Nightshift at the best hotel in my city. Ask me anything

Nightshift at the best hotel in my city. Ask me anything

Currently walking the floors.

most messed up thing you've found on your rounds?

Dirty syringes. Drunk people fucking.

One night I almost shit myself from a guest going completely nuts. Want story?

only if you work me into it somehow


It involves a guest Who has books on satanic rituals in his room and security can't find him. He left his room with his door wide open. Its 2:30 am

Is the 'best hotel' in your city a Best Western or Holiday Inn Express?



make me one of the security guards

Ok will start typing it up now. I'm on my phone so it might take a while.


>Be me. Nightshift at hotel
>I have to go through all the floors. 87 of them
>collect house keeping cards off the doors
>Get call to deliver food to room 3950
>Guest orders just beef. Completely raw.
>just raw beef on a plate.
>wtf m8?
>knock on door with beef on plate
>no answer
>knock again 1 min later
>obviously hear someone walk up to door
>I say "guest services"
>hear thud on the door
>person probably watching me through the peep hole


>I knock again. Say "Guest Services"
>no reply. No sound of movement.
>f this. I'll just open the door and put food on desk
>I have card to access every room in hotel
>about to use my card
>guest says "just leave it on the floor
>not too loud. Almost like He was trying to be quiet when speaking
>I say "ok" and set plate on the floor outside door
>I start walking away and hear door unlock
>I get around corner to the elevators and hear door open
>ok whatever. He grabbing his food, I think to myself.
>hear him say very loudly "EXCUSE ME"
>whoa. Wtf calm down
>I say "yes?" and walk back around corner so I can see his room door
>as soon as I can see his door, I see it slowly closing. Lights are off. I can't see in

faster faggot

Waiting here

>ok whatever. I go back down to the lobby to work
>get another call. Same room wants a set of silverware with 4 steak knives delivered
>oh f naw
>get silverware and knives
>really don't want to deliver because he didn't tip me last time so he won't tip me this time
>mfw I didn't think he was dangerous yet. Just weird.
>mfw I get to the 39th floor and plate of raw beef is sitting right outside elevators
>grab plate and bring it and silverware and knives to his room. Room 3950
>knock and say "guest services"
>hear very loud bang against door.
>"Sir I have your order and was something wrong wit the beef?"
>hear nothing
>"ok I'm just setting it on the floor again" I say
>start to walk away. Hear heavy breathing coming from the room.
>not dying today. I walk faster to the elevators.
>soon as I push elevator button, his door swings open
>he yells "I'm going to fucking kill you!!" and I hear stomping
>omfg this guy is full on sprinting towards me

OP is an abydocomist

>stomach drops instantly. Feel dread kick in
>never in my life pushed the "close doors" button in an elevator so many times
>probably broke it from spamming it to hell
>as I'm waiting for door to close, I'm looking down hallway towards his room
>hear him running but don't see his shadow or anything getting close
>elevator doors close and I start to go dkwn
>asshole Guest 1 floor below called elevator and wants to go up
>I get off elevator to avoid going back up and I use stairs
>get in stairs and stupidly just stand there and listen
>I hear him running laps in his floor still yelling
>"I'm going to fucking kill you! Come here little piggy!"
>mfw this guy is making out squeak noises too
>it gets silent
>dead quiet. I hear doors opening. Its other guests
>some yell to shut the hell up and others talk to each other and ask what's going on
>I wait 5 mins
>suddenly the stairs door opens
>is it security? I think to myself.
>hear someone start to walk slowly down the stairs

got me interested

> I look over railing up to his floor. See a guy who is not security holding the knives and walking down
>he stops walking
>just stands there
>I'm holding my breathe. Heart pounding
>I'm staring up to where he is. He doesn't know I'm there.
>Out of nowhere, he appears over his railing looking directly at me. We make eye contact
>he starts yelling again
>"I'm going to kill you!" yelling and laughing
>I run. Don't trip though because I'm not a dumb blonde
>I was skipping steps so was at least getting further from him a bit
>I decide to cut into a hall and use the service elevators
>you need key card to get into employee service elevator area
>I go in floor 26
>Sprint to the service elevator door and stop and listen
>he never opens the door to this floor. I don't hear running or yelling.
>I go dkwn to security and tell them everything

>they don't believe me
>but then like 6 guests call in to complain about it
>now they believe me
>they go up to his room
>door is wide open . lights off.
> they enter. Turn lights on
>mfw he has 4 books on Satanism and rituals
>mfw he has pics taken of other guests entering their rooms
>mfw his bed is bare and has raw beef smeared all over with his blood
>don't know if it's his blood or someone else's.
>mfw security says they'll stand guard on the floors all night. 87 floors and only 3 security guards
>mfw this happened 35 Mins ago. Still haven't found him.
>Did find heroin in his room though
>security called cops only after finding heroin

Now I'm sitting here in the security office telling you all this. Our general manager is on her way as well as our security supervisor.

You didn't work user into the story as a security guard, user. I was kinda waiting for that. Anywho all in all pretty craY experience..glad your okay :)

>asshole Guest 1 floor below called elevator and wants to go up
>I get off elevator to avoid going back up and I use stairs
>get in stairs and stupidly just stand there and listen
>I hear him running laps in his floor still yelling
>"I'm going to fucking kill you! Come here little piggy!"
>mfw this guy is making out squeak noises too

i lost it here

bumpin for interest