Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread

>Early bake because fuck you
>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Rem claimed




i'll be trying to
uhhh somewhere like 28hours now, nowhere near as long as i've ever been up at once but it still takes a toll..

saying that is basically making me want to ask you out
how is it so far?


Disturbed is okay. But I'm listening to Grant Green right now, lovely.
Can't hear you over the 423 yards and 4 TD's Drew put up.

still here


yeah something like that would be lovely. and not really they just sort of let me do it until the rpgs respawned

Bretty gud. I'm definitely missing a lot of mods considering I'm barely getting into Pluto and do not have a single corrupted mod.

One day I'll have a weapon doing 10k damage.

>best fox claimed

Kek. Free food is always good though. ^^

>MEANWHILE Working my way to my Trinity Warframe
>I'm gonna be the best healer I can be!

It's a day

Ooo I'm gonna go watch the end of that game
Well it's just a slow hyundai but it's manual so it's still kinda fun to beat on. I like to listen to it revving up and down rather than having music on
It's gonna be rough user. You plan on taking anything to help you stay up?

Saber claimed
>Is it that hard to wait for image limit?


Is it even a contest at this point?

im on my way then
wait does H&G work with respawning guns?
i might be thinking of a different game
??? kek
i thought something like that, did you customise the engine to make it louder?

kek I didn't actually mean to call you hYUNdai

Rem is objectively the best girl, with Crusch coming in a close second.

dont you need a plane ticket? and my bed is only twin. there is one rpg drop in the spawn that respawns every minute or 2

Trinity a best, she's in my top 5

Some people can't do anything right

Reminder Meowmel is best girl


Why would this make you want to ask me out? It was our first class so we literally just got out first assignment

>that dress

it seems a bit...lewd

I'm just doing some practice runs on a bunch of different planets before I find a group to do trinity raids with.

Did I hear lewd?

No I'm not putting any money on this turd but I can still hear it fairly well from the inside when I rev it higher.

Claiming my little angel.

not really. unless coffee counts and that's really only a maybe

idk im weird like that

How much of a slut are you? At least make them post trips or higher.

If someone just says "lewds" you are already half naked.

Dame sluts ~

This isn't even that lewd. There's way worse in Saber's case

Trinity raids?
Do you mean killing the boss or running the raid with her?

Oh my, your scabbard seems to be falling off

i will hijack a plane, i got some facial hair going so if i say some god is great in arabic. I will manage
oh i didnt know that. but you do have a ususal loadout right?
kek poor little car
im pretty sure thats just because its an old car, i remember my brother in law had an old suzuki alto and on the highway we couldnt hear the radio because of how loud the engine was


I think he means the Boss. We were talking a few days ago and he is still early game.

>no lewds
>Russian Goverment bans Pornhub


post Saber lewds


Very weird. Are you going to claim a waifu user?

No crazies allowed


>how do I look when this Japanese ginger fucks me from behind?
>being a christmas cake cuck is hard


Killing the boss.
>mfw very early game

>Legit rolling g for lewds
I only give my real lewds for trips or more

can i claim you?

Miho claimed

Claim this dick nigga

Stop doing that.


You what.

no lewds in return for you then


Post them SSS.2

oh dont do that they will arrest you or something. but its really small espcially with all the blankets and pillows everywhere. yeah a rifle and a grenade or 2

Disgusting shit covered paws. Kill yourself.

Also no underages allowed

Ignore him.

Tulpabro is a crazy that should be purged.

I don't care
>No trips

Can't ignore this dick in your mouth nigga

No, I'm taken by Nazrin and Alice is mine

What do you have to do for 10 hours? Is it something remotely active or are you just gonna sit somewhere doing stuff
It's not that old but it's just a 5 speed and it's geared awfully so I can barely go over 130 on highway without feeling like I'm gonna blow the gasket. That's why I go on smaller winding roads to feel like I'm going fast

Why do you follow me around?

I'm pretty sure Trin is from Vor and Kril
It's a pretty hard fight

But Momma Trinity is worth getting

nice feet

better just kill me now then. also i was second post in thread

for the 10hours, nothing really. i feel like i'm going to pass out very soon because of what i just did though, temporary feeling good for suddenly being super tired is not a good trade off

dont worry i got this, i will put some bombs around my waste so they will never catch me alive
who needs pillows when you have me?
huh i might have the wrong game in mind
heroes and generals is the free steam game right?
is that because of a mistake or is it just a bad car in general?
>to feel like I'm going fast
kek, do you play some sanic music maybe that will help that feeling?

But why not claim a waifu since you're here?

Hello miho
Is the room available?

well i mean then you will never show up here. well i like sleeping in all of my fluff. yeah its pretty weird so im taking a break. q times are really bad in it

My thoughts on Cross Ange so far:
>giant robots
>lesbians on giant robots
>normalfag lesbians on giant robots

Does it have to be trips SSS.2?


hmm, this will do then

For some reason it wasn't that hard. I kept hearing that it was a difficult fight but to took about 5 minutes or so.

That's quite accurate. The only thing I would add to that list would be "princess getting fisted by metal arm".


Nope it really isn't good for a long run, and it's gonna be harsh if you don't really have anything to do.Best of luck with your day
It's funny you talk about sanic because I had to swerve away from a pack of freshly hit critters and one reminded me of a hedgehog


Who's that? I don't think I know her

> tomoko getting cummed on in every thread

Starting to think it's not the shitposter, but fellow waifus!

Because your mouth is so pretty nigga


Hello Shinoa

I got beat up in school today

That sounds like fun. Surgery removal or manual?




sure i will, the landing will be rough, but i will get there someday
yea i remember we could play a game of ARAM in betweeen que times when my friend was at my place
kek, well you avoided them so you did good
>sanic lives to go fast another day
you live in a forested area or something?
mister popular in the building
how you doing friend?

His life sucks.


speaking of a run, maybe i should just go on one. the cold air should wake me up a little.

Rea Sanka, she's the closest i have

Yes it does

She looks cute. Where is she from?

thats dangerous. dont worry the new fold out couch is ready. jeez that bad?

Get the camera ready for this one.

I have to leave now, but enjoy the entertainment.

Cross Ange reminds me of 70s exploitation, that's why it's one of my favorite shows in the last couple of years.