What should I tell her my favorite artist is?

What should I tell her my favorite artist is?

Other urls found in this thread:


>dog filter
Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Twenty One Pilots

gg allin

whatever. she said she likes your taste in music anyway so what's the problem?

dubs decide

21 pilots

21 pilots

>dog filter slut

who cares

Henry Cow desu

DJ LinkedIn

is she a Sup Forumstant?

Then Diamanda Galas.

Dubs for Turnover.

Also asking for a LinkedIn account lol wtf.


I just really want to know why you brought up LinkedIn, and even more how the hell she responded to you asking for her LinkedIn account

honestly a cool pick

also nice digits

Les Rallizes Denudes

>my taste are caried
>mentions the same genres three times
oh boy

Jawbreaker you cuck

she seems like a qt tho

Thom Yorke and the Radioheads

Yeah, I meant it to creep out this girl if you/him would actually say it.

los lonely boys

genocide organ


>do you have a LinkedIn account
What the fuck


why does the dog filter trigger autist so much

these, please explain this OP it was weird af

It's because I'm Indian. Its really popular where I'm from.


Prajeet pls

something edgy like Whitehouse or Xenakis

it's a sure sign of a basic bitch. if you can tolerate the kind of girl who still thinks the fatface app is hilarious and reads out shit recycled facebook memes to you then more power to ya, but that's a whole barrel of pussy I ain't never touching

Please what?

>dog filter pic
>do you have a LinkedIn account
You'd make a great couple

The common female is well below my refined taste in sexual partners
*unsheathes trilby*


>dog filter

yea I know, having some standards about the kind of company you keep is lost on most of you nofriend permavirg faggots, but whatev :^)

just post the beatles copypasta

That's extremely presumptuous

Who Let the Dogs Out by Baha Men

Nah i'm just upset about the wasted dubs

The Gerogerigegege

OP here, I was hired to work on an integrated marketing campaign for LinkedIn. This was my opener.


im surprised you even have friends, you seem very judgmental and almost as vain as the people you criticize for using a silly filter


excellent opening, my friend.

oh for fuck's sake

Throw this roastie toastie to the curb.

>this actually worked

see? the dog filter never lies

I can't believe she just didn't end it right then and there.


She has a dog filter picture, so she's gonna beg for dick if she sees halfway decent pictures of a moderately good-looking guy.

So what did you tell her your favorite artist is?


>i-it's just a bit of fun!

I bet you're the guy who constantly posts those green day and MCR 'guilty pleasure' threads

he has to say The Gerogerigegege, see

>implying she doesn't just go on tinder for quick validation and delete the app once she's bored

She waits too long to reply, you don't stand any chance senpai.

Yeah I said begging for dick, not actually riding it.

i bet you're fun at parties

>didn't even deny it

this isn't going well for you hun. maybe call it a day here, unless there are any more tired cliches you wanna throw at me?

Visceral Evisceration


>daily reminder that Radiohead is the ONLY socially safe answer to this

>quirky reaction pic


what the turbo fuck lmao

people will just think you are a whiny pussy.

>so who's your fave artist user?
>ive been getting into Merzbow and Gerogerigege.. but you probably havent heard of em xD

You're fun at parties

>you must be linkedin because I wanna use you all day
What the fuck is wrong with you

this has always been an empty meme insult and yet I get the impression you're trying to use it to actually mean something

who are you quoting?

You say this like you're not on Sup Forums of all fucking places
What in the fuck, how did that work at all

I always forget how young and full of basic bitches Sup Forums is.

this post is the definition of naivety

>I never went outside or interacted with 20-somethings: the post

The Residents


tim O'Brien

Just tell her you liked the new title fight or shinypinkultrablast. Shes not even saying pleb bands or anything aside from kpop

Death Grips

>ive never spoken to a girl: the post

the dog filter is extremely popular with grils because it matches literally every girls skin tone apparently, sister and gf both said the same of it basically. it just makes you look good if youre a grill, and apparantly virgins get angry at this for some strange reason

Britney Spears


Captain Beefheart

ITT: "I can't score with hot girls who like dogs so they're all basc and vapid"
Everyone, kys.

owl city

dogs are shit

kill yourself. I love how you indians obsess over filling linkedin accounts full of fake accomplishments

it is, and I'm not that user, but it has rung true irl for me countless times.

How do you know that they're fake?


It seems OP is kill. Looks like this thread was just another cog in his integrated marketing campaign :(

wtf? it makes you look good?

keep acting like you're smarter socially while on Sup Forums and being needlessly judgemental, it's proving your point well

she likes mumford and sons-core music

Peter Sotos