What's Sup Forums having for breakfast?

What's Sup Forums having for breakfast?

Percocet and a Coca-Cola

you're moms pussy

That is a poor atempt at buttering toast

And I just had a coffee

opioid addiction?

I just finished. Scrambled fresh eggs. Biscuits. Butter and homemade blackberry jelly. Washing down with hot mullein tea( I is sick)

Toothache, the soda is because I'm a rebel.

baguette + emmental + butter
granny smith as desert

Nothing. Changeing to a better job but currently flat broke for a week. I havent eaten in 2 days.

Mountain dew and a cigarette. Soon as I have an appetite I'll eat some toast or something.

Aestetic 400 calorie breakfast

You from the south?

wtf the oatmeal is so dry. why havent you added any milk to it?

French toast that was once called German toast

raspberry yogurt

Idk it said add a cup of water

I had ramen

No, I'm from up north where the meese live

R8 me guys

84 McBurgers... Then I'm going to eat your mothers turdcutter with a spoon. She loves when I lick her tight spicy taco pucker

Steady diet of nothing.


Poverty soup.


I decided to blow all my money this week on liquor, so I'm not having anything

Smooth move genius
