No discharge. Move other hand to grasp handgun. Knee sweep to knock him down. Put gun barrel to his forehead. Then the perp is your bitch. Last time was in Oakland, CA after a night of drinking. People were throwing money at me to kill the nigger. I kept the gun and let him run back to momma. Drove along the 13 into Berkeley and then over 24 to avoid the 880 since the gang bangers would look for me that way. Threw the gun in the bay the next day.

20, white, extremely pretentious

Needs to kill themselves

That's absolutely true. I'm utterly lost.

>Nice quads


Not even close.

I guess it also says something about my personality that I can't pick a favorite album, but Rammstein is definitely my favorite band.


This is it boys.

Some 38 year old masochistic kraut.

Topkek. That gave me a chuckle.



Top kek

Age and nationality is wrong, but I am a masochist.

Animals is better.
Just kidding, i only prefer it more

More right than the other two. And yeah, I would agree in this album's legit goodness.

Good taste


Here you go




Not him but belakor wass one of my first real metal bands. Tre'aste basically warmed me up to screaming vocals I'm general.

Teenager. Adults wouldn't be asking this kind of shit

Quads confirms best album

You must be new here

Okay mr adult

80 year old

Nope, not even remotely close


Young, around 20 and has just been exposed to adulthood. You are existential and feel out of place and hate people for the most part.


How about Ne Obliviscaris??

Early to mid 20s.

This band needs more fans. If you like black metal check this album out


>Implying this is not the truth

It really is a wonderful piece of music.

90% of Sup Forums



How did you know that? Are you a tool fan?

It is, I wish I could get it on vinyl.



What was that song they had in Rock Band? I used to love it but i can't find it on youtube or remember the title.


pretentious 22 year old millennial cunts.





You gotta be. Either act pretentious or show people how retarded I am. Congrats faggot you are a mad piece of shit.





Oh yes, this album is pure glorious.

youre either a 30+ year old white male with kids, or a 15 year old metalfag who posts these albums to impress their friends

I'll be harder than your husband, you get along with.



Close im 18 with no friends.
