ITT: Albums that, if they were a person, you would 10/10 bang

ITT: Albums that, if they were a person, you would 10/10 bang

Other urls found in this thread:

david bowie's 1970s output




Sup Forums in general gives me gay thoughts

Sup Forums made me gay
but that album is also very good i recommend it

If this was a woman, she'd probably be THICC and be into facials.


"bang" is such an ugly word, i would make sweet tender love to this beautiful album



This or Homogenic. More so this though, because it deals explicitly with sex.

there is probably something special about two depressives striving together for that moment of fleeting bliss

yeah that's why you try to drag it out as much as possible

Bang is such a pretty word, fuck and use more like.

i like it rough

Totally agree with you here user.


I would probably meet with her in a cafe , move together to a studio apartment in a big city then have the worst breakup ever because of the dumbest reasons

I think if American Football was a girl it would look something like this.

10/10 would cut my wrists with

Or this...

what makes you think so?

She'll always make you feel at home, cook good food and cuddle you to bed.

be careful not to suffocate while she cuddles you

would hold hands with
