Worst music fanbases thread

>Worst music fanbases thread

Fall Out Boy fans are the worst imho

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=disturbed sound of silence

it's past 2007, nobody talks about fall out boy

Five Finger Death Punch
Breaking Benjamin
Awol nation

Music for fags by fags

Nickleback fans and Oasis fans


Their video games are pretty good though.

Oh shit they better kill them self before something like that happend

Twenty one pilots
Panic at the Disco
My chemical romance

>metalcore/deathcore/screamo/nu metal/etc.
bunch of 14 year old scene kid faggots and edgy tryhard shitheads

>djent and all the false modern "prog"
it's just metalcore for hipsters

>indie, "post"-anything, any genre which you have to be high to enjoy
fans of these types of music are the worst combination of vapid stoner morons and pretention

twenty one pilots for sure they all think its what REAL MUSIC sounds like

I feel like if we hung out we would end up fucking

i mean yea i'd be down

The only song I've ever heard of them was some whiney as fuck shit about wishing they were babies again when they got stressed.


Musical elitists who don't like people enjoying things they don't are the worst imo.


their fanbase is horrifying, i'll give you that

but ICP would actually be pretty listenable if their lyrics didn't sound like the angry notebook scribblings of a future school shooter

icp is hilarious, fuck off.

Found the George Micheals fan.

If they like FFDP or Godsmack they guaranteed to be an obnoxious douche.

Any 'hip-hop head' who claims that 'guitar music is over' can off themselves. I like rap but so many fans are fucking insufferable.

Anyone whose primary genre is trap. As in people who listen to it while reading an article or some shit.

Anything with the word post in it.

Any form of grind.

Especially Nirvana.

Dont trash talk ICP you fucking cumslut. My ninjas from the hood will fuck your fuckin face up

>implying they have fans

hell make a vodoo doll of ya and flick its nuts

Blood on the Dance Floor.
I don't need to say anything.

blood on the dance floor
and literally every young succesful metal bands from the U.S.A.

Man it's almost as if these bands cynically targeted at stupid teenagers have the worst fans.

Who would have thought

Black Veil Brides xoxo *rawr*

>Breaking Benjamin
I didn't know people liked this shit still until I ended up working with a die-hard breaking benjamin fan a few years ago.

I feel like it's in the same club as things like disturbed/puddle of mudd, where it's ok to be into it when you're and angry fat 15 yr old, but not as a grown man

youtube.com/results?search_query=disturbed sound of silence

Even though all the faggy -core bands aimed at angsty teens and scene kids have their main fanbase, what's even more annoying sometimes is the small percentage of people who are fans of actual metal too, but listen to the -core bands and then get all pissed off and act like they have no idea why those bands are so reviled

Nickelback fans because they are braindead wannabes and ICP fans because they are braindead anti-wannabes. Flip sides of the same retard coin. Both exalt music that horribly sucks ass and their fans should be euthanized for the greater good of humanity.

Pretty much anyone that isn't into Coheed is doing it wrong

this is the wrong board to ask.
Sup Forums's taste in music is laughably shit
yours probably is too.

Pink Floyd fans.
Pinkk Floyd is good, but the fans are fucking terrible they think that the only good music in history come from them

>mfw listening to trap reading this

almost every band from that era has that issue...people did their first hit of acid while listening to a band and then they spend the rest of their life talking about how mind-blowing that band is

I'll agree that the teenagers nowadays who idolize Kurt Cobain are annoying but they were a kickass rock n roll band. It was something honest, and real, and exposed a lot of people to some form of punk rock which they could use to delve deeper into more underground acts. Perfect catalyst for a suburban kid like me to discover the 80's underground hardcore/punk/alternative scene.

The music board is fucking terrible too don't worry, I can't make 9/11 jokes while posting in there.

By the way Joy Division fan here


they should be ashamed of themselves for not existing.




Well no, nirvana was fucking bad, average at best

Yea man Nirvana has great music, but this cult of personality around Cobain can fuck right off.

I still hold that Alice and Soundgarden are faaar superior grunge bands though.

O shit...
What's non-faggot metal?

Sup Forums has hilariously bad taste in music.

Metal that dudes don't listen to while fucking other dudes.

Don't pretend like you wouldn't let these beefcakes get down on you.

so no rammstein?

That's your opinion and I respectfully disagree. So does Iggy Pop.

Never cared much for the term "grunge". Alice in Chains, Soundgarden etc are far more Metal sounding than Nirvana. Not much of a metal fan so the only bands from the Seattle scene that I really got into was Nirvana and Mudhoney. I feel like Nirvana's music was more of a hybrid of 70's punk, 80's new wave, and a hint of sludge. Especially their early stuff. I mean for fucks sake they had Pat Smear play guitar for them on the In Utero tour and Big John from the exploited was Kurt's guitar tech.


Grunge to me was existential whininess but if I had to pick the best of the genre this was bretty gud

go back to Sup Forums already and your 'undiscovered' hive masturbation

Blood on the dance floor. Christ lads ths could be used in cia torture...


>Join game, which game doesn't matter fuck you stop stressing me

>game has option to stream a YouTube link audio in a local area

>find a few people who like rap
>I'm the new guy so they ask me to throw something on

Now, the level of how shit my taste is might be debatable but I played some shit like Big L, Percee P, ILL Bill, some throw-backs like NWA etc...

They tell me that's all old shit that no one likes anymore.
They proceed to play and circle jerk stuff like:

>BRRRRR BRRRRR 8/10 instruments are bass
>spoken in a "dude my manager told me to act like I'm ODing on 30 xanax peelz uhh" tone, you know the type

I didn't rag on them because aside from that they're cool people but... Damn that's what's considered good in hiphop/rap these days?

Yeah. -my- taste is shit.

FFDP 10/10, would jerk off to again ;)

Can I watch?

If there is a masturbation hive near me, please let me know the location, faggot.

If you still listen to any "alternative" music from the 90s other than Nirvana you are probably the worst. How people listen to that droning obnoxious shit is beyond me. The 90s has to be the worst decade for rock since the invention of rock...

The only good Sup Forums music threads are metal and god-tier. Even this thread sucks the newfags ass.

Classic rock, hair metal, and classic metal, deathcore, death metal, grunge, basically every genera has the worst following.

They're all faggots.

Anyone who needs to wear a band t shirt to show you what band they listen to, or needs to tell you about who they listen to 24/7 needs to get a job

If you have the humor of a fucking 12 year old, maybe.

Fuck you tipical nigger

every metalcore fan ever

Your shitpost is proof that I'm right. Thanks.

Also if you are into any music with "core" as part of a word that isn't "hardcore" you are a faggot.

>I go to Sup Forums to have deep discussions with other enlightened individuals like myself.

All cores suck, even yours. There is no exception to the rule. dealwithit.jpg

You and me are friends now.

I like nightcore

Have you ever heard of Screaming Trees? You might like them, they're a lot less punk-y but very good. I recommend Troubled Times.


Me too

I just was giving "Hardcore" a pass as a punk subgenre it's been around long enough to not be as faggy as the others.


My man

Sure. The more the merrier.

everything gets faggier with time though.

Fuck me Sup Forums has the same taste of this legend right here

I mean I would never claim to be a fan of current gen hardcore but I wouldn't feel like a total fag claiming I like to listen to older hardcore. If that makes sense.

Tool fans are the worst.

Yes I do get it.

Maynard isn't that deep or even that interesting for that matter.

I've tried to get into tool so many times and it just wont click. I don't know what these people see.

Fucking this. Especially metal elitists
>hurr durr, you like Metallica's black album
>you must be retarded and I'm more metal than you

came here to post something similar, right on

Okay, thanks! You won't see me, but I'll be watching. :)

Tech Nine
Anyone on the Strange label
Anyone on the Psychopathic Records label
Five Finger Death Punch

I listen to tech nine but wouldn't at all consider myself a juggalo.

Tech makes good music, for real

I honestly like almost every genre of music. Elitist metal fans are the fucking worst though.

Hurr not trve kvult enough yer not metal hurrr
Black metal fan here. Some other fans are a bunch of retards who only listen to be edgy, not for the atmosphere it creates or the feelings caused by them grinding abrasive guitars

whatever fag shit this faggot listens to:
Hipster mix, Screamo, soundtracks to those movies that win emmys that you never even heard of.

I don't give a shit about twenty one pilots one way or the other, but their fanbase is irritating.

I like Nirvana. I can listen to Britany Spears like you do though.

>movies that win emmys

Are those black metal musicians or professional wrestlers?

5sos fans, bunch of cunts who can't accept that a boy band isn't punk rock

A band
I like them because they don't take themselves seriously like some edgy fucks


Literally all fanbases are cancer. Show me a fanbase that isn't filled to the brim with autistic morons. It's ok to like stuff just don't fucking obsess and sperg out all over it.

This. A thousand times this!