Considering buying it on steam.. is it worth it?

Considering buying it on steam.. is it worth it?


If you're gonna do it, buy ARMA II: Combined Ops

The mod is actually fun. The Standalone is shit.

If you have friends to play with cause if you don't plan to be bored as hell just wandering around and you rarely run into other people

Long answer: No

Short Answer: No

>I Am Cold
>I Have Hypothermia
>I Am Dead

I really regret forking out for it

ppl told me that nobody plays arma II anymore and that dayz is full of bugs and hackers kek

Its a good simulating a zombie apoc, and I never had a more adrenaline pump from another game than this one. But Its boring most of the time and I genuinely think it was a waste of money.

kek.. I played it at my friends house and I got hypertermia when my breath while my breath was condesating.. its pretty glitchy

the arma mod is better

you still get some good overpoch servers


OP here

shit man.. I was so pumped to buy this game.. I guess I´ll keep my money then

the great Arma 2 dayz days are over if you ask me. and standalone is shit


It's been in alpha for fucking ever, Bohemia have made something like 20 - 30 million off it and still can't fix bugs and get it out of alpha, it's fucked

nope, the mod is/was better


So I heard.. it´s like .60 today and still in production.. have I been ripped off? -_-

bad bait

>use heat packs
>put on dry clothes
>still cold

spending countless hours scavenging buildings for food, clothing, antibiotics, etc. is not fun. you spend all your time running around looking for things so you can survive long enough to look for more things to help you survive. you don't have to kill any zombies, you can easily just run away from them. you won't encounter a stupid asshole who wants to kill you and take your trinkets until you've spent 5 hours running around the map and have everything you want. it's a waste of time. fuck days.

>all i do is whine
>exit game

Anyway.. thanks yall for your input.. You guys are awesome

we sure are
now kys

just go to the big international airport.. get fully militarised... profit


We've all been ripped off, it's gotten worse since Dean Hall bailed on the project.

it shouldn't have been that hard for them to make the damn game, all the mechanics, textures and even the entire map was copy pasted over from Arma.

Lazy and incompetent devs, made money off of hype and failed to produce something even somewhat playable.

And the Chernaurus map is way too big for a zombie survival game. it took them 2 years to put drivable vehicles into the game and again they were just copy pasted from Arma.

If you have a good PC you're much better off getting Arma 3 and playing Exile etc.

fkin made my day

kek.. this wouldn´t be 4 chan without telling me to killl myself

----- .---- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- ----- / ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- .---- .---- .---- / ----- .---- ----- ----- .---- ----- ----- .---- / ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- .---- ----- ----- / ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- .---- ----- ----- / ----- ----- .---- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- / ----- ----- .---- .---- .---- ----- ----- ----- / ----- .---- ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- .---- / ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- .---- / ----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- .---- .---- / ----- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- .---- / ----- ----- .---- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- / ----- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- ----- ----- / ----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- ----- .---- / ----- .---- ----- .---- ----- .---- .---- .---- / ----- .---- ----- .---- .---- ----- ----- .---- / ----- .---- ----- ----- .---- .---- ----- .---- Here.

noted user.. gonna look into arma3

No its a cool concept but not a fun game if you have 2-3 friends to play with sure

you say "just go there" like it doesn't take at least an hour to get there from wherever you spawn. you might get some decent gear there if it's a low pop server or recently refreshed, but that's also where asshole's camp and wait for you to scavenge. i'm not going to spend an 1.5+ hours running around just to get a rifle so i can spend another hour waiting to ambush someone or...???. everything in that game requires hours and hours of running/waiting. it's boring. i don't want to grow a garden or pick apples or get diarrhea from drinking from a pond.

its got future potential but there is something about this game that makes me motion sick. I don't know what but I an FPS or MMO for hours. . .this 30 min in I want to throw up

I did change the settings to try to ease this which it did but still good luck to you.

buy H1Z1. I wish i had never bought DayZ Standalone

kek.. always drank from ponds but ok m8.. BF$ or COD suits you more

Sounds like you need a labiaplasty.

The only way it has potential is if they scratch the whole project and sell the rights to a firm that knows what they're doing

i go outside every day you stupid cunt. i don't need to play a walking simulator.

labiaplasty is the surgery to remove beef curtains pussy lips.. wtf user?

This user is right. The fucking game is updating at a snails pace (what? 3 years now, still in alpha) but its better than No man's sky. Lol.

it was around release, but it's been overcome with COD kiddies and autists who fail to uphold the original vision.

I´m not dissing you or callling you a neet.. I like to hike too m8.. calm your fucking tits

Yeah, because you're a bitch. Harden the fuck up.


is bait.

eat a bag a dicks you backpedaling piece of shit.

disable Ambient Occlusion. it's literally cancer.

I bought it on release was fun at the time but everytime I try to play it in the past year it's fucking bugged and unplayable while most servers are dead or broken


you're better off buying either arma 2 or 3 and play the modded dayz servers

The AR-15 one shot headshot kills bother me.

Get ARMA III instead if you dont already have it. There's so much support for it and the devs actually did a good job with it. Plus, there are enough mods and gamemodes to keep you busy for thousands of hours

Makes the thread worth it. Also check'd user

arma 3 is 97% mods. mods mods mods. all people play are mods.

>it's literally cancer
I hate to be that guy but I think you used that wrong

someone said MODS

Fun survival game. If you are easily bored then don't buy this game and continue playing call of duty instead you fucking pleb.

There was a study done recently that literally proved that Ambient Occlusion is literally cancer.

I played a little bit and got interested.. but the bugs are terrible and no fucking people around bothers me

>surviving is fun

Says the no life faggot who never goes outside. How sheltered do you have to be to think simulating drinking and finding food is fun?! You need to be gassed.

>you're hungry
>you're starving
>you're thirsty
>you're thirsty


Just sign up for Obongocare, I'm sure it'll cover the operation.

you're doing it wrong. Food literally grows on trees, and the stuff you find in cans keeps you full a long time. Just about every little town has a water pump where you can drink until you puke. If you're dying from starvation/thirst then you are just bad at gaming.


Does it sound like I don't know what I'm talking about? I know where to pick apples and find beverages! I don't like doing any of those tasks. I don't like constantly being pestered with messages about eating and drinking. When it's not eating/drinking then it's bullshit about being hot, cold, wet, sick, bla bla bla. It's all very tedious. One day when you go outside you'll realize this too.

found your post op pic user

Good decision, I bought it years ago, they will never fix zombies, it will never be the game they promised.

are you actually complaying that you felll hunger, cold and shit when you go outside?? WTF!!!

I hope the search didn't make you too dizzy, Rebecca.

Then survival games are obviously not for you. Go back to call of duty.

It's mein kampf.

> Stop liking what I don't like!

Not at all Bridget

don't tell me where to go nigger.

you should check out rust it looks really good but i have heard that if you want to have fun you really need friends or group to play with or else other people really stomp you and steal all your resources constantly
and other game in that same line is hurtworld which looks good but i haven't looked into it too much because my pc is nof able to play it.
and if you enjoy roll playing (i have heard that people specifically buy these kind of games for roleplaying) than you should try starbound, terraria and specially space station 13, there is also a /vg/ server for ss13. have fun OP



Thanks bro! my brother actually plays Rust, I played it a little bit and yes It´s tough

starbound was also in early access and now its completed even Sup Forums shill that game looks really good and it already had a lot servers

hurtworld looks like dog shit. it has very poor reviews and only 1500 people playing currently.

ARK is far superior to Rust.

graphics look kinda good,but well my toaster is not able to play it anyway

that game is so unoptimized, at least for AMD GPUs. it looks like ass, too

i think its worthy, from my experience. There are a lot of bugs tho, but if you are going to play with friends its tottally wothfull

pic related, me and friends

Can your toaster take you to their discussions forum on Steam so you can read about what a terrible game it is?

Just buy Squad and get good at it.


Sure, but it makes up for that in gameplay. Eventually it will get optimized.

It will take you over an hour to link up with your friends who spawn in various places all over the map, and another hour to find the shit you need to start a car.

in the begining yes, but with tools like "IZurvive" it becomes reeeally easy to find yourself, find friends and find cars.
People are too pre judgemental over this game, hating it with less than 8 hours of gameplay. It takes time till you become good and stuff like finding yourself become something easy to do

Squad is clunky. The movement is slow and awkward. You take too long to jump, go prone. stand up, switch weapons, sprinting is slower than aids. You get fall damage from everything. Seeing enemies at a distance is very difficult because everything is blurry. The sounds are great though.

Thank you kind user!

Was actually not that hard, but there is still kindness besides reckless faggotry on this board

thanks for the input m8

I mean, yeah, but it's alpha and they are constantly working on it. They even have Discord and Reddit to talk to the mods. It's a fantastic game if you like realistic shooters but don't want to find servers on Arma3 or DayZ.

>ok i know where i am, i'll be there in an hour

it still takes a long time to link up because the map is massive and running is running. it still take a long time to find things because of how those things spawn/respawn. i don't hate the game, i don't like that doing anything takes multiple hours. you can't just play it for an hour and have fun, you have to invest a couple hours first and then you can do what you want to do.

take a look here too: you gonna struggle in the begining, but after a while the real fun starts to build, but, in my opinion, its only really fun and good when played with friends

I can't seem to get it working. Using six shit here.
It launches and then when it connects to the server I don't know what the fuck happens and then crashes. With everyone.
Tried everything

My trips speak truth.

I know it's alpha, I play it every day, but that doesn't mean I'm happy with it. It's not a realistic shooter though. The sounds are fairly accurate but there's nothing realistic about the game.

I´m gonna play a little more of it at my friends house then.. but I´m not completly sold on it yet.. even Tibia was fun if you had friends back in the ye old days

Well it's more realistic than Battlefield and Call of Duty.

If you want to play something MORE realistic than Squad or Insurgency, like Arma3 go ahead, but some people want a fine middle. Like you and me.

Yeah the game is clunky but I still suggest supporting them.
