What does Sup Forums think about this short story about anxiety?

What does Sup Forums think about this short story about anxiety?

The worm is a solitary yet social creature. Social out of necessity, solitary in it’s need to survive, every other worm is a potential threat. It tunnels its way into the earth, the earth moving out of its way as if it knows and respects the worms focus. This worm was called Carl, and Carl was more isolated than the rest of the worms due to the fact he had tunnelled into a glass bottle 3 days ago, he now spends his days moving earth out of his way so he can get from one side of the bottle to the other, and then back again. The other worms see Carls tracks inside the bottle, he is a distant memory to them now, ‘are those tracks Carls?’ they ask. ‘Who is Carl?’ is usually the answer.

As Carl lay surrounded by the ever increasingly heavy earth he began to contemplate life. Was this all he had ever known? Maybe the idea of something outside of his confines was merely a figment of his imagination, a delusion. He didn’t know what was worse, the idea of himself losing his mind or never really being able reach outside of what seems to be a temporary barrier, an unbreakable one at that. Soil in his face, that was his life. He pushed the soil away and hit an invisible wall. The idea that he was only experiencing a small portion of his worlds potential was distressing him, it was becoming a problem so he decided something would be done about this problem, today.

Carl had a short memory, surely there is nothing more important than finding morsels of food so he may carry on forward on his journey. As he hit the barrier again, his memory jogged. ‘I’ve been here before.’ He slid his body along the colder substance, stopping every few inches to look outside, things looked the same only more exaggerated. He moved on along the new yet familiar material, there was no food here for him but something else, there are answers here. He just needed to know the question. A question. ‘Why can i see tracks like mine but cannot touch them, they aren’t my tracks.’ Carl coming to the startling realization that he wasn’t alone, he never had been, his memory like pieces of a puzzle fitting together. He followed the tracks until he saw a mirror image of himself. This is Carl, he saw himself but this Carl was moving as if in total defiance of physics, as if this other Carl was totally unaware of how he was supposed to behave being Carls mirror image. He worked his way up the body and stopped at the head and looked into the others eyes, the other looked back. ‘Are you me?’ Carl nervously spoke. The other entity hearing it like a muffled voice, almost like hearing someone talk through glass. ‘I am me.’ Said the voice in return. But Carl was he and he was also me so this was him, there was no other explanation. He was looking at himself. There were no other words spoken, his other self lay on the barrier as Carl tried to replicate the others body position and they slept there, together they were not alone, when he woke, he was gone.

That's it.


I dont think i understand

I am pretty drunk, maybe it makes no sense.

My hair smells so nice

bumping for the story

This pasta or OC?


do you say that because it's shit?

Nah, just wondering. I'll be honest that I wasn't that into it, but it's one of those things you can tell is meaningful to the person who wrote it.

thanks man


You are welcome.


>2 posters

These were me:
The rest were OP. I also noticed that after commenting, that he actually samefagged a self-convo about whether or not the story made any sense.

i didn't know you couldn't same fag anymore without being noticed.,

Where are you seeing the number of posters?

It's the third of the four numbers in the bottom right corner across from [Post a Reply].

On that note, I actually have no idea what the fourth number indicates, and am too lazy to check the FAQ. Someone should tell me.

Right, shit. I didn't know that. What happens if it gets into double figures?

stop doing this to yourself man, talk to your friends or something

What do you mean? It still just shows the number.

I hear writing 1000 words a day is good for you, so I try to do that with a start and end.