Whats on your mind Sup Forums?

Whats on your mind Sup Forums?

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Your moms sweet puss


Wondering if my cat is gonna be ok. She is at the vet. Her leg is getting amputated on Friday" someone shot her with an air rifleb shattered the bone in half"

Thinking on how to either change my life or kill my ex.

>work shitty job to job
>get fired mostly
>give zero fucks about life (cured most of my anxiety
>swear im half retarded/half genius ( sometimes fail at simple tasks sometimes excel in more difficult/complex tasks)
>Lost in life
>havent had a full conversation with a bitch in like 5-6 years
>been lonely my whole life (age 21)
>i think this life was meant for me

that sucks
>tfw got arrested last year for shooting houses with air rifles
>gay judge told me i couldve killed a dog or some shit
>made sure no one was in sight when i was shooting up shit
>tfw wouldnt really care if i did hit some1

Just thinking about that pumpkin bread pudding I had for lunch and how bad it was for me

Your cats fucking dead kid. Buy a new one. And please god, when you bury the dumbass thing, don't come to Sup Forums and post a baw thread. It's bad enough people who know you have to put up with your bullshit, don't spread it to the rest of us please, can you sack up and be a man about something for once? That'd be real special.

>work shitty job
>get fired

Are you so fucking incompetent you can't even pretend to know what you're doing?

Holy god man you're probably the edgiest man in the whole school, at least now everyone knows not to mess with you or you'll mildly irritate with with a fucking air rifle. Holy god someone call the police we gotta stop this guy before he buys another spiked color and fedora.

Pumpkin bread is nice. Never had PB pudding. That also sounds nice. You're cool.

cant figure out how to fix my usb to camera, I took a bunch of photos with my camera but I cant upload em, feels bad man

Haven't heard anything from a friend for a couple of months. Hope she's alright.

Wondering about my career and where it's going. Plus possible relationship plans.

Just average stuff, nothing really going on in my life this instant.

wishing that the people i knew wanted to see me, instead of me always engaging them first. Feeling lonely and like i should do something productive, but instead i just procrastinate. blah blah.

He asked me what's on my mind you dumb fag and i told him. So feel free to finger fuck yourself in mommy's basement and leave the grown ups to play

i wish i was eating a pussy right now

>instead of me always engaging them first.
My nigga.

Find people whom are more interested in you socially.

Not that guy, but I can relate.
This implies we're worth being interested in. I've found I'm easily forgotten as a friend, but yet people remember me in general.

I've been thinking a lot about the past and the present lately. Realized I've been thinking too much. Can't feel shit anymore because too much thinking.

>This implies we're worth being interested in.
We all are in some way or another, really just relies on how sociable you're willing to be and how good you are at it.

Someone out there for everyone. I've only had one friend throughout the years whom I still know, kek.

I try to find people more like me, but it seems like they give up way to easy on trying to even talk. rarely do people ask questions about my thoughts, when i always am genuinely interested in others. idk, feel like i try to put myself in others heads and would rather stay silent then annoy them with by trying to make conversation.

but thank you user

i think we all on the same page

fuck people fuck feelings i think the best thing to do right now is focus on success and money