Essay on transit due in 6 hours

>essay on transit due in 6 hours
>1 paragraph length
>haven't even started
if i can't come up with something to write about in the next hour i'm just gonna drop the class.

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You spoiled little dick, your parents have already paid for the class and it's past the deadline. Write the paragraph

>your parents have already paid for the class
I paid for it out of my own pocket m8.

I hope you're getting a refund, otherwise you're just wasting your money, which is fucking moronic.

by "paid for it out of my own pocket" i mean it was all paid for with fafsa loans, grants, and scholarships.

i'm just severely autistic and can't write about this sort of thing. even my instructor recognizes the autism.

So let me get this straight... you're wasting the taxpayers' money because you're too much of an autistic degenerate to write a single paragraph? Jesus fucking Christ, user, you might as well drop out of university altogether and save everyone the trouble.

>you might as well drop out of university altogether
But I got an A in organic chemistry and PDEs. I just can't write an objective research paper on something as nebulous as "place."

Dude its one fucking paragraph... if you cant bs that how are you gonna write an actual essay....

It's not a research paper you fucking retard. It's one goddamn paragraph. If you can't understand abstract concepts, then why the fuck did you sign up for the class in the first place?

>It's one goddamn paragraph.
It's a paragraph about preliminary analysis of a primary source related to "place. space. and transit" in preparation for a full scale analysis next week, and an 8 page analytical, objective research paper on the primary source and 2-3 secondary sources related to some topic on "place, space, and transit" next month.

What the fuck could anyone possibly write about for 8 pages in an object fashion if they are restricted to "place?"

>then why the fuck did you sign up for the class in the first place?
Because it's a prerequisite for tons of G.E. shit I still need, and the topic of the course was not decided until the course had already begun. I assumed it would be a standard "analyze this piece of literature" English class, not some pretentious, failed computer scientist's faggot forays into "what place means."

Well too fucking bad, faggot. Looks like you're not cut out for university. Have fun flipping burgers at McDonalds you fucking degenerate.

>Looks like you're not cut out for university.
But I objectively am given my performance in other areas.
>Well too fucking bad, faggot.
Not an argument.

This isn't an argument, dumbfuck. This is us refusing to do your homework for you. We don't give a shit about your performance in other areas. You fucked up. Get over it.

>This is us refusing to do your homework for you.
Where did I ask for you to do my homework? I just wanted to complain. We both know I'm incapable of writing a paragraph when I can't decide a topic.

He's actually got a better chance of NOT flipping burgers if he quits university now and just starts working. Degrees are useless.

Really? Mine wasn't.

Instead of wasting our and his time, by now he could have come up with a single paragraph. He can do an on line search. In half an hour it'd be done. But complaining is worth more than actually doing homework.

>Instead of wasting our and his time, by now he could have come up with a single paragraph.
I've been trying to think of something to write about for this class for 3 WEEKS.

Can't you do a search mate? They gave hints for events about places on the bottom of the page...

I'm sorry dude, I don't mean to be rude, but you need to stop being such a lay fucking puss and get a move on.

The world leaves useless cunts like you behind.

>Can't you do a search mate? They gave hints for events about places on the bottom of the page...
What the fuck would I search for? "How to write an essay about 'place'?" No one can tell me what to write about, and those suggestions were from me begging my instructor to help me come up with something.

Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to write about those suggestions in any way that would be possible for me. I have to write about the aspects of "place, space, and transit" in those suggestions. Objectively.

>but you need to stop being such a lay fucking puss and get a move on.
That's not going to make me any less autistic.

I can't even read the assignment to do it. I'm literally incapable of reading black text on white background walls of text like that.

Just run the assignment wall of text through a gangster translator or something and submit that.

Then fucking drop it. Sounds like you're still pretty young, so a w isn't the end of the world. you need to get your fucking head straight, I understand that this shit seems trivial but it is essential to your goals of getting a degree. So stop being a prick and learn to read the syllabus on the first day of class to see if you should drop the class or not. You're being a fucking faggot wasting other people money

How much cock did you suck to get your job?

>You're being a fucking faggot wasting other people money
This doesn't concern me. I was dirt poor and homeless growing up, so I feel at the least "free" university is owed to me.
>So stop being a prick and learn to read the syllabus on the first day of class to see if you should drop the class or not
I still have about a week to drop the class without a W. I didn't drop on the first day because dropping now will just set me back for G.E. credits.

And get over being autistic, no one gives a fuck. You can either do the job or you cant

You're being an entitled prick. The world doesn't owe you shit, and with that attitude you'll amount to nothing. No one cares that you're autistic or that you grew up poor. You have a chance to redefine the rest of your life and you're fucking it up

thats dumb how that's put op

>write, like about places yo... and uhm, like, why they are the way they are and how you're able to tell that

what fucking mega nerd wrote that

>You have a chance to redefine the rest of your life and you're fucking it up
Yes, that's why I'm complaining.

Maybe I can talk to my disability coordinator for my autism and see if I can be transferred into another section of the class.

Dude, you should have done that as soon as you were baffled by the prompt. You need to learn to recognize what classes have shit professors a lot quicker and you'll be fine

If you're still here, I'm pretty good at stuff like this if it is what I think it is

Just wait for a second while I decipher this bullgaggle and I'll throw something together. A fucking paragraph. Assuming you haven't dropped it already what is a fucking 'phenomenon of transit'?

>what is a fucking 'phenomenon of transit'?
He never explained.

What kind of class is it?

Transit is things like trains and subways as far as anyone you ask on the street will be able to tell you


What the fuck did you just fucking say about transit, you little traveller? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Transit Industry, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret roads in Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed routes. I am trained in recognising material conditions and I’m the top envisioner in the entire US transit planner. You are nothing to me but just another person to not overlook. I will move you the fuck around with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark that travel destination. You think you can get away with getting stuck and shit on the beaten path? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of planners across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare to be happy, tourist. The type of happiness that wipes out the pathetic little frown off what you call your face. You’re fucking getting there, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can maintain a path in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in exploring how place and space is understood, but I have access to the entire convoy of the Transit Soc. Bus Depot and I will use it to its full extent to move your miserable ass off the face of the continent, and on to the next. If only you could have known what fun times your little “clever” essay was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your deeper questions. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn tourist. I will create trains all over your city you will travel in it. You’re fucking moving, kiddo.
>I did it for you

Laughed. Thanks.

Do you have any interests? It seems they want you to give a subjective view about how things actually are doing your best to accurate about it. It looks like political and popular events have been chosen before, so you could ask others what they're writing about if you have some time...

You should do something about recently emerging subcultures and identity in countries where it's very uncommon and overseas from the culture's origin. Rap culture in Japan is a great example. If you have the right type of autism, you might be able to glean something from this video. Obviously keep in mind I'm not you:

>>You should do something about recently emerging subcultures and identity in countries where it's very uncommon and overseas from the culture's origin.
I don't, and can't, understand how this has any relation to "place, space, or transit." That's the issue.

Dude who gives a shit about taxpayer money? His couple thousand dollars is a drop in the bucket compared to the billions upon billions stolen by politicians. Fuck off and give it a rest.

OP, I strongly recommend you drop this course and do something else instead. This looks like a path to a degree in bullshitology. What class is this for anyway? Do computer science or premed instead.

>premed instead
I am doing genetics with pre-med. This is a required course for ALL majors to graduate.

If I were you, I'd pick trains. Talk about the necessity for building them, impact on social and economic on that time, current situation and future development.
Tell me why this isn't a good idea.

I will reiterate I have no idea what this class is.

Places can be houses, cities, countries etc. Spaces could be something that is less exact and has to do with interpersonal things. I'm assuming transit is what I said before, and Japan is well known for having lots of transit and in a unique way.

Material to analyse can be images.... research questions could probably be assumptions you have about these pictures that are connected to your primary source, which could be backed up by evidence which you could find with sources to verify your assumptions are correct, and to make claims about it would be to reassert this shit.

You just have to break it down into simpler parts on a notepad or something to make it intelligible for you. You have six hours, so.

This sounds like a good idea.

>If I were you, I'd pick trains. Talk about the necessity for building them, impact on social and economic on that time, current situation and future development.
Oh no, that's a fantastic idea. I just don't know how I could possibly find a primary source that fits his requirements. I guess I should probably mention those at this point:
>An official movie trailer
>A poster
>A TV/print advertisement
>A scene from a movie
>A clip from a music video
>A video game trailer/scene
>An excerpt from a speech/story
>A video game trailer/scene
Not allowed:
>A movie or documentary
>An episode of a television show
>A novel or lengthy story
>An unknown/uncirculated image or video
>Social media content (e.g., tweets, Instagrams, gifs)
>A screenshot from a movie, video, or TV episode
>Artifacts removed from their contexts (e.g., a decontextualized photograph from a news article)

>Tell me why this isn't a good idea
Pic related

Thank you. I was that guy that said you to do an on line search, it took me 15 minutes to come up with this.
Now get writing. Cheers.

In that case it makes no sense to drop it. Might as well finish what you started. It should be an easy A if it's not a hard math or science course.

Maybe claim dislexia and get yourself some extra time to complete the assignment. Visit the professor during office hours and have them read it to you really slow. Convince them you're dislexic and can't understand the wording easily.

>In that case it makes no sense to drop it.
Of course it does. If I'm completely incapable of writing about what I am asked to write about, then I'll fail.

What the fuck are you even supposed to write about? Talk about unclear instructions. Man it reminds me of those shitty english gen eds from college. They never told you clearly what the fuck you were doing, and grades were almost always a crapshoot depending on the teacher's mood.