Sup Forums Let's create another fake iPhone ad that can go viral

Sup Forums Let's create another fake iPhone ad that can go viral.

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I say that make an ad that tells users that the son of a bitches are heat resistant

or solar charged. needs to be left in direct sunlight to charge


this. you can throw your phone in a campfire or even use a blowtorch on it

Direct sunlight to charge

Solar. Leave on dashboard of car to charge. Can slide out of window when driving or be stolen when parked.

I second this. Nigga

The new iPhone is bendproof it will bend back and heal itself with applying heat.

They are manufactured by gays, for gays. They emit supersonic frequencies that trigger normal brains into the brains of homosexuals.

this actually has potential. I can see the Westboro Baptist church picketing apple stores.

> Iphone six could bend very ez

> tell them Apple used new super strong iron which cant bend by a humans


anti-magnetic materials

then watch iFaggots place them on magnets and have them destroyed with no chance to revive

nice try /threading your own post faggot.

That it has a 3.5 mm headphones jack, it's hidden inside, all you need to do is file a bit off the phone off

Holy shit this is it.

combine two

this is a fuckin good one

does anny user knows a strong material for this

anyone good at making graphics

it can measure your weight, if you step on it

but i doubt that people would believe this since there have already been (fake) weight measuring apps

Apple iPhone freeze, are you afraid of not having enough battery power for tomorrow? Take advantage of iPhones water resistance and place the phone in a cup filled with water, drop it in the freezer and wait until the next day. This will cause your battery's ion capacitor's to run at half the normal power consumption. Making your battery last twice as long.

Yeah not sure about that user me old m8

I feel like even the biggest autist in the world wouldn't fall for this user.

this is not a good one. phones have flash storage wich don't get affected by magnets

Stop discussing this one will work

> be alpha male
> see this feature
> use gf new mob to see if I can bend it
> actually bend it
> happy alpha male thinking he's strong
> Stacies leaving their alpha males

> r9k happy as well

I'll make one, give me ideas and Itll be done later

This is probably the best one in the thread. Marketing needs to appeal to people, and the best way to appeal to people is to come off stronger or better than you used to be. Since Apple has a known problem with their phones bending, we need to play off the thought of "Yeah, our phones used to bend, so we did THIS to be better".

Finding an intelligible idea as to why the phones are better than they used to be before bending is what we actually need to be discussing.

the ideas are all here fag

techrax tried to put one on a monster magnet and it went fucked real quick

the bending one is 100% the best one and we should go with it.

bump mayne

Also here:

Bounce proof.throw off a wall. All is well

titanium coating on the back and ultra thin diamond coating on the screen or some stuff

some retarded name for the technology like iCoat or BendGuard idk

Fuck off, samefag.

Slam dunk Apple



bump bump bump bump bump that shiiiiiieit

Designing one of these is hard, getting Apples font is impossible without either hacking it or working on a Mac. As the fonts only available via Mac sdk sooo. Enless soneone here has an easy way of getting the font San Francisco then were kinda stuck

Use a standard font and photoshop it till it's a little bit squished together.

Apple's font is Myriad Pro, it's really easy because it's Adobe's font built into almost all of their applications. Let me know what I need to do to make this better, I just threw in a bunch of science bullshit and something clever that Apple would say without admitting defeat to their previous products.

its not that fucking hard

Something about niggers too

Apparently my spacebar is broken, let me make some revisions.

take out some of those big words and all the semi colons and shit, messy as fuck. and autists wont understand any of that. otherwise good job. faggot.

 fag Here. Maybe focus on the air pods and charger. Easy to get lost or can use them in the anus with the bass EQ turned on. Maybe they are water proof too?

Either bending or the ear pods are good points to make. nice one user.

IPhone 7 weight sensor. Max weight 1000kg

Here ya fucks

Make the text justified.
The "We get it." part and the main text don't start at the same place horizontally.
Are you sure about that gradient?
The photo is very unclear.
On the desktop it's way too big. We only have 100dpi here pls.

Thanks, I like my iPhone and iMac but I love seeing people trolled more

Say iOS10 has a feature that automatically censors any of your passwords or credit card numbers if you accidentally tell someone. Some people will brag about the feature to a friend and test it out and give out passwords.

definitaley best idea

Can someone take this and make it less autistic and not shit?

Making changes, thanks, guys.

The "We are not responsible..." text needs to be as small as the Copyright notice. And more like the background gray. Ideally you just leave it out.

How about we tell them they can't be sliced by a blender

this one it would work but its useless. instead of that putit in water then freeze it

I saw a youtube video where someone put the iPhone 6 in the water and their freezer along with a Samsung Galaxy S7 and thawed it out and both phones worked afterwards. So I don't this idea would really fuck anyone up especially since the iPhone 7 actually advertises waterproof


How about lavaproof?

do you think the real world is minecraft?


Water resistant

Can I ask what font you used?

invalid font file dick head



old meme

nobody has lava in their backyard, so this would not have any fun consequences.
You want something that even tech-illiterate normies would do, using things that they all have access to.

Maybe something that makes them put it into the microwave? Say it's necessary to defragment the filesystem or so.



pls include me in screencap anons :)

Make one which comes across as really racist with something like "With our new security option, you can make it where any black person touching your phone immediately notifies the police." So we make Apple seem like a racist company and get liberal faggots screaming that Apple is racist.

make it happen captn'

I like this, but the design looks off, not authentic

thats just useless

are u twelve?


Wanna fix it for me then?

STALE or DEAD meme

this made me cringe

No. Not water proof. The advertise resistant. Big diff. Easy to confuse

IPhone 7 radar gun scammer, drive as fast as you want

Charge your phone with your wall outlet while swimming in your pool and texting with it


USB-C compatible?

That ought to wreck the port right?

memess bump

fuck yeah, i got some lava right here ready to go

Due to IP68 rating as advertised, Iphone 7 can now safely be dropped into scolding hot tea or coffee. Never again will you lose data because your phone came too close to a trough of starbucks.


I don't think this will to any damage

Bendgate has been fixed, not even slamming your butt into a church pew will bend this sucker.

Sorry, change the wording around, removed the gradient, picked a better quality photo, and took our grammar/large words.


It'll probably boil off the adhesive keeping the screen on, after which the water can easily get behind the screen.