She'll be fine

she'll be fine

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that's the problem



>waah not wanting citizens to pay for whores getting abortions or birth control means they don't care about women

obama-care will save her

holy mother of straw man

Liberals are this stupid

because no republican is a woman.

This is clever, but then you realize it says nothing - which is indicitive of liberals

as opposed to cuckservatives who say a lot, but do nothing

He probably pulled his butt plug out to post this.


Why are all of our choices so fucking old and near death?

Bernie, Hitlary, Drump....

Is there no 40- or 50-something out there?


I guess you finally understand modern politics, fag.



*goes to an extremely liberal website full of controversy and free speech*
'Whew, go trump!'

>she'll be fine





Some serious butthurt.

Suckle that elongated teet, mang

some faggot like troudo, perhaps?


what does your mom have to do with this conversation?

Is it not better to supply abortions and birth control than it is to have a bunch of kids getting born that their parents didn't want, that end up getting neglected or thrown into bloated orphanages?

I hate to say it but maybe not with the new leaks over corporate money influencing politics. Health wise she'll be fine. The new leaks might hurt Clinton due to her ties to Wall Street.

Both are correct. Incoming cognitive dissonance.

Hillary is from Chicago...

Stfu it's a joke not a legitimate argument
Salty ass bitch

if fine=alive, then yes

too true


And knew enough to move out to Arkansas

>And knew enough to move out to Arkansas
She spent some years in Arkansas, but most of her life has been in Chicago, New York and Washington D.C.

I lived in Ohio for 3 years, but I grew up and spent most of my life in Louisiana. But, if I do something retarded, I'm an Ohioan?

>Right wing dipshit logic

Right, and then you end up paying even more to support their unwanted spawn. Believe me, there are women out there who'd never dream of getting an abortion or using birth control because every kid they squeeze out is good for like an additional $20 in food stamps, and maybe $50 on their welfare check each month. And of course once they're grown, you gotta pay to incarcerate them pretty much their entire lives too.

Condoms are a lot cheaper. Hell giving these women (and their baby daddies too) $500 to get spayed or neutered would be a great investment of our tax dollars.

Fire up the meme majycks, all glory to kek

Let's see them Pepes the libral media's talkin' bout, Willis!

>if you don't approve of my stupidity you are just butthurt
wew lad
I'm extremely sorry Poe's law is real because those people exist....
also, choke on a nigger dick, you raging faggot