What is this

what is this

An high capacity assualt molester

It's your Autistic beta gay rifle, what? Dont like it faggot OP.

moden art.

Isn't that from toy story

grammar nigger


My fleshlight

OP's gun

a weapon to surpass the metal gear

Nothing is wrong with his grammer faggot, migga you blind?

The tighty whitey is a bit of a turn off but would bang.

I actually laughed, thank you

how much do you want for it

idk What is this

the tumblr sjw agenda.

A sexual assault rifle


probably some mushroom thing

Weapon of ass destruction

I'm pretty sure that is the weapon that is issued to all isis fighters

Donald Trump with a hangover.

Hillary Clinton at the next election rally.

It's an art piece by Gregary Opme
it's called Fortitude

Hipster Faggot art