Anyone into fb collages/expose?

anyone into fb collages/expose?



For me they're kind of hit or miss. This one is a favorite though because of how scandalous it is.



bump for more!



Name info?


I only like them if they were actually posted on FB or something.

Anyone have the full set of this guy. He's posted a lot.

Well post these sluts

anyone know where these are mainly posted?

They seem to be primarily distributed by a very quiet network across various chans, boards, and subreddits. I do not know how deep the rabbit hole goes, but I have measured some response times. Within a day one of these collages can be on numerous onion and non-onion sites.

then do screenshot and post here


>I wish women put out more.
*girls put out more*
>zomg all women are sluts


>hello jim

Love these, I'll dump a few

Never go full retard user. Never.





Already posted a Collage to girl?

Who has the Sailor Jessica vids? I haven't seen those in years.



bump for sailor jess vids

>have attractive, loving gf
>set up gangbangs for her
>photograph it
>make a collage of the photos
>circulate it for fun

I don't fully comprehend some people's sexuality though I am appreciative.


bumping for this Style of Pics!

Wish i knew these onion sites...

Different format, but I kind of like it.

They come and go. SJWs raid them a lot.

keep going! love these~

I have a bunch of her stuff from back in the day. On a CD somewhere, don't ask, Sup Forums will have been pruned completely by the time I find it. She and her dad scrubbed her stuff off the internet using DMCA take-down demands.